Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,169 Cat Lady

The cat ran very fast, and Zhao Wangcai was chasing after it desperately.

Seeing that he is really tired, the strange cat will stop and let him take a breath. After running around all day and night, Zhao Wangcai was led to a paper figurine shop in the city.

"That cat calls herself Cat Lady, and said that as long as I do what she says, I will definitely make a lot of money." Zhao Wangcai stopped here and took a long breath: "I guess you also know what happens next. . I also know that I am harming people, but I really can’t kill a hero for a penny.”

"Have you only seen that strange cat, but never the cat lady herself?" I was a little confused.

"Yes." Zhao Wangcai nodded: "I have been there so many times and I have never seen anyone. Oh, by the way, there is a little girl with a cat face. The little girl's mouth is so sweet, one bite at a time "Uncle," he shouted, "very well-behaved."

When I heard this, I immediately became confused.

I also saw the little girl last night, but she was extremely insensitive and could only say "grandma is not at home". How come she doesn't look like the same person as Zhao Wangcai described?

Zhao Wangcai didn't see the confusion on my face and continued: "Hey, a good little girl has a cat face for who knows what disease she has. It's such a pity."

I thought about it secretly and then asked, "Then why does Cat Lady want to help you make money?"

"I don't know about that either." Zhao Wang shook his head: "Anyway, it just asked me to pick up the Yin Soul Powder every seven days and bring Folu with me."

"Folu, what is Folu?" I asked curiously.

"It's a small bowl under the statue. Every seven days, some water will come out of it." Zhao Wangcai pointed to a small compartment not far away.

Under the statue? seven days.

These two words came into my mind at the same time, immediately reminding me of an ancient forbidden art.

Gathering the Sun to Resurrection Technique!

People cannot be resurrected after death. No matter who they are or how powerful they are, they cannot live forever.

However, there are several forbidden arts that can prolong life and even be reborn through reincarnation. The Sun-Gathering Resurrection Technique is one of them.

Everyone who comes to the store to eat fried rice will have their yang energy slowly taken away. Under the action of the Yang Gathering Soul Resurrection Technique, these yang energy will slowly disappear.

Condensed into water and preserved, this is: Huiyang Dew.

Continuously drinking Yang Yang Dew will make your soul stronger and stronger, thus greatly increasing the chance of rebirth through reincarnation.

I remember that in the dream last night, the strange cat once said something about returning to the soul. It seems to be the case!

That old guy is already dead! It's just that the soul is immortal and resides in the cat's body. However, she still had a wishful thinking and wanted to use Zhao Wangcai to help her collect Yang Dew and then be reborn.

The reborn body cannot be kept away, and the soul must be fused every seven days. From this point of view, the body she uses for rebirth is that little girl.

Once the soul is fused, the body will be temporarily confused and unable to speak clearly.

When I asked her last night, that was exactly what the little girl was doing!

At this point, I put all the clues together, and the whole story suddenly became clear——

Cat Lady didn't know where she learned a series of forbidden techniques. Although she was dead, she was unwilling to accept it, so she found a little girl suitable for soul fusion, and used Zhao Wangcai's greed to help him collect Yang Dew. , waiting for an opportunity to be reborn.

However, unfortunately, because Zhong Xiaopang was robbed of his business, he secretly launched an investigation and then asked me for help.

Last night, I found the secret door in the dead end and went to the door, which aroused the hostility of the cat woman. But my spiritual power was too strong, so it couldn't make a move for a while, so it gave Zhong Xiaopang a death-killing evil spirit.

I wanted to kill Fatty Zhong and warn me not to interfere, but unexpectedly, I broke her plan...

Later, it made up its mind to get rid of all my Zhong Xiaopang to avoid future troubles.

Everyone is greedy, but for the sake of selfish desires, using forbidden magic to kill innocent people indiscriminately and harm living beings, as a ghost dealer, I will never tolerate it.

Don't you want to die?

Well, I will let you die completely!

"Hey, I was really in a daze for a moment and did such an immoral thing." Zhao Wangcai sighed in annoyance and said: "Thank you, Master, for helping me to understand and break the ghost slave contract. I will listen to you in everything." Yes, I am closing my business now and will never come back again.”

After saying that, he barely supported his body and stood up unsteadily.

"No, you have to continue to open this store." I shook my head.

"What? It's still open." Zhao Wangcai was very puzzled.

"Yes, not only do we have to open it, but we also need to extend the business hours and try to sell more." I said firmly, "Starting from tomorrow, every order of fried rice you order will come with a bowl of soup."

"What soup?" Zhao Wangcai was even more confused.

"Using willow leaves and lotus roots to make soup, and adding more mung beans can remove the yin energy from the diners' bodies." I explained.

"Okay, okay, I'll remember it." Zhao Wangcai is not a fool. He immediately understood that I was helping him make up for the sins he had committed before, and he immediately agreed.

"Dad, bring the food!" Zhao Wangcai's wife shouted outside the door.

"You should be busy first. Remember, evil and good are all in one thought. God is watching your every move." After I said that, I opened the door and walked out.

"Okay! I will remember it and will always remember it!" Zhao Wangcai shed tears and bowed deeply to me.

When her wife saw me staying alone in the kitchen for so long, she thought I was extorting money and looked at her very unkindly. However, I was too lazy to pay attention and strode out of Chao Restaurant.

The plan to get rid of the cat lady has been secretly taking shape in my mind, and Zhao Wangcai is an irreplaceable part of it. However, it is not convenient for me to reveal it to him at this time.

I took a taxi directly back to Zhong Xiaopang’s house.

Sangangzi looked at the peephole for a long time, and after confirming that it was me, he opened the door and let out a sigh of relief: "Master Zhang, you are finally back."

"What? What happened while I was away?"

San Gangzi turned his head and looked in the direction of the bedroom. As if he was afraid that Zhong Xiaopang's wife would hear him, he deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Brother Zhong turned into a cat. Not long after you left, he went crazy. First, he grabbed a piece of wire and tried to push it into the plug and get an electric shock. After I stopped him, he grabbed me like crazy. When I wasn't paying attention, he broke away again, ran into the kitchen, stretched his neck and rubbed the kitchen knife! It was so scary! Damn me!"

Sangangzi showed me the multiple cuts on his neck that were bloody and shocking.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"I stuffed it into a cardboard box." Sangangzi said, leading me into the study.

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