Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,170 The crow of the cock drives away ghosts, and the cock's saliva suppresses evil sp

Zhong Xiaopang was not a cultured person, but he was still arty and had a study room. There was a large cardboard box on the table in the study room, with more than a dozen books heavily placed on it.

"It's right here." Sangangzi pointed at the carton and said in shock and fear: "He keeps trying different ways to seek death. I can't stop him no matter what, so I have to put him here. Master Zhang... You must find a way to save Brother Zhong."

His eyes were slightly red and bloodshot. He didn't sleep all night, and he cried a lot.

I walked over and slowly took off the books on the carton. As soon as the weight was reduced, the carton shook violently.

I carefully opened a gap and looked inside. The cat inside seemed to have noticed my gaze and raised its head suddenly!

Its eyes turned fiery red, full of hostility.


It bared its teeth and roared with great rage, then swooped up and hit the lid of the box with a bang.

But it still refused to give up and kept beating wildly, as if it wanted to tear me alive.

I picked up the book and pressed it down again.

"Master Zhang, what's going on?" San Gangzi looked at me with confusion on his face.

"He is under a curse." Seeing that Sangangzi was still confused, I explained calmly: "He is completely out of control of his body now, and he doesn't even remember who he is."

"What should we do?" San Gangzi became even more worried upon hearing this.

"There is only one way." I paused and said, "Get rid of the spell caster behind it completely."

Upon hearing this, Sangangzi gritted his teeth fiercely, patted his chest and said, "Tell me, who the hell is behind this? I would rather take a bullet than lead my brothers on the road to kill him."

"There's no need to take advantage of him, he's just a cat." I said calmly.

"Cat?" San Gangzi was stunned.

"Yes." I nodded: "I have found out clearly. The culprit is a cat, a demon cat who has learned some forbidden skills and seeks immortality. Now let's discuss how to get rid of it."

"Okay!" San Gangzi nodded happily.

"Prepare more quicklime, find some dogs, the more aggressive the better, and buy some cow bones. We'll start in a few days." I ordered.

"That's all?" San Gangzi asked in confusion: "Do you need to find more people? I'll call some brothers..."

"No, what we have to deal with is a demon cat. No matter how many people there are, it won't work." I turned around and looked at the carton: "Put some food in the box, and just keep it here for the next few days! And , Zhong Xiaopang’s body has also been sent to the hospital for maintenance, so that nothing goes wrong again when he comes back to life.”

"Okay, I'll do it right away." San Gangzi nodded repeatedly.

"That's it for now, I'll go back and get ready. Take Zhong Xiaopang's phone number and I'll contact you in a few days." After saying that, I turned around and walked out.

"Right." When I walked to the door, I turned around and ordered: "Right, it's best to send him to the military hospital. There is a military emblem hanging there, so evil spirits don't dare to come near."

"Okay." San Gangzi agreed.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

That afternoon, I called Sangangzi and told him to bring Lime and the dog. The time has come to take action!

Afterwards, I took a taxi and headed straight to the east of the city.

The front door of Zhao Ji Fried Rice was still bustling with people. I stood on the opposite side and peeped at it from a distance. In addition to the hot-selling fried rice, each order also came with an extra bowl of green soup.

Zhao Wangcai's wife was so busy that she was sweating, but her face could not stop the joy.

After waiting for a long time, the fried rice was finally sold out, and the people who didn't get in line left one after another in great annoyance, and then I walked into the store.

Zhao Wangcai's wife glanced at me angrily and continued to clean up the pots and dishes, making a clanging sound.

I ignored her and opened the door directly and walked into the kitchen.

Zhao Wangcai was washing the big iron pot. He couldn't help but raise his head when he heard the door. When he saw it was me, he was shocked and said: "Master, you..."

"It's okay, keep busy, I'm just here to take a look." I walked around the kitchen with my hands behind my back, and finally walked into the small cubicle in the corner.

The statue of the Evil Ghost Bodhisattva is enshrined there, and the altar table is filled with fruits and incense candles. It seems that my worries are not unnecessary at all. Although Zhao Wangcai has not lost his conscience, he has not changed his greed.

After I was released from the ghost slave contract and had no worries, although he obeyed my words and gave every customer a bowl of lotus root soup, he still did not give up on this lucrative business.

Fortunately, I hid my plan at the time and didn't tell the whole story about the plan to eliminate the cat lady.

I turned my head and looked outside. Although Zhao Wangcai stared at me from time to time, he was far away after all, and it was pitch dark in the compartment, so he couldn't see my movements clearly at all.

So, I picked up the statue of Evil Ghost Bodhisattva. There was a small bowl placed under the statue. The Huiyang Dew in the bowl was crystal clear, and most of it had already accumulated.

I quickly took out a small bottle from my arms, squeezed a few drops of liquid into it, then placed the statue, and walked out slowly as if nothing happened.

"Should you go get the ghost powder again tonight?" I asked casually.

"Uh..." Zhao Wangcai swallowed hard and gritted his teeth and said: "It should be, but I won't go today, and I will close the door tomorrow." He couldn't figure out the meaning of my words, and looked at me furtively. , two big hands wiped vigorously on the dirty black apron.

"How can that be done?" I pretended to be angry and said, "Selling rice is fake, but delivering soup is real. There are so many people who have eaten your ghost rice, and all of them have ghost babies in their stomachs. If you don't help them get rid of them, will they still be pregnant?" Are you human? You have to keep selling this meal! You have to get the Yinhun powder again tonight, otherwise who will drink the willow lotus root soup."

"Yes, yes, it all depends on Master Zhang's arrangement." Upon hearing this, Zhao Wangcai's heart finally dropped and he revealed a greedy look.

"That's good." I nodded: "I'm here today to give you something."

As I said that, I took out a stone and handed it over: "This is a coffin stone. It contains Yin Qi. Your ghost slave contract has been released by me. If you go to Mao Po tonight, you will definitely notice it. As long as you put this thing away If you carry it with you, she won't be able to spot any flaws."

"Okay, thank you, master." Zhao Wangcai happily accepted it.

I gave him a few more instructions and then left the fried rice restaurant.

San Gangzi received my call and was waiting in the old town. He drove a small truck specifically for pulling pigs. The back compartment was tightly sealed with an iron cage. There were more than a dozen bags of lime powder piled on top. There were also seven or eight Tibetan mastiffs, all of them strong and barking wildly. He kept shouting.

Very well prepared.

He asked me very strangely, what do I need these things for? I'll tell you in a moment.

After dark, I drove the car to the dead end with him, turned off the car lights and waited quietly.

The streets were deserted, except for the cars full of dogs barking.

After waiting for a long time, there was finally a jingle in the distance, and through the dim street lights, a thin figure could be vaguely seen coming here on a bicycle.

It was Zhao Wangcai.

"Damn it, it's all this kid's fault!" Sangangzi immediately hated him when he saw it.

"Don't make a sound." I warned.

Zhao Wangcai became more vigilant now. He stared at our car for a long time, then circled around again, and then got into a dead end.

After a while, this guy came out again in a sneaky way. He looked at us from a distance for a while, and when he saw that there was no movement, he safely turned back to the dead end.

"Mr. Zhang, should we get out of the car and follow him?" San Gangzi asked anxiously.

"No, just wait here." I lit a cigarette silently.

After another long time, Zhao Wangcai came out on his bicycle.

He looked towards us and saw that there was still no movement, so he ignored us and continued to walk away.

Under the illumination of the light, it was clearly visible that his hands had changed again. They were exactly the same as that night, white and red, like a girl.

Although the ghost slave bond on him has been released by me, the coffin cushion I gave him in the afternoon has the same effect. It can at least hide it from the cat lady for a while and prevent her from seeing any flaws.

In addition, I had secretly added some chicken saliva, which is the saliva of a big rooster, to the Huiyang Dew that Zhao Wangcai gave to the cat lady.

As the saying goes: cock crow drives away ghosts, cock saliva suppresses evil spirits! From a character point of view, chicken saliva and Yanghui dew are both pure yang things, so the cat lady should not be able to detect it when mixed with it. But if she drinks chicken saliva, those harmful forbidden techniques will not be able to be used for a short time.

"Drive over." I pointed at the entrance of the alley opposite and ordered.

Sangangzi parked the car at the edge of the alley, and I asked him to take out the cow bones and throw them into the dead end from a distance.

Then he opened the trunk and released all the Tibetan mastiffs.

These dogs had been locked up all day and were very hungry. When they smelled the scent of flesh and blood, they all screamed and rushed in.

"Okay." I dusted off my hands and said, "Let's go to the street in front, the show is about to begin!"

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