Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,171 Flying Needle Kills the Cat Lady (Additional Update)

San Gangzi was still a little confused.

I explained: "The cat lady lives in the paper doll shop on the street in front, so I used the vicious dog to block her way to prevent her from escaping later."

"Oh, it turns out that dogs are used to scare cats." San Gangzi suddenly realized: "Then why don't you save a few for use at the front?"

"The front has its own use." I smiled lightly and said, "Isn't there still lime on the car?"

After a while, the car drove to Front Street.

The streets were even more deserted at the moment, and even the street lights were broken. Only a few lights were scattered at the end of the street.

Just like the last time I came here, there was an extremely strong smell of burning paper in the air.

All the shops were closed, and the rusty gates reflected the starlight like strange faces. There was only a slightly open door at the end of the street, and a dim light came from it.

"That's it, surround it with lime!" I shouted.

"Okay!" Sangangzi braked and stopped in front of the door. Then the two of us picked up the lime and sprinkled it bag by bag.

The amount he prepared was sufficient. Not to mention the door, even the road was completely paved.

Seeing that the plastering was finished, I took out a magic talisman and said to San Gangzi: "Now there is only one last thing left! Cat Lady has never seen you, so you can go in pretending to be a paper buyer. If When you see a little girl, throw down the magic charm and take her out."

"Little girl, what little girl?" San Gangzi asked doubtfully.

"The Cat Lady wants to be reborn in the body of a little girl. The one we want to kill is the Cat Lady. The little girl is innocent," I replied.

"Oh, okay!" San Gangzi took the talisman and walked in.

"Fuck!" As soon as he opened the door, he was so frightened that he took several steps back and screamed so loudly that I could hear clearly from a distance.

It's also my fault that I forgot to remind him that opening the door in the middle of the night and suddenly seeing a room full of paper figures was really scary.

After waiting for a while, the door suddenly opened, and San Gangzi rushed out with a roar. He also had a little girl under his arm and ran very fast.

Meow! A cat meowed from the house, followed by dozens of white-faced strange cats chasing out.

But just after chasing a few steps, they all stopped.

The door is covered with quicklime, and these sinister creatures dare not set foot there.

The paws of a few strange cats that accidentally stepped on suddenly emitted a burst of white smoke, and they kept screaming. The other cats stared at us with their eyes wide and exposed their white fangs.

With a bang, the window was opened, and a strange cat with a white face and a red body stood on the window lattice, looking at us with faint eyes.

I saw Sangangzi running towards me, so I immediately took out a lighter and lit a talisman.

boom! There was a boom and explosion in the paper doll shop, and in a blink of an eye, flames shot into the sky.

What I asked San Gangzi to throw down just now was a mother-and-son fire and thunder talisman. As long as one of them is lit, the other one will explode accordingly.

The paper shop is filled with paper figures and horses, which are impossible to control once they catch fire.

The strange cats were stained a lot by the flames flying around, and coupled with a circle of quicklime outside, they screamed for a while!

A flame burned on the red cat's face. It quickly waved its paws to extinguish the fire. Then it stared at the cats struggling in the fire with its green eyes, and then suddenly turned its head to meet my gaze.


It roared wildly, jumped down from the window lattice, and rushed straight towards me!

It stood on a high place and jumped extremely far this time.

After the four paws were stained with lime, thick white smoke rose. But it didn't care at all, and endured the pain and pounced on me, as if it wanted to avenge its own kind.

I pulled out a magic talisman and was about to throw it out when I saw the strange cat turn sharply and rush towards San Gangzi.

not good! This guy wants to use his last breath of Yin Qi to forcefully return to life.

"Gangzi, run!" I shouted, and at the same time, I used the invisible needle and pierced the red cat's forehead as fast as possible.

The red cat stumbled and fell down in mid-air, falling into the quicklime on the ground.

White smoke rose up, rolling all over the ground in extreme pain, and blood continued to overflow from the wound on his forehead.

"You, a witch, have done many evil things and harmed countless people. Now you have received your retribution." Looking at its miserable condition, I didn't feel any sympathy, but scolded it coldly.

The red cat rolled dozens of times in quicklime, and pieces of hair fell off its body.

It howled extremely ferociously, but the range of its movements became slower and smaller, and finally it lay there motionless.

"I'll fucking let you harm people!" San Gangzi found a brick from nowhere and smashed it viciously.

The red cat's flesh and blood were suddenly mangled, and its entire head was smashed. Even if it was a cat fairy, it wouldn't survive.

Not far away, the paper doll shop was ablaze and filled with the sounds of cats. Then the voice gradually weakened, and all the two-eyed monster cats were burned into mummies.

"Let's go." I said to Sangangzi, who was still angry.

Sangangzi turned his head and looked at the little girl standing next to him with a dull face, staring blankly at the firelight and asked: "What should she do?"

"Take it with you first." I was also a little at a loss.

The cat-like appearance on the little girl's face was not born like this, but mutated into this after being fused with the soul of the cat lady. As Catwoman dies, her appearance will slowly recover, but where should she go?

As soon as the car started, thunder exploded in the sky, followed by heavy rain.

The raindrops were heavy and pitter-pattered against the car windows, which saved the trouble of calling the fire alarm. The weird paper doll shop and this group of two-eyed evil beasts will no longer exist from now on.

Halfway through the car, San Gangzi's phone rang.

"Ah, what? Okay, I'll be there right away." San Gangzi shouted extremely excitedly, put down the phone and said to me excitedly: "Master Zhang, you are such a god! Brother Zhong is awake."

Sangangzi's hands were shaking with excitement. Such a strong man actually cried again.

While crying, he was still laughing: "Haha, that's great!"

I also smiled happily, but didn't say anything.

After driving out of the old city, there were more and more cars on the road. When we turned another intersection, I asked him to stop the car and said with a faint smile, "I'll get off the car right here so I won't delay your brothers' reunion."

"How can this be done, Master Zhang, you are our great benefactor, we still need to..." San Gangzi said anxiously.

"No, go ahead." After saying that, I opened the door and got out of the car.

The heavy rain was ruthless, but true love existed in the world. Three days later, Xiaopang came to the door.

As soon as I entered the door, he knelt down in front of me with a bang and cried bitterly, saying that my benefactor is long and my benefactor is short.

I helped him up and sat down on a chair nearby.

He took out a bank card and handed it over respectfully: "Master Zhang, this is..."

"You'd better take the money back." I waved my hand to him and said, "It's true that our business of being a femininity merchant is to make money, but we also have an unwritten rule, don't be greedy for money to save the world. You are here because of business this time You were robbed and came to me, but you invisibly saved the people of Wuhan. If I took your money, it would be bad, so this time, let’s treat it as us working together to accumulate the next big blessing!”

When Zhong Xiaopang saw what I said, he didn't want to force it. He lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "Master Zhang saved my life. Since you said so, I will use the money to do something good."

Then, he started talking to himself again.

After going through so many things, he discovered that although his wife kept nagging her, she had real feelings for him. During the days when he was in coma, he took good care of him and never left him.

He was completely moved and cut off all contact with other lovers.

At the same time, he also brought news about Zhao Wangcai:

On the night when we eliminated the cat demon, Zhao Wangcai, who was riding in the rain, was run over by a garbage truck and died on the spot.

What's even more strange is that both of his hands were severed at the wrists, and not even a trace of flesh and blood was found.

He had evil intentions because of his wealth, and ended up like this. I'm afraid it was God's retribution.

"How is that little girl?" I asked suddenly.

"Are you talking about Lingling?" Zhong Xiaopang's eyes suddenly lit up, with a smile on his face: "I adopted her, she is my daughter now, she has such a sweet mouth all day long, and she coaxes my wife I have to keep my mouth shut all day long. With her here, my life feels like a normal day."

"Well, this is a good home." I nodded.

"But..." Zhong Xiaopang was stunned for a moment and said with some worry: "This child likes cats very much. It's the cat that exchanged souls with me. He holds it in his arms all day long and doesn't even separate when sleeping. You see this……"

"It's okay." I comforted, "That's because her previous memories were only cats. As long as you care for her enough, she will gradually become inseparable from you."

"That's good, that's good." Zhong Xiaopang let out a sigh of relief, and a thin layer of sweat oozed from his forehead.

It seems that this scene has a memory about cats that he will never forget!

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