Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,172 Loyal Servant

After sending away Zhong Xiaopang, my life returned to its original state.

In recent days, Yin Xinyue has been traveling out of town for work. Even if she calls sometimes, she hangs up in a hurry without saying a few words.

After all, I am a person who can endure loneliness. I still sleep during the day and do business at night.

The long night is long, with fine wine and ancient books; the moon is bright in the sky, and the twin-edged swords are dancing with shooting stars.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed...

That night, I held my grandfather's notes and opened a few pages when I heard a very polite knock on the door.

"The door is unlocked, come in by yourself!" I put down the book and said calmly.

"Hello." The other party opened the door cautiously, with a respectful attitude.

He was wearing a very decent black suit, his shirt and tie were all in perfect order, and he was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He was elegant and gentle, which made a good first impression on people.

"Are you Master Zhang Jiulin?"

"Yeah." I nodded slightly: "Did you encounter any difficulties?"

The signboard of my door was an antique shop. When I entered the store, I didn’t look at the antiques. Instead, they asked me if I belonged to Zhang Jiulin, or if I was here to buy some vaginal objects, or if I was here to beg me to accept them.

The other person seemed to be a little uncomfortable with my straightforwardness. He paused for a moment and then asked: "It's not me who is in trouble, but our old man. He has been seriously ill recently, but he still has some unfulfilled wishes, so I want to ask for something." A femininity that can rejuvenate people so that they can seize the time to fulfill their last wishes.”

I smiled and said, "This is not easy to handle. There are so many yin objects in the world. How do I know which yin objects can make people feel refreshed?"

"Yes, that's what Master Zhang said." The black suit nodded extremely respectfully: "I have heard rumors about you, you are like a god, so I came to visit you this time, and asked Master Zhang to help you find it. , my master...he really, really needs it."

"Everyone needs something like this, but it's rare to find it." I picked up the tea lid and gently stirred up the tea foam.

"Didn't Master Zhang ever use the physical Buddha sitting on a vat..."

"Shut up, who is the master behind you? And where did you know about the Buddha sitting in a vat." I threw the tea cup to the ground angrily.

The man in the black suit was very polite and respectful to me, but he was a complete layman and didn't understand the rules of the femininity dealer at all. The most taboo thing for femininity merchants is having their secret business gossiped about by loudmouths!

Seeing that I was about to close the door to see the guests away, the black suit suddenly became anxious. He wiped his sweat and said: "Master Zhang, if I said something wrong, I will apologize to you right now, but please help our old man. "

I snorted coldly: "Who the hell is your old man? He has such a big air? He refused to say his name, didn't even show his face, and sent an errand boy here. You want me to help find vaginal objects? This is my antique shop. The threshold is too low.”

I spat out each word, but my tone was extremely cold.

"This..." The black suit was stunned: "Does he have to come to interview you?"

"This is the most basic rule, do you understand? I at least need to know who he is and what kind of incurable disease he has? Is there something I am not willing to let go of so that I can find the right medicine to find the vagina. If he doesn't see it, forget it. , I’m not short of money anyway.”

After saying that, I picked up the notes on the table and looked down at them, completely ignoring them.

"This..." The black suit adjusted his glasses in embarrassment and struggled mentally for a long time before going outside and dialing the number.

The antique street was very quiet, and it was night again. Although he deliberately stayed far away, I could still hear a few words.

His tone was extremely respectful and he spoke in an official tone. Combined with the fact that he knew about the physical Buddha sitting on a vat, I was sure that the old man behind him was from the officialdom.

Haha, you have been an official all your life, enjoyed all the glory and wealth, your life was so beautiful, but when you are about to die, you suddenly remember what long-cherished wish you have left unfulfilled? You even thought about going to the underworld to report without regrets. You can’t take advantage of all the good things in this world, right?

At the moment, I have no good impression of that so-called old man.

Not long after, the black suit came back, nodded to me and said, "I just asked for permission. Is it convenient for Master Zhang to be in Lemanlou tomorrow afternoon?"

"It's inconvenient." I said without raising my head: "Since you want to ask me for something, you don't come to the door and arrange other places to meet. It's really a big deal!"

The man in the black suit was stunned when he heard this: "Master Zhang, please..." He said urgently, with an almost crying tone in his tone.

I still ignored it.

The man in the black suit ignored me when he saw me, his face turned red from suppressing it, and he rubbed his hands together in anxiety.

After quite a while, he actually made a puff and knelt down straight in front of me.

"Master Zhang, I really beg you!" His eye circles were a little red and his voice was choked with sobs.

This scene really surprised me!

This black suit definitely doesn't look like a flatterer, even if it is to please the leader, there is no need to be like this. What's more, there are only two of us in this room, who is he doing it for?

And the tears in his eyes were definitely not fake, but he put down his manly dignity and begged me from the bottom of his heart.

I suddenly became curious, who is the old man behind him? How can you make your subordinates so loyal?

As the saying goes: A thousand troops are easy to gain, but a loyal servant is hard to find.

I was slightly moved and helped him up and said, "Okay then, I'll go there tomorrow. But I've agreed beforehand that I'm just a fetish dealer. If I can help, I'll try my best to find a way, but I really can't help. You can’t blame me.”

"Okay, as long as Master Zhang is willing to come, then I won't disturb you. I will pick you up tomorrow night." After saying this, the black suit wiped away his tears and left.

In the blink of an eye, the next night came, and a taxi stopped in front of the store on time.

The man in a black suit knocked respectfully on the door of the antique store and invited me out.

The driver was an old driver with gray hair on his temples. His movements were skillful and his temperament was extraordinary. My intuition told me that this was no ordinary taxi driver.

The car drove extremely smoothly until it reached the back door of Leman Building.

I have been to Leman Building twice. It is not a high-end place, just an ordinary hotel. The decoration inside is also extremely old. It is simply built on a high slope. If you stand and look out the window, you can overlook half of the city.

It was already late at night, and there was no one left in the restaurant.

When I walked around from the front door, I could see clearly that the parking lot was empty and there were a lot of empty spaces, but why did I have to go around to the back door?

Who am I going to see here? Why do you act so mysteriously? It's like being a thief.

The black suit quickly led me to the innermost box on the top floor and knocked on the door three times.

A slightly hoarse voice came from the box: "Please come in."

After walking in, I found a tall man with thick eyebrows sitting inside. This man was about fifty years old, in his prime. However, the skin on his face was a little abnormally sallow, and his eyes were also covered with spots. Red bloodshot eyes.

Hey, this is it?

As soon as I saw him, he seemed slightly familiar.

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