Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,173 Honest officials or corrupt officials?

"Master Zhang, this is Mayor Wang." He introduced respectfully in a black suit.

In fact, without him having to say anything, I had already recognized him. The person standing in front of me at this moment was Wang Yuejin, the current mayor of Wuhan.

Mayor Wang has been working in Wuhan for seven or eight years. I see him almost every day on TV and newspapers, but I have never seen him in person.

"Master Zhang, I have often heard your name. I never thought you were so young. You are so formidable." Mayor Wang said and shook my hand with a smile.

I said calmly: "I didn't expect Mayor Wang's way of making appointments to be so special."

Mayor Wang laughed loudly: "Secrecy is still very important! Come on, come on, please take a seat."

After greetings, we sat at the banquet, and stood behind Mayor Wang in black suits.

Mayor Wang didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point: "I have always been tough in my life and have never asked for help from anyone. I have no choice but to ask Master Zhang for help this time."

As he spoke, he handed me a hospital diagnosis report, which stated that Wang Yuejin had terminal liver cancer.

He sighed and said: "Originally, I thought I could still work in Wuhan for ten years, but suddenly I fainted one day. When I was sent to the hospital, it was found that I had late-stage liver cancer. I could survive with the tumor for a month at most, and slowly... He will still be paralyzed in bed and lose consciousness. The doctor advised me to take a leave of absence to recuperate and enjoy my last days, but there are really some things that I can’t let go of. If I don’t finish them, I’m afraid that Mr. Wang will die with his eyes open!”

Even when talking about life and death, Mayor Wang's expression remained calm, but when he talked about things he was unwilling to accept, a trace of sadness appeared on his face.

"I thought about working hard again and finishing things in the last month. By then I would have no regrets about going to the crematorium. But this old bone is really useless. I take dozens of painkillers every day. , the liver pain is still getting more and more painful, and the pain will become unbearable after a while, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on for a few days.”

"I've been working hard for that thing for half my life, and I'm about to succeed. I'm not willing to give in!" Mayor Wang clenched his fists tightly.

"Friends in the officialdom said that Master Zhang is a capable man. He once used a very magical method to pull Secretary Liu's mother back from the hands of the Lord of Hell, and she managed to survive her seventieth birthday! So I also ventured to ask, I hope Master Zhang can make this old-boned me survive this month, please!"

Mayor Wang finished his sentence and stared at me straight in the eyes.

And I sneered: "Since you have talked about this, let's just open the sky and speak openly! I can help you find the vagina you want, but it will cost you all your property. Now There are no officials and no corruption in the world. Even a small village chief can embezzle hundreds of millions. You must have made a lot of money after working in Wuhan for so many years, right?"

Mayor Wang's excited expression suddenly froze. His lips trembled, but he couldn't say a word.

"Why, you still can't part with it?" I crossed my legs triumphantly: "Well, since Mayor Wang can't part with your money, I won't waste this time and keep the money to spend in the underworld. Come on! Don’t forget to buy more villas for beauties and so on. You’ll enjoy the same blessings when you get there.”

After saying that, I walked out disdainfully.

"Presumptuous!" The man in the black suit who had been silent until now suddenly yelled. His face turned red from holding back, and he was obviously trembling with anger.

"Xiao Qian, you go out first." Mayor Wang held his stomach and waved his hand.

"Yes." The black suit looked at Mayor Wang worriedly, glared at me fiercely, and then walked out of the box angrily.

"Master Zhang, don't worry, let's talk about it later." Mayor Wang took out a white bottle from his arms, poured out a few tablets of medicine, threw it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it.

"Okay!" When I heard that the corrupt official finally relaxed, he turned around and sat back.

It’s not that I really want to extort money from him, but I just don’t like these corrupt officials.

People who use the power of the country to plunder people's wealth and support, and are reluctant to spend money when they are about to die, are not worthy of pity at all! The reason why I stayed was to see how greedy this guy was and what a dirty face he showed.

Mayor Wang swallowed the pills and rubbed his stomach for a long time before his frown relaxed slightly.

He looked at me and said without changing his tone: "What Master Zhang said is true. In recent years, there are indeed some officials who have been rude and have forgotten the party spirit and the people, which has had a very bad impact on the image of officials. Master Zhang has I’m not surprised at all by this view.”

I smiled coldly and said nothing.

I thought to myself, just pretend, just keep pretending! It's as if you are not greedy.

Mayor Wang didn't pay attention to my sneer and continued: "Master Zhang is a businessman after all, and I can't ask for a valuable artifact for no reason. You said you want all my family property in exchange, I promise you."

Haha, the secret is finally revealed, right?

I still said nothing and looked at him with a smile on my face.

"I have a comfortable house, a newly bought bicycle, and a deposit of 120,000 yuan. This is all my property. If you don't mind, I am willing to give it all away." Mayor Wang said sincerely .

"Mayor Wang is really good at joking." I couldn't help but laugh: "If I hadn't told you before, you have been working as mayor for ten years and you have such a small fortune. Who would believe it? You really treat me as a third party. There’s a 6-year-old kid.”

Mayor Wang paused: "I really didn't lie to you."

I looked at him intently, with four words written all over my face: I don’t believe in ghosts.

"Oh! I'll tell you straight." Mayor Wang sighed heavily: "Anyway, I have been holding these words in my stomach for decades. It would be nice to find someone to talk to me before I leave."

"It is true that I have been working as an official. It seems to outsiders that I have a lot of benefits, but you don't understand my difficulties."

"My hometown is in the mountains. My father died early. There are several brothers in the family. They don't even have enough food to eat, let alone study. My brothers didn't study for a day and went to work in the fields early just to support me! I Later I moved to the city to work, and my life was pretty good, but my brothers were all suffering a lot!"

"When I was the county magistrate, my eldest brother crossed the mountain and walked for seven or eight days to get to me and asked me to approve a note to help him turn his daughter-in-law's private teacher into a regular one. I didn't agree and he was angry. He didn’t even drink any water, turned around and left, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop him.”

"He said he hadn't begged me for so many years, and he still hesitated over such a trivial matter. He was like a white-eyed wolf! From now on, we will pretend that we don't have you in our house! I cried until dawn that night..."

"Since then, if there are any difficulties at home, they never tell me."

Mayor Wang's eyes were a little moist, and he continued: "That year, my mother got sick, and my eldest brother sold his cows and hitched the plow to plow the land. He was so tired that he collapsed in bed. I didn't know until two years later... …”

"When my mother was seriously ill, the construction I was leading was at a critical juncture, and I couldn't even rush back to take a look."

"I came from a poor mountain ravine, and I don't want the people in the mountains to remain poor forever. I have built schools for migrant workers, vigorously promoted a series of livelihood projects for the remaining rural population to move into cities, and settled down, but I have never dared to go home. , dare not face my brothers!"

"I have always warned myself about this. I am the son of a farmer and a cadre of the country. I dare not be greedy and I dare not take it. If I dare to take a penny or do a private matter, if nothing else, I I’m sorry for my brothers! I’m sorry for that mountain!”

Mayor Wang wiped away his tears and said seriously: "My salary seems to be quite good, but my wife is sick all the year round, my son is still in school, and I also sponsor two college students. Over the years, I really haven't saved any money." There is only so much money. If Master Zhang thinks it is too little, I have nothing to say. After all, your things are rare and rare, and people like me can't afford them."

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