Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,174 A lifelong wish

"Mayor Wang is a master of acting. He always said the same thing when facing the Discipline Inspection Commission's investigation, right?" I still don't believe it at this moment.

"If Master Zhang doesn't believe it, you can go check it out, or come to my house and have a look, and you will know everything..." Mayor Wang sighed.

"Okay, I'd like to take a look!" I agreed wholeheartedly, thinking to myself, let's see how long you can continue to perform.

"Let's go." Unexpectedly, Mayor Wang was so resolute and stood up after saying that.

We both walked out the door one after another, and stood at the other end of the corridor in a black suit, his eyes still looking menacing on my face.

"Xiao Qian, you go back first, I'll take Master Zhang to my house as a guest." Mayor Wang said calmly.

The man in the black suit was stunned for a moment, then responded obediently.

The taxi was still parked at the back door of Aimanlou. When the driver saw us coming out, he quickly opened the door.

Mayor Wang and I were sitting side by side in the back seat. He waved his hand and said, "Old Li, go to my house."

"Hey." The man responded and started the car very skillfully.

Mayor Wang introduced to me: "This is my former driver, Lao Li. He has been with me for many years. He worked until he retired and didn't save anything. Now he still has to drive a rental car to support his family. Looking back now, I think about it , I really feel sorry for these old subordinates."

"Mayor Wang, please don't say that, I have to thank you." The driver took over the conversation and said: "The old guys who retired with me can't sleep well now, especially those former leaders who were double-regulated. Yes, when they hear the sound of the police car, they tremble all over! But I eat well every day, sleep soundly, and am not afraid of anyone. How much money can I buy for this kind of peace of mind."

"Hahaha." Mayor Wang said with a hearty smile upon hearing this: "That's a good thing. Clean hands can bring peace of mind. This is a good thing that no amount of money can buy!"

Suddenly, Mayor Wang's phone rang.

He accepted it and hummed a few times, and then said: "This matter must be resolved immediately. People's livelihood is no small matter, so we must not be careless, right! Do it immediately."

After putting down the phone, Mayor Wang suddenly pointed forward and said to me: "Master Zhang, you must want to ask, what can't you let go of someone named Wang? In fact, this is the place I can't let go of the most."

I looked around and saw a whole new building.

The buildings are tall and uniform.

"This is a relocation house from the reconstruction of the old city. Wuhan has developed so far that it can be said to be full of vitality. But there are still some citizens who are still living in the dilapidated old city with no water or electricity. Dozens of families live in dozens of houses. In a house with an area of ​​​​square meters, life was really miserable!"

"And over there are low-rent housing in the city. They are specially built for migrant workers and low-income families. Wuhan can develop today thanks to them. Now that Wuhan is prosperous and the city has become better, we must not forget our benefactors. , the purpose of reform and opening up is to let everyone live a good life."

"I have worked hard for this goal for half my life! Now I have overcome many difficulties and finally it is all completed. It will be completed next month! I hope to shed the last drop of blood for my dream. By then You can smile all the time." Mayor Wang looked out the window with emotion.

"Is this your long-cherished wish?" I was a little surprised.

"Yes, isn't that enough?" Mayor Wang asked.

I was stunned.

Mayor Wang begged me so hard to help him fulfill his long-cherished wish before he died. Is this actually this? Just to let those people have a new home?

I suddenly felt how small and mean I had just been, which was a stain on Mayor Wang’s humanity.

"This is a movie theater. In the future, government subsidies will be used to allow migrant workers and low-income families to watch it for free."

"This is a school and there will be free lunch."

"This is a hospital. It is difficult and expensive to see a doctor. The situation of non-reimbursement will be completely reversed in my hands..."

As the taxi passed through the city, Mayor Wang pointed happily, sometimes happily and sometimes shouting like a child: "This is Xincheng Park..."

Mayor Wang kept introducing to me what was being built here and what was being built there. Once it is put into use, what benefits will it bring to the citizens, what supporting policies will the government introduce to benefit the people, and how beautiful will the whole Wuhan become by then?

The more he talked, the happier he became. Two flashes of red appeared on his originally haggard face. He seemed to have completely forgotten why he came here to meet me, and that he was suffering from cancer at this time. The time left for him was already gone. not much……

As the car drove forward, he kept talking excitedly, and he would sigh once or twice from time to time.

He already had an extremely grand blueprint in his heart, and he wanted to give the best gift he could ever make in his life to the people who loved him.

And I sat aside in silence, watching and listening to the whole thing, and I felt increasingly uncomfortable.

To be honest, such a good official is really rare!

I felt deeply guilty for my cynicism just now. The wind outside the car window was cold, but my heart was surging like fire. I have already had an irresistible thought. Even if I have to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire, I still have to find something that can make Mayor Wang realize his wish.

As the car continued along the straight road, it suddenly became quiet.

When I turned around, I saw Mayor Wang leaning against the car window and falling asleep...

His face was ugly, with a very tired and morbid look, but he was full of smiles. I wonder what he was dreaming about. Was it that all the projects were completed and firecrackers were going off? Or is it the joy of everyone, all smiling faces?

Lao Li, who was driving, saw him sleeping in the rearview mirror, so he naturally took out a blanket from under the seat and handed it over.

I took it and gently covered him.

"Hey, it's really not easy for Mayor Wang." Lao Li sighed softly and said: "In the years when I drove for him, I would come home so late almost every day, and my voice would be full of noise as soon as I got in the car. Silent, and kept calling. Asking about the progress of various tasks and whether the difficulties have been solved."

"After I changed my career, I drove in the city government for half my life. I have experienced several leaders, but I have never seen such a desperate person! Such a good leader who thinks about the people is really rare, but... alas!" Lao Li Yao He shook his head and sighed heavily.

Lao Li stopped talking, and I was speechless for a while.

It was unusually quiet in the car, and I could see the newly built high-rise buildings whizzing past outside the window. The extremely spectacular city scenery was colorful and even more charming under the illumination of the neon lights.

After a while, the car finally stopped.

This is an old building built at the end of the last century and looks very old.

"Mayor Wang, do you live here?" I was a little surprised.

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