Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,176 The T-shirt Man’s Advice

"Both of us came from the mountains, and we studied and worked in Wuhan together. Before he went to the battlefield, he told me that the people are really suffering, and you must let them live a good life!"

"I work hard and forge ahead just for this day."

"I know I'm a materialist and shouldn't believe in ghosts and gods. But I'm really afraid of seeing him again, lest he ask me questions. I don't know what to answer..." Mayor Wang's eyes were a little red.

"Mayor Wang, don't worry, I will help you fulfill this long-cherished wish!" I said with great determination.

"Master Zhang, thank you very much." Mayor Wang held my hand tightly: "As long as it does not violate national laws, I am willing to give everything I have."

Although his words were extremely sincere, they seemed to have slapped me hard, and my face was burning.

"Mayor Wang, don't say any more! I'm going to get ready right away. Just wait for my good news!" As I said that, I got up and left.

Just then, the door opened.

A middle-aged woman wearing machine shop work clothes walked in.

She was thin and had a sallow complexion. She looked at me in surprise, showed a bright smile, and then said to Mayor Wang: "Yuejin, why didn't you say anything when there was a guest at home? I happened to be passing by the night street, and I Let’s buy some delicious food and come back.”

"No need to bother sister-in-law, I'm leaving now." I held back the tears, fearing that she would see through it, so I hurriedly walked out with my head lowered.

I hurriedly walked through the corridor and walked outside, then I dared to look back.

In the darkness, only one window on the fourth floor was lit, which seemed to illuminate the future of Wuhan!

My tears couldn't be held back any longer, and they fell down with a loud crash.

As I walked, I took out my mobile phone and spread this urgent purchase message in the circle. I even said that I would spend a lot of money and race against time.

Not long after I sent it, the phone rang, and I saw it was Li Mazi.

This guy called me as soon as he saw the message I sent. Could it be that he had some clues?

"Hey, Li Mazi! Do you have any clues?" I asked straight to the point.

"Brother Zhang, who is suffering from an incurable disease?" He was also very anxious.

"Don't care who it is, do you have any clues?"

"How could it be possible? I was admiring the moon with Teacher Xia. When I saw you suddenly sending out such an urgent message in the middle of the night, I thought it was... ahem, since you didn't tell me, I won't ask. Okay, Then let’s do this for now, I’ll help you find out if I have nothing to do.”

Li Mazi was just talking nonsense. It was such a dark night that he couldn't even see the stars. Where was the bullshit moon? He was clearly having sex with Teacher Xia. When I heard his nonchalant look, I immediately became angry and yelled: "What do you mean, help me find out if you have nothing to do?! Forward it to me immediately to the circles of femininity dealers across the country, and I'll put down everything I have tomorrow." Regarding the matter, mobilize all the contacts over the years to find it together."

Li Mazi only got rich after he started hanging around with me. Not only did he cure his son's leukemia, but he also fell in love with Teacher Xia, and he became a well-known figure in this industry.

I usually treat him like a brother and rarely yell. Especially in front of Teacher Xia, I will try my best to save him as much face as possible. But once I was really anxious!

When Li Mazi saw that something was wrong, he immediately responded: "Okay, Zhang family brother, don't be anxious yet. We have passed many storms, and we will definitely be able to survive this time. Don't worry, I will take care of it right away!" Then hung up the phone.

I couldn't get a taxi late at night, so I walked back along the road. The wind blew and my mind became clearer. Suddenly, I felt that my tone just now was a bit too much. I wanted to call Li Mazi, but it kept showing that the line was busy.

It seems that Li Mazi is really a good friend. Even Teacher Xia, who was obsessed with him, ignored him and helped me find information everywhere.

Contrary to others in our industry, most of them open at night, and everyone is in high spirits.

When I saw that I, who rarely appeared in public, sent such an urgent message, everyone started talking about it.

The Zhang family in Jiangbei also enthusiastically helped me search everywhere, and for a while, the femininity circles all over the country exploded!

After I got back, I flipped through my phone and stared at every message sent, for fear of missing any clues.

However, there is still nothing of value.

I took out the cigarettes a little worriedly and smoked them one after another.

The ashtray on the table is piled thickly. If Yin Xinyue sees it, he will definitely beat me up again!

Mayor Wang is the greatest official I have ever seen in my life. Before he died, he only had such a pitiful wish. Can't I help him fulfill it?

Although I am just a femininity dealer, I am also from Wuhan and I am also Chinese! I also hope that there will be more and more good officials like this. Now it’s my turn to do my best, so why don’t I go all out?

I stayed up until dawn and still found nothing. I was extremely exhausted physically and mentally, but I was still staring at my phone closely.

There is not much time left for Mayor Wang. Every second that passes becomes more and more lost!

I will never let his long-cherished wish come true, and I will never let him die in peace!

I stayed up until noon, when suddenly a dark profile picture on WeChat lit up. It was the man in the T-shirt.

"Go to Zhengding and have a look. A few years ago, someone was selling a pair of ancient armor, right on your way."

His words were short and the clues were even vaguer, with only the words "Zhengding" and "Gujia".

But his words must not be taken lightly. Since he can provide me with this clue, I am basically more than 80% sure.

At that moment, I ignored my tiredness and took a taxi directly to the airport to rush to Zhengding, Hebei.

When he was about to go through the security check, he received a call from Li Mazi. His voice was hoarse. Apparently he had been calling all night in a hurry: "Brother, do you have any clues?"

"The first day of Chuyi said that there is a Yinwu on the opposite road in Zhengding. I am rushing to the airport." I said concisely.

"Zhengding?" Li Mazi paused for a moment: "It's better to have an acquaintance in that place in Hebei. I happen to know someone there. How about letting him contact you?"

I'm a little touched.

Li Mazi not only didn't care at all about my unprovoked anger at him last night, but he actually considered everything for me.

"Okay." I responded, "Ask him to call me. I'll go through the security check right away. If you need anything, please contact me anytime."

After saying that, I hung up the phone and stepped through the security gate.

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