Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,177 Factory 235

I didn't sleep all night and stayed up until now. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep as soon as I leaned on the airplane seat.

In a daze, I seemed to have arrived at the hospital. Mayor Wang was lying upright on the hospital bed, wearing an oxygen mask on his face and a nutrition tube on his body. The heartbeat displayed on the instrument was getting lower and lower. …

Although he was about to die, he still opened his tear-filled eyes and looked in the direction outside the door.

I know he is waiting for me.

I also promised him that I would help him fulfill his long-cherished wish, but no, I have to speed up, speed up!

I suddenly woke up from my sleep. The plane had landed. I hurriedly got on the airport bus and went straight to the county.

Zhengding is a county town located in Hebei Province, at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain.

Although the population is small and the economy is very backward, it is a famous place in history. As far back as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was the main battlefield of Jin and Zhao.

After that, historical celebrities emerged in large numbers, such as Fan Zhongyan, the great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty who wrote "Be anxious when the world is worried first, and be happy when the world is happy later", and Zhao Yun, the famous general of the Three Kingdoms, can be said to be outstanding people. Therefore, the Zhengding County Government simply launched a tourism industry, which has been booming in recent years.

I sat on the bus and quickly browsed through the messages sent by the WeChat group during the time I was on the plane.

Although the clues provided by the man in the T-shirt were limited, the circle of femininity merchants was small after all. Whenever some rare femininity appeared across the country, everyone would feel enlightened.

After Li Mazi forwarded the two keywords Zhengding and Zhanjia, an 'old diver' who had not bubbled up for thousands of years suddenly appeared in the group.

This man's name is Wu Laobao. He is already in his sixties, has bad eyesight, and cannot type, so he is always in a diving state.

Occasionally, it appears a few times, and it's usually his precious grandson who has just started to log in and ask everyone some questions.

But this time, it was him who appeared!

He spoke in a trembling voice: "When it comes to the armor of Zhengding, old man, I seem to have a vague impression..."

After a night of tossing, most of the people in the group have quieted down, and only a few nefarious dealers with whom I have a good relationship are still looking. As soon as they heard what Mr. Wu said, they immediately asked: "Old Wu, since you know, please tell me quickly! Shopkeeper Zhang Da is very anxious."

Wu Laohuan started talking intermittently, but he almost lost all his teeth, and it took him more than ten seconds to say a word. In addition, he was not very good at using the voice button, so it took him a long time to listen. Not a feather comes out.

Li Mazi was a little anxious and called his grandson to come over and be the translator!

This guy is a newcomer, and his grandfather is old. He depends on us for support in the future, so he is very active in helping.

He followed his grandfather's dictation and typed quickly in the group, and everyone finally got a general idea.

Wu Laohui said that many years ago, a man came to his door with half a suit of armor and wanted to sell it to him.

He checked at that time and found that the armor was indeed an antique from the Eastern Han Dynasty, but it contained a powerful Yin spirit. The murderous spirit of that Yin spirit was something he had only seen in his life. He knelt on the ground after just one glance, let alone collecting it. .

Besides, the price that the man asked for was quite high, and Mr. Wu was afraid that he would not be able to find a buyer and would die in his own hands, so the negotiation failed.

He remembered that the man seemed to be from Zhengding, wearing a pair of clothes from Factory 235 - which was originally the designation of an army.

To be more specific, it was an arsenal specializing in the processing of firearms, located in the mountains of Zhengding County.

When Mr. Wu was young, he robbed tombs in the mountains and was almost caught by the armed police patrolling the No. 235 Factory, so he was deeply impressed by these clothes.

As soon as I saw it, I immediately cheered up.

Zhengding and War Armor, these two clues are matched!

It seems that the news about the T-shirt man does have some basis. Maybe this is what I am looking for!

I quickly asked in the group: "Old Bad Wu, did you find anything wrong with this armor at that time?"

After a while, Mr. Wu's grandson continued: "My grandfather said that it happened many years ago, and I can't remember the specific situation. Anyway, the Yin spirit living in the armor has become so powerful that it has reached the level of a ghost king." , The mortal body cannot bear it at all, and anyone who collects this armor will definitely not be able to survive a month."

"The man later went to other stores, but no one wanted this item. It is very likely that it is still in his possession."

I was even more delighted when I heard this, and quickly asked: "Xiao Wu, ask your grandpa again, does he still remember that person's last name?"

After a while, Xiao Wu replied: "My grandpa said, who would remember it after so long? Shopkeeper Zhang, my grandpa can't stand it now. I have to help him rest. If he thinks of anything again, I’ll tell you as soon as possible.”

Although I was extremely anxious, Mr. Wu's health was indeed not very good, and I couldn't force him to think about it. Besides, his forgetfulness is greater than his memory now. Even if he is forced, it may not work. We can only wait for him to have an idea.

So I smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Wu! Let your grandpa wake up later and let him think about it slowly. Even if Brother Zhang owes you a favor."

Xiao Wu replied, "Brother Zhang, you're welcome," and then fell silent.

When everyone saw it, they all helped me think of ideas.

Some people say that Mr. Wu was confused for a long time and used the urinal as a teapot. What he said may not be reliable. Don't just focus on one clue, look for it in other places as well.

Some say that's not necessarily the case. Although Mr. Wu's level is not very good, he still has quite a lot of experience.

Others advised me not to be impatient and to think carefully about whether there was any other solution.

I turned off WeChat a little upset.

At this moment, Li Mazi called.

"Brother Zhang, have you arrived at Zhengding? Did Hu Ke call you?"

"Hook, who is Hook?" I was stunned for a moment.

"That's the local I told you about." Seeing that I was a little confused, Li Mazi reminded him, "That's the one I told you about before you passed through the security gate."

Oh, I just remembered it.

I fell asleep a little along the way and almost forgot about it.

"You are unfamiliar with this place, how can it be so easy to find someone who has no name or surname and does not know where he lives? Besides, if you are in such a hurry, I'm afraid you won't have time to look carefully." Li Mazi said: "This You can rest assured that he has served in the military and is reliable in his work. I have a pretty good relationship with him. After I told him about this, I left your phone number. He said he would look for you, so don’t worry. I'll hang up first, maybe he's calling you now." After saying that, Li Mazi hung up the phone.

Li Mazi looked careless, but he was actually very considerate. With a local helping me, I could at least avoid a lot of unnecessary mistakes.

But until now, the clues have only added to the second, third, and fifth factories.

Zhengding has a population of hundreds of thousands. Where can I find it based on this clue?

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