Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,179 Changshan Zhao Zilong

The two of us followed the bee all the way through the jungle and soon came to a mountain col.

The mountain col is full of rocks and overgrown with weeds. There is a small thatched shed built close to the cliff. The outside of the thatched shed is filled with densely packed beehives. Thousands of bees are constantly coming in and out. A buzzing sound can be heard.

The two of us didn't dare to get too close to avoid being stung by bees, so we stopped about ten meters away.

"Uncle Zhao." Hu Ke shouted.

Hearing the sound, an old man walked out of the hut quickly. This old man was tall and thin, with gray hair on his head. He was wearing a well-patched coat, and his eyes looked particularly stubborn.

After the old man saw clearly that it was Hook, he laughed loudly and said, "It's you little brat. You haven't been here for a long time."

Hook scratched his head in embarrassment: "Look, isn't this coming?"

The old man led the two of us into the hay shed, poured two glasses of honey water, then looked at us and asked: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, I heard that you are a descendant of Zhao Yun, the famous general of the Three Kingdoms?" I asked.

Since he brags to people everywhere that he is a descendant of Zhao Yun, I think it would be better to introduce the topic from here.

"That's still false!" Sure enough, as soon as he heard this, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up, he straightened his back and said: "You know in ancient times

What is this mountain called? Changshan! Everyone knows about Changshan Zhao Zilong, and I am his 92nd generation descendant Zhao Shihua. "

But soon, the old man became dejected again: "No matter what I said, everyone thought I was bragging and said I was crazy to be famous. I had no choice but to move to the mountains to raise bees..."

I immediately praised: "That's because they don't understand. Look at your spirit, you are definitely the queen of the generals."

"You still have a good sense!" The old man stroked his beard with his hand and hummed a ditty with great pride.

With a pop, Hook, who was sitting next to me, squirted out a mouthful of honey water. His dark face turned red from holding it in. Maybe he couldn't stand hearing that I had been flattering the old man.

"You brat, why are you laughing?" The old man glared and yelled angrily, "Why don't you hurry up and catch two pheasants and cook this little brother some game from the mountains in the evening."

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go, and you can continue chatting." Hu Ke suppressed his smile and walked out of the hut.

This old man usually liked to brag to others, but no one in the village believed him and eventually drove him out of the village. Now I finally met someone who knew the stuff. He immediately became interested and started talking to me non-stop.

He said that the real Zhao Yun is different from the Zhao Yun written in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"!

Zhao Yun was a native of Changshan. He was first a junior general under Gongsun Zan and was later won over by Liu Bei.

Since following Liu Bei, Zhao Yun's super strength has finally been brought into play! He entered and exited seven times on the Changban slope, rescued Liu Bei's beloved son Adou, and killed more than fifty famous generals in Cao's camp. After that, he experienced the Battle of Sichuan and the Battle of Hanshui. It can be said that a white horse, a suit of silver armor, and a spear have never been defeated!

But when Liu Bei rewarded the meritorious officials, Guan Yu was named the Hou of Shouting of the Han Dynasty, and Zhang Fei was named the Marquis of Xixiang, and they were both on the same side! Zhao Yun, however, stood at home feeling dejected, holding a small seal of Yijun general.

It turns out that the loyal and brave Zhao Yun had remonstrated several times, begging Liu Bei not to be king for the time being and to continue fighting for the Han Dynasty. Didn't this break Liu Bei's dream of being emperor? So Zhao Yun had become an outsider in Liu Bei's eyes at that time.

It's a pity that Zhao Zilong was brave, but Liu Bei treated him like a lark and kept him in his house. He never had the chance to lead troops in war...

As for the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han Dynasty, there is no trace at all, but it was made up by the author of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" because of Zhao Yunming's injustice.

It can be said that Zhao Yun's first half of his life was full of legends and glory, but behind the glory was a broken heart. He followed the Han Dynasty, but followed a hypocritical lord.

It was not until later that the famous generals of Shu were killed one after another, and Zhuge Liang had no one to use in his Northern Expedition. Only then did he think that there was Zhao Zilong from Changshan!

However, Zhao Yun was already over seventy at that time. When a person reaches seventy, it is difficult to even walk, let alone go to war? But Zhao Yun endured the pain and carried his lifelong dream to kill five generals of Wei!

Jigu was defeated, and Zhao Yun's cavalry was cut off alone, which frightened the Wei army and allowed Zhuge Liang to retreat safely.

However, no matter how war-like Zhao Yun was, he could not withstand the torture and soon died of illness. The day before his death, he shouted "Northern Expedition" three times, regretting that he could not realize his lifelong ambition.

When Guan Yu died, Zhuge Liang didn't cry. When Zhang Fei died, Zhuge Liang didn't cry. But after Zhao Yun died, Zhuge Liang cried until he vomited blood, lamenting that Shu had lost its last trump card! Even the silly queen Liu Chan, because he was grateful for Zhao Yun's life-saving grace at Changbanpo, made an exception and posthumously named Zhao Yun as "Shun Pinghou".

When the old man said this, he suddenly sighed: "It's a pity that as a descendant of the Zhao family, I can't do something for my ancestors. I'm really unwilling!"

"Then what do you want to do?" I asked quickly as soon as the heat was almost done.

"I want to build a road, let's call it Zhao Yun Road, and build a Zhao Yun Temple to engrave the lifetime achievements of our ancestors, so that everyone will not forget that there was a great hero in Changshan! It's just." Speaking of this, the old man was a little helpless. Tantanshou said: "Even if I raise bees for three lifetimes, I still won't be able to make so much money."

"I heard that uncle has a suit of armor, but is it Zhao Yun's relic?" I asked.

"How do you know... Oh, you are here just for this suit of armor, right?" The old man was so smart, and he understood.

"Yes! I do have a set of battle armor, which my ancestor wore during the Northern Expedition to Wei when he was seventy years old. It was in this set of battle armor that he killed five generals of Wei and became famous in the Longxi Camp! This suit The armor was later buried with the ancestors, but it was stolen and returned to the hands of my descendants of the Zhao family after several twists and turns. Unfortunately, only half of it is left."

"I originally wanted to make it a family heirloom and pass it on from generation to generation, but that year my son got uremia, and I really couldn't come up with the money, so I had no choice but to sell it. I went to many places and asked dozens of questions. The shop either thought my prices were too high or said the stuff was fake. In the end, my son died of illness in the hospital, and now I can’t even pass this armor on."

"Wait until I die again..." The old man wiped his tears and couldn't continue.

"Uncle, can you let me see your armor?" I asked very sincerely.

The old man paused and said, "Okay! Ever since I was despised by the villagers, I haven't shown that armor again. It's not easy to meet an intimate person today. Let me open your eyes."

After saying that, he stood up, took out the key from his pocket, and opened a small iron box placed in the hayloft.

The iron suitcase was packed tightly to avoid mold and rust. He took out a yellow cloth bundle and handed it to me with great solemnity.

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