Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,180 Gentian Armor

I carefully opened the yellow cloth, and half a pair of silver-white armor suddenly appeared in front of me!

I don’t know what material the armor is made of. The pieces are like scales, crystal clear, and there are still dark black blood stains in the gaps.

At this moment, the temperature in the hut suddenly dropped, and a sub-zero cold breath came out of the armor, which almost froze my hands.

Oh my god, this is indeed a genuine evil object, and its power is comparable to Lu Bu's Fangtian Painted Halberd and Xiang Yu's Wujiang Thunder Sword.

Wu Laohuai was right. The Yin spirit that lives in the armor is so powerful that whoever collects this armor will definitely not survive more than a month.

Of course, although this armor is terrifying, it has one unique advantage! That is, the holder will be like the seventy-year-old Zhao Yun who put on the armor back then, full of energy and shining brightly.

In other words, within this month, as long as you put on the armor, your body will be free from all pain, whether you are dying or suffering from cancer.

But a month later, the life will be sucked away by the armor, and the soul will be scattered... Isn't it just what I need?

Mayor Wang has liver cancer, but he still wants to fight on the front line and see the final work completed with his own eyes. How similar is this to the old Zhao Yun back then? I believe that Zhao Yun will definitely help him fulfill his long-cherished wish.

"Uncle..." I raised my head and looked at the old man: "This is indeed the relic of General Zhao. Zhao Yun fought countless battles throughout his life. If he saw his relic locked in a box and slowly rotting away, I don't know what he would think. ?”

"Why don't you give this armor to me, and I'll let it play its value! And I will also help you build Zhao Yun Road and Zhao Yun Temple, so that future generations will always remember that Changshan gave birth to Zhao Zilong. What do you think? "I asked.

The old man looked at me blankly and said, "Is everything you said true?"

"Yes!" I nodded heavily: "I will pay for the money, and I will also help Zhao Yun solve the regrets of the past."

"Okay!" After hearing what I said, the old man slapped the table: "In that case, just take the armor away! I hope you can make full use of it and let the ancestors feel at ease."

I nodded repeatedly and rewrapped the armor.

After sitting for a while, Hook came back, carrying two squawking pheasants in his hands and a dozen eggs in his pockets.

When he saw that the old man and I were still chatting happily, he couldn't help but be surprised. When the old man wasn't paying attention, he lowered his voice and secretly said to me: "Brother Zhang, I really admire you! No one has ever been able to talk to Uncle Zhao like this." Happy, your kung fu is amazing."

I glared at him: "Are you trying to say that I'm a good flatterer?"

"Well, you said that yourself." Hook scratched his head and ran away with a silly smile.

The old man was also very happy and made us a pot of honey chicken himself.

After eating the delicious food, Hu Ke gave a thumbs up: "Brother Zhang, you still have the ability. For all these years, Uncle Zhao has not made honey chicken for me."

"What a waste of entertainment!" the old man scolded, "As soon as I mentioned Zhao Yun to you, you said Lu Bu ranked first."

"Okay, Zhao Yun is first, Zhao Yun is first!" Hu Ke repeatedly agreed, lowering his head and gnawing at the chicken in his hand.

The old man was very excited and drank a lot of wine. Taking advantage of the wine, he banged the bowls and chopsticks and sang the song he heard on the radio.

"The spear stabbed the sword and slashed the bloody fountain, and beheaded fifty famous generals. The savior riding alone was afraid of the enemy, and Changshan Zhao Yun's reputation was legendary..."

After drinking and eating, I put on my armor and said goodbye to the old man, and promised in front of Hook: "When I go back, I will transfer five million to build the best road and build the best temple."

"That's best, that's best." The old man nodded excitedly.

Not far away, Li Mazi called and asked how he was doing.

I happily told him that the armor had been found and was about to return. I also asked him to send five million to Hook, and I would reimburse him when he returned.

Maybe I finally got something. I was in a great mood. I didn't even take a break on the way back. Even Hook was a little surprised.

We walked for a long time, and when it got dark, we took a car back to the city and arrived at Zhengding County.

Then, regardless of how exhausted I was, I flew back to Wuhan, and then went straight to the city hall with my armor on my back.

When the guard heard that I wanted to see Mayor Wang, he looked at my wrinkled and sweat-stained clothes and a shabby yellow cloth bag on my back. He was afraid that I was petitioning to cause trouble, so he would not let me in.

In desperation, I said you should call Secretary Qian and ask him to come pick me up at the head office, right?

The guard couldn't resist my repeated requests and finally called the municipal party committee office.

After waiting for a while, Secretary Qian's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, I am Qian Xuezhi, may I ask who you are..."

"I'm Zhang Jiulin." I interrupted him directly and told him my current location.

"Master Zhang!" Secretary Qian exclaimed, "Wait a moment, I'll come to greet you right away!" He hung up the phone.

After a while, he hurriedly ran out of the government building, pulled me aside, avoided everyone and asked in a low voice: "Master Zhang, have you found the negative thing?"

I patted the baggage behind me and said, "I've got it. Mayor Wang is here."

"That's great! Master Zhang, you came just in time." Secretary Qian held my hand, his eyes were wet, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Mayor Wang is in the hospital."

"During the meeting in the morning, Mayor Wang suddenly fainted and fell to the ground and was sent to the intensive care unit. The doctor said that he was already in the advanced stage of liver cancer and was extremely weak. He had been overworked recently, which caused the disease to advance. From now on, You can no longer leave the hospital, otherwise your life may be in danger at any time.”

Unexpectedly, I was rushing all the way and something like this still happened, and I suddenly felt anxious.

"Go, take me there now!" I said urgently.

"Okay." Secretary Qian took off his glasses and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. He didn't care about calling any more vehicles. He raised his hand and stopped a passing taxi.

In the intensive care unit of the city hospital, Mayor Wang was lying there quietly wearing a blue and white hospital gown with an oxygen mask on his face.

We opened the door gently and walked to the bed.

His breathing was smooth, as if he was sleeping soundly. But I know that even in his dream, he still thinks about those unfinished projects and those hard-working migrant workers in Wuhan. His whole body and mind are devoted to the four words "serving the people."

After a while, he didn't know what he was dreaming about, and two tears slowly flowed down.

"You go prepare something right away, and I'll gather his soul for him right now!" I yelled.

"Okay, tell me!" Secretary Qian trembled and pulled out the small notebook he carried with him.

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