Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,181 Soul Gathering Array

"One rooster, an old rooster more than three years old. Seven willow branches, this year's new buds, a bucket of glutinous rice soup, a bag of garlic, a bag of quicklime. A big pot." I said quickly.

Secretary Qian hurriedly took notes, raised his head and asked, "Is that all?"

"Yes! You have to get it over as soon as possible. In addition, you have to find a way to isolate the ward and never let anyone disturb me." I ordered.

"I understand!" Secretary Qian said, turned around and walked out.

As soon as he went out, I opened the bag and took out the armor inside.

As soon as the armor came out, the temperature in the room immediately dropped by seven to eight degrees. A cold air spread everywhere, and even the curtains were covered with a layer of frost.

Mayor Wang also seemed to be affected, his brows furrowed and the corners of his mouth twitched.

I took out a medium-sized magic talisman and stuck it on the window to prevent the Yin Qi from leaking out. At the same time, I dipped my fingers in some cinnabar and drew a talisman on Mayor Wang's forehead. His body is too weak now, and he may not be able to bear the Yin Qi entering his body now.

At this moment, the door opened. There were three people in white coats standing outside, one was an old doctor with gray hair on his temples, and the other two were young nurses.

"What do you do?" The doctor seemed to be afraid of disturbing Mayor Wang, so he lowered his voice and shouted.

"Save people." I replied without looking back.

"Save people?" The doctor glanced at the charm posted on the window and snorted disdainfully: "Do you know that Mayor Wang's cancer has reached an advanced stage and he can no longer stand such nonsense? Who are you saving? They are obviously feudal superstitions. Eh? Why is it so cold in this room? Xiao Yao, go and turn on the air conditioner."

A little nurse stepped forward, but was blocked by me.

"I'm really trying to save people. From now on, no one is allowed to step forward into the door!" I looked at a few people and said solemnly.

"Who are you? Do you want to murder the mayor?" The doctor looked angry: "I advise you to leave immediately! Otherwise, I will call Secretary Qian immediately and arrest you."

"Secretary Qian brought me here. You don't need to call. He will be back soon." I was still blocking the door.

"Mayor Wang is a good official who serves the people wholeheartedly. He wants to die on the way to work, not in a hospital bed. Since you can't do anything, let me do it! I promise to make him stand up again and complete the unfinished work. Pity."

I looked at the doctor and continued: "I believe that you have been practicing medicine for so many years and you must be used to life and death. You must also understand that death is not terrible. What is terrible is that there are many unfulfilled wishes before death! I am here I'm helping Mayor Wang fulfill his wish, I hope you can understand and stop disturbing me."

After hearing these words, the old doctor was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and asked me: "How sure are you?"

"One hundred percent!" I replied with absolute certainty.

"If Mayor Wang cannot stand up again, I will commit suicide and dedicate my body to you for medical research." I said very firmly, my eyes filled with bright light.

The old doctor and I looked at each other for a long time, and finally nodded: "I agree. But once his life is in danger, we must come to rescue him as soon as possible."

"Okay!" I nodded.

At this moment, Secretary Qian led two people in a hurry from the other end of the corridor.

He was holding a big rooster in one hand and a bag of garlic in the other. The two people following him were also holding pots and buckets, a lot of miscellaneous things.

When Secretary Qian approached, he immediately understood what was happening when he saw the posture, and said to the old doctor: "I'm sorry, Professor Fang, I know it's hard to explain to you, but Mayor Wang really can't just lie in the hospital like this." Here, I hope you can..."

"Needless to say, Secretary Qian, I also hope that miracles will happen in this world!" After saying that, he turned and left.

The two young nurses were stunned for a moment and then followed suit.

"Thank you, Professor Fang!" Secretary Qian bowed to express his thanks, then piled things at the door and said slightly nervously: "Master Zhang, everything is ready."

"Okay, stay at the door and don't let anyone in." I closed the door and locked it tightly.

I poured the glutinous rice soup into the pot, then peeled off the garlic and threw it in one by one. The pot immediately started boiling, bubbling and rising.

I took out another precious and high-quality talisman and lit it in front of Mayor Wang's forehead. Then he grabbed the armor and threw it into the big pot. The pot of white glutinous rice soup froze instantly, the heat wave disappeared without a trace, and even the outside of the pot was covered with a layer of white frost.

I grabbed a handful of lime and sprinkled it from the edge of the pot onto the big rooster, sprinkling a long white line on the ground.

With a breath, a stream of yin energy suddenly emerged from the pot and floated along the lime line!

After being infected by Yin Qi, the entire lime cloth is frozen, like an ice line.

The big rooster has been clucking and screaming since it entered the house. Although its feet were tied, it kept fluttering its wings. It looked extremely frightened and wanted to escape with all its strength.

After the yin energy penetrated into the body of the big rooster along the lime line, it immediately stopped shouting, its wings no longer fluttered, but it raised its head and looked at me steadily.

"Hey!" It opened its mouth as if it was about to say something, but it only let out a chicken crow. Then he bowed his head heavily to me, three times in a row, and finally flapped his wings and jumped onto Mayor Wang.

"Okay, the soul gathering is done!" I shouted secretly.

This formation that I have worked so hard to set up is called the Soul Gathering Formation. It uses the big rooster as a medium to integrate the soul of Mayor Wang with the Yin spirit of Zhao Yun in the armor. Only in this way can Mayor Wang display his full potential. The greatest power of this femininity.

Ten minutes later, Mayor Wang, who was lying on the bed, moved his eyelids slightly and raised his little finger. He turned his head to look at me with difficulty. His eyes were full of gratitude, and two hot tears fell down his face. .

Although he had been in a coma just now, his soul could clearly see it. He knew that it was me who pulled him back from the hands of death and gave him his last hope!

Seeing that the work was done, I finally felt relieved and opened the locked door.

"Master Zhang, Mayor Wang..." Secretary Qian saw me opening the door and hurriedly came over to greet me, asking anxiously.

"It's okay." I wiped the sweat from my forehead: "Mayor Wang's consciousness has recovered, but his body is too weak, so don't disturb him for the time being. Give him more supplements for a while, and he can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. "

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it right now!" Secretary Qian said as he ran out quickly.

"What, he will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow?" The old doctor with half white hair also stood aside and shouted in great surprise: "How is this possible? In his current condition, it is considered good that he can speak, but he still wants to be discharged from the hospital?"

"You just said that miracles will really happen in this world." I smiled at him and walked out of the hospital gracefully.

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