Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,182: Farewell to the Mayor on Ten Mile Long Street

After these few days, I am really exhausted, especially since setting up the formation just now consumed a lot of spiritual energy, and I feel weak even when I walk.

After leaving the hospital, I went straight back to the antique store. I didn't even bother to take a shower or take off my clothes. I just leaned on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the sky was already pitch black.

I rubbed my eyes and got up, took a quick shower, and then noticed that there were several missed calls and text messages on my phone.

The call was from Mazi Li. Secretary Qian saw my tired look with his own eyes and thought I might need a good rest, so he didn't call me but sent me a text message to say thank you. He also told me that after Mayor Wang put on the armor, he jumped out of bed, his face flushed, and he seemed to be more than ten years younger, and he shouted that he was about to be discharged from the hospital.

Professor Fang was surprised to check and found that Mayor Wang's liver cancer was still there, but his mental outlook was completely different from when he arrived. In extreme shock, he begged Secretary Qian to see me again.

Apparently, this old guy wants to become my disciple!

I smiled bitterly and replied: "Miracles cannot be replicated, and I can only perform it this time."

One evening two days later, Secretary Qian came to the antique shop again.

He handed me a document bag, which contained Mayor Wang’s bankbook and real estate certificate, and told Mayor Wang what he said: “These things are really very few, but he really doesn’t know how to repay me... "

I pushed the document bag back and said righteously: "Then you can also tell me that I didn't save Wang Yuejin, but Mayor Wang! If you really want to thank me, let Wuhan be well."

On the third night, Secretary Qian came again. He said that after Mayor Wang listened to my words, he stared blankly at the old city outside the window for a long time, without saying a word, but silently shed tears.

In the next month, the whole city of Wuhan was like celebrating the New Year. Every few days, a project to benefit the people would be completed. Mayor Wang's name was constantly refreshed on Weibo and appeared in the news.

But on the last day of the month, Secretary Qian came to the door again with tears on his face, and handed me an invitation with trembling hands.

is white.

I understood what was happening without looking.

Secretary Qian's eyes were red and he said intermittently: "In the past month, Mayor Wang worked overtime and almost never slept, and finally completed all the projects to benefit the people. Before leaving, he held my hand and said , I finally fulfilled my long-cherished wish, and I did not let down the country and the people, nor did I let down Master Zhang’s hard work!”

"He just looked at Wuhan's new future map with a smile and left..."

"Until the last moment, he was smiling, happy and satisfied."

Secretary Qian took off his glasses, wiped his tears and said, "Master Zhang, thank you very much for your help this time. Mayor Wang has asked you several times but you haven't seen me. Now for this last meeting, I want to ask you..."

"I will go." I nodded and said expressionlessly.

A few days later, I arrived at the funeral parlor early, but such a large funeral parlor was blocked by a huge crowd of people!

All the people in Wuhan were facing in the same direction, and everyone spontaneously wore a white flower on their chest. Everyone's face was filled with sadness, and some even shed tears as if they had lost a relative.

I was caught in the crowd and slowly moved forward.

Both sides of the street were covered with wreaths and elegiac couplets. Countless people stood neatly on both sides, but there was no sound at all. Only one or two uncontrollable sobs could be heard occasionally.

It started to rain, and gray clouds covered the entire sky, but no one left! No one holds an umbrella! Still standing so silently, crying silently.

Tens of thousands of people filled the street outside the funeral home!

In the distance, Mayor Wang's hearse slowly drove out.

drop! Suddenly, all the surrounding vehicles suddenly honk their horns together spontaneously. The sound passed through the high-rise buildings and across the sky of Wuhan City. This was everyone's practical action to see off Mayor Wang.

The hearse slowly approached, and I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a hazy figure riding a white horse in front of the hearse.

Although the figure was very old and had a beard, he was wearing a white robe and holding a silver spear, and his majesty was still the same as before.

This is... Changshan Zhao Zilong?

It stands to reason that Mayor Wang is dead, and Zhao Yun in the armor should continue to sleep, but what is going on?

I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that Zhao Yun was a famous general and Mayor Wang was a good official.

Zhao Yun's long-cherished wish is to return to the Northern Expedition and shed his last drop of blood for Shu Han. Mayor Wang's long-cherished wish is to use his last remaining energy to do his last contribution to Wuhan City.

In fact, they are all on the same side. Mayor Wang used the armor to fulfill his long-cherished wish, which actually solved Zhao Yun's regrets back then. That's why Zhao Yun came to see Mayor Wang off!

Just as I was deep in thought, Zhao Yun's Yin spirit suddenly raised his gentian spear and locked eyes on me with two eyes that could kill anyone.

He looked at me for several seconds, then suddenly drew his gun, mounted his horse, and charged straight towards me.

I was frightened, fearing that Zhao Yun's ghost would regard me as an enemy, but Zhao Yun's figure passed me by and disappeared.

At this moment, the clear and crisp voice of the little ring spirit rang in my ears: "Congratulations, master, for successfully extracting Zhao Yun's Yin Spirit and obtaining Zhao Yun's military skill: gentian! When damaged, it will automatically Release the gentian armor to protect the whole body."

Um? This is……

I was stunned for a moment, and then I knew what was going on.

Zhao Yun died of illness during the Northern Expedition, and the ghost full of regrets took up residence in the armor along with the mouthful of blood he spat out, and it remained there for thousands of years.

Now, with my help, he has used his remaining energy and funded his descendants. Zhao Yun must be very happy in his heart!

Changshan Zhao Zilong has always been a great man who repays kindness. When Liu Bei showed some appreciation to him, he was willing to fight for him all his life and would never forget it until his death!

Now that I have helped him so much, he will naturally take the initiative to give me his soul.

"General Zhao, thank you!" I touched the Eternal Spirit Ring secretly, and the Eternal Spirit Ring seemed to hear my words and flashed a circle of silver light.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, as if the sky is also weeping, but I know that both the spirit of Mayor Wang and the spirit of Zhao Yun will be passed down forever.

(ps: I pondered for a long time when writing this story, and finally I showed everyone such a Mayor Wang, who is also the prototype of the famous Taiyuan Mayor Geng Yanbo. Many people say that such good officials have long since disappeared, but I feel that through experience Those who lived in the red era have beliefs that we cannot understand. They are really loyal to the party and the motherland, and they love this land deeply. Okay, casual talk, there is no charge for the number of words in brackets, feel free to read)

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