Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,183 Tsim Sha Tsui Water Monster

After seeing off Mayor Wang, I rushed back to the antique store to take a good hot bath, but as soon as I turned on the water heater, the phone rang.

who is this? It’s too bad to pick the time.

I ignored it and continued washing, but the phone kept ringing, making me upset and angry.

Depend on! Who is it, so urging?

I grabbed a towel angrily and walked out. I picked up the phone and saw that it was the man in the T-shirt calling.

I have known him for such a long time, but he almost never takes the initiative to contact me, and he has never been so urgent. Could it be that something serious has happened?

I answered the phone, and the slightly anxious voice of the man in the T-shirt came from the other end: "Have you finished the matter at hand?"

"Yeah, just done."

"Then can you come to Hong Kong and do me a favor?" Before I could finish my words, the man in the T-shirt asked hurriedly.

Ever since I took over my grandfather’s antique shop and started my career as a fetish dealer, the T-shirt man has been with me countless times and saved my life. This is the first time he has ever asked me for help. How could I say no? ?

And judging from his tone just now, the trouble he encountered this time must be quite big, and he couldn't deal with it with his ability. That's when he thought of me.

"No problem." I replied cheerfully: "I'll book a flight right away!"

After saying that, I put down the phone and didn't bother to take a shower. I hurriedly found a few clothes, picked up the ghost-slaying swords and some other things I might need, and hurried to the airport.

The double knives could not be brought on board the plane. I made several phone calls on the way, and then I asked a friend to help me transport them in the name of ancient handicrafts.

The man in the T-shirt seemed to be afraid that I would get lost, so he sent a middle-aged man in a floral shirt to pick me up at the harbor early.

Flowery Shirt drove a speedboat and took me through the wind and waves in the waterways, and finally stopped in front of a large river in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Tsim Sha Tsui is a famous floating city in Hong Kong. The main means of transportation here is not cars, but ships. I heard that Hong Kong did not produce spices in the past, so it could only import fragrant wood from the Dongguan area. Ships of fragrant wood were trafficked to Tsim Sha Tsui every day, and this was how Tsim Sha Tsui, a run-down place, slowly prospered.

"Xiansen, the junior high school commander is waiting for you over there." Hua Shirt pointed forward and said in half-baked Mandarin.

I looked up and sure enough, the man in the T-shirt was squatting by the river with a long sword on his back, as if he was thinking about something.

The setting sun shone on his delicate face, making it look perfect.

I jumped off the speedboat and strode ashore.

"Jilin, based on your knowledge, what could have caused this?" Before I could get closer, the man in the T-shirt suddenly asked without looking back.

When I heard his words, I was slightly stunned, and then I noticed that there was a pile of blue clothes full of holes at his feet, including jeans, floral shirts, white gauze skirts, and two children's sportswear. shoe.

All the clothes were torn to pieces and covered in sticky blood. The scene was extremely shocking! A pungent fishy smell spread everywhere, causing a group of flies to buzz up and down.

It seems that the situation is indeed a bit tricky! I put away my smile and squatted next to the man in the T-shirt to take a closer look.

It was found that the holes in all the clothes were uneven, and even the silk threads at many fractures were pulled out in long lengths. It was obviously not caused by sharp weapons such as knives and axes.

Moreover, these clothes are stained with a lot of mud, and are also mixed with a lot of water plants and sand, which should come from the bottom of the river.

"Is it a water ghost?" I asked with some confusion.

"It's not that simple..." The man in the T-shirt stood up coldly and looked at the river from a distance, his body as straight as a poplar tree.

"Do you still remember the Tsim Sha Tsui water monster I told you when you came to Hong Kong to look for the human bone necklace? That time, four or five fishermen disappeared on this river in just one week. Those fishermen all disappeared inexplicably while fishing. The world evaporated, leaving only an empty boat. And their bloody clothes, shoes and socks would float on the river the next day. All the clothes were in pieces, but there was no body at all, just like what you see now Exactly the same.”

"At that time, the crime team searched for seven or eight days along the river, chasing for more than ten miles, but found no clues at all. Later, even the police officers of the crime team also disappeared three people in a row, and they surfaced the next day. All that’s left is the bloody police uniform!”

"The police force thought this was a bit evil, so they invited me."

"At that time, I briefly checked and found that there was indeed a water monster in the river! However, the water was too deep and too fast, so I couldn't get into the water to catch it, so I used the Five Elements Formation to seal the Yin Qi here. After the formation was completed, the water here was also slow. Manan is born.”

"But just a few days ago, the police found me again and said that another tragedy happened here, and it was even more brutal than before. Look!"

The man in the T-shirt pointed to the pile of clothes: "This is a family of four, all of whom were killed last night."

"When the crime happened in the past, only one person died every night, and most of them were fishermen who made a living. The old man washing clothes on the bank was closer to the river. But now this family of four is far away from the river. He was forcibly dragged down more than 20 meters from the river bank, and he was dragged away together!"

"It stands to reason that even if there is really a water monster here, once the Yin Qi is sealed, it will be like a tiger without teeth. How come its strength has increased so much after a few years?" The man in the T-shirt was very puzzled.

Indeed, everything in this world is inseparable from the two qi of yin and yang.

The man in the T-shirt has suppressed the Yin Qi in the river. Without the continuous supply of Yin Qi, the water monster will be disabled even if it is not dead. How can it forcibly drag four people into the water more than 20 meters away from the river bank?

This is no longer a water monster, but a dragon king! But if there really is such a Dragon King, then the Five Elements Formation cannot trap it at all, so how could it remain silent for so many years before continuing to do evil?

I immediately asked: "Is the formation you set up back then still there? Has it been destroyed?"

"Speaking of this, it's even weirder!" The man in the T-shirt listened to my question, and his face became unusually gloomy.

"You also know that there is only one way to break the Five Elements Formation, and that is to use the Five Elements to defeat the Five Elements. But the five formation eyes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth that I set up were all broken by this guy's water."

"What, one water breaks the five elements?" My eyes widened when I heard this.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth have always been mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. If you want to break fire, you can only use water; if you want to break wood, you can only use gold, and so on.

Besides, I am very familiar with the abilities of the T-shirt man. Not to mention the world of ghosts, there are probably not many people in the world who can match him.

The Five Elements Formation set up by his ability was completely destroyed by the water monster in the river. This is simply shocking!

I finally understood why he asked me for help.

With just this hand, the T-shirt man had little chance of winning in a fight with the water monster alone, not to mention that the water monster was still hiding in the deep water, coming and going without a trace.

"There's something even more amazing. Come on, I'll take you to the front to have a look." After saying this, the man in the T-shirt took out a white handkerchief, wiped his hands, and walked forward.

"Is there anything more amazing?" When I heard it, I secretly beat the drum in my heart.

The two of us walked along the river bank for two or three miles and came to a hillside. On the hillside was a winding road. Parked on the roadside was a white car. The car had been severely deformed and crooked. Twisted into a ball.

The police cordon surrounded a large area. Many local onlookers from Tsim Sha Tsui stood around the cordon, but they were stopped by a group of people in police uniforms with walkie-talkies.

"The family of four took this car through the mountain road last night."

"I checked before and there were urine stains on the side of the road. It was probably because they got out of the car conveniently and then they were attacked by an unknown monster." The man in the T-shirt explained as he walked.

"Do you see how the car has been squeezed? Look at the distance. The police have measured the distance from the car to the river. It is a full twenty-six meters." The man in the T-shirt then pointed to his feet. : "Look, the railings on both sides of the road are all crushed."

I had already discovered that there was a long indentation between the car and the river. All the railings were crushed to pieces. There was also a deep pit in the middle, more than two meters wide, and the bottom of the pit was slightly curved. , like half a heel.

Half of the heel is over two meters long, so how big must this monster be? What the hell is it?

I suddenly felt a chill down my spine.

"Now, what do you think?" The man in the T-shirt looked at me steadily.

"He's a tough guy!" I took a deep breath and said.

"Not counting what you just saw, there were four murders in a row just a few days ago, and a total of sixteen people were missing."

"Moreover, that guy is getting more and more arrogant and cruel."

"Two miles further, there is a Mazu temple built by fishermen. My Five Elements Formation was set up near the Mazu Temple. After that thing broke my formation, it uprooted the entire Mazu Temple and destroyed the statue of Mazu. Throwing it into the river is clearly a demonstration against me!" The man in the T-shirt showed a murderous look in his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said: "Whether it's public or private, I must get rid of this thing completely."

"Yes! No matter who this water monster is, we must not let it go!" I replied firmly.

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