Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,188 Summoning, Governor Zhou Yu!

The man in the T-shirt was originally standing in the Five Elements Formation, and the monster couldn't get close at all. But when he saw the monster trying to escape, the man in the T-shirt became anxious and actually stepped out of the formation.

The blood-red water column came so fast and fiercely that it immediately wrapped tightly around his waist.

The man in the T-shirt was not careful, and his hands and feet were immediately tied tightly, and he was about to be dragged into the river.

This monster was originally the king of water, and this river was its world. Without the protection of the formation, once the man in the T-shirt falls into the water, he will definitely escape death!

At this moment, I couldn't care about anything else. I shouted quickly and took over from the man in the T-shirt to activate the Five Elements Formation.


As I shouted, the originally extinguished formation eyes flashed simultaneously, and golden runes rose into the sky, gathering into countless sharp swords and slashing straight towards the water column.

Gold is the most powerful offensive attribute in the Five Elements Formation, and countless sharp swords quickly flattened the water column like a torrent.

But the water column seemed to be alive and spiritual. It quickly recovered and was still tightly wrapped around the man in the T-shirt and dragged to the bottom of the river!

"Kill again!" I forcefully poured in my spiritual power and shouted loudly.

The illusory long sword that was swung out turned around, drew a bright light and shadow in mid-air, and then slashed towards the water column.

Click! The water column was cut off again, and most of the tentacles on the T-shirt man were reduced, but they were quickly reconnected and continued to hold on to the T-shirt man.

At this moment, the T-shirt man's feet had sunk into the water and were about to reach his chest.

"Keep killing me!" I shouted repeatedly.

The illusory long sword bloomed with golden light one after another, and the sword shadows flew into the air, forming one piece in the air and slashing at the water column dozens of times. Although the water dragon can continue to gather, it is getting thinner and smaller.

I held my breath and was about to use all my energy to activate the water formation in the Five Elements Formation to drag the man in the T-shirt up.

Suddenly there was a loud "bang".

t seemed to have finished reciting some mantras, broke through the shackles of the water column, jumped back to the shore.

There were still several small fish with sharp teeth clinging to his pants, but they were already bloody and dead.

And when he jumped onto the shore, the bloody spray rolled up the waves and fled downstream, leaving a long arc on the river.

"Thank you, but I still let this thing escape." The man in the T-shirt looked at the monster's leaving figure and let out a faint sigh.

This monster is full of evil, and it likes to eat people and animals on the shore. If it is not completely eliminated this time, more fishermen in Hong Kong may die at its hands in the next few days, and it will be even harder for us to hunt again.

I held up my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods and asked, "From what you see, what kind of monster is this?"

"It should also be caused by evil spirits." The man in the T-shirt looked at the water with hatred: "When I was sucked into the water just now, I felt a unique breath of evil spirits on the monster! It should be a coincidence that the South China Sea Wang Hubu's Yin spirit has been fused with some kind of monster. Not only can he move across the lake and the sea, he can also command a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. If it keeps hiding in the water and doesn't come out, there's nothing we can do against him."

"If that's the case, I have an idea." I suddenly had an idea.

When the man in the T-shirt heard this, he couldn't help turning his head: "What can I do?"

"As the saying goes, there are specialties in the arts. Since this monster likes to hide in the water, then I will summon a Yin spirit who is good at water fighting to deal with it!" As I said that, I showed the Yongling in my hand. Quit.

Without waiting for the man in the T-shirt to answer, I slit my wrist with the ghost-killing swords, dripped my blood essence on the Eternal Spirit Ring, and then said to the Eternal Spirit Ring in a commanding tone: "Little Ring Spirit, I need to summon A Yin spirit comes to fight!"

"Master, please wait a moment."

Following the cute voice of the little Ringwraith, a row of small cards similar to playing cards suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, all of which were lifelike portraits of ancient characters.

I closed my eyes and browsed for a few seconds, then I felt confident, and suddenly shouted: "Summon Zhou Yu out immediately!"

Zhou Yu was the Commander-in-Chief of the Soochow Navy during the Three Kingdoms period. He commanded tens of thousands of Soochow naval forces, and commanded the Battle of Chibi, causing Cao Cao's army to abandon their armor. It was perfect to invite such a naval elite!

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for summoning Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu, nicknamed Gongjin, is handsome in appearance and proficient in music. He is called 'Mei Zhou Lang' by the world. Zhou Yu served as the governor of Soochow and commanded the Battle of Chibi, establishing the three-part world. .Zhou Yu Yin Ling’s own skill Water Warfare: When fighting on the water surface, a certain number of Soochow Yin Soldiers will be randomly attached.

As the voice of the little Ringwraith disappeared, I saw a hand-operated folding fan, a young man with long hair shawl, who was more beautiful than the woman, appeared in front of me.

It was none other than Zhou Yu, the most beautiful man of the Three Kingdoms.

"Grand Governor, there are water monsters causing trouble here and harming the lives along the coast. I hope you can help me!" I saluted Zhou Yu respectfully. After all, I had severely offended Zhou Yu when I dealt with the blood-gold incident. , I don’t know if he will blame me?

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu didn't mean to blame me at all. Instead, he unfolded the folding fan with extraordinary grace and said, "Okay, please wait for a moment."

His eyebrows were raised, with an extremely confident smile on his face.

"Are our Soochow troops here?" Zhou Yu walked to the shore and shouted loudly.

"Here!" Then an earth-shattering roar suddenly came from the darkness, and half of the river was overturned.

I looked over in surprise and saw dozens of huge ancient ships parked on the water, as far as the eye could see! A black ghost flag was planted on every ship, and rows of faceless Yin soldiers stood neatly on the deck, each with his upper body naked and a cold long knife in his mouth.

Although those high-rise ships looked extremely heavy, the waterline under the ships did not change at all, because these were armies from the underworld and had no weight.

A leaf floated from the building boat, passed directly through the hull, and the transparent chests of groups of Yin soldiers, and then fell on the water.

It seems that these are the Yin soldiers and Yin generals who followed Zhou Yu to death in the Battle of Chibi. They were commanded by Zhou Yu during his lifetime and continued to follow Zhou Yu after his death.

"My sons!" Zhou Yu covered half of his face with a folding fan and made a gloomy voice: "The water monsters are causing trouble here and killing the people. As the elites of Soochow, what should you do?"



"Kill!" The dark eyes of countless Yin soldiers suddenly lit up, as if they were awakened by Zhou Yu at this moment.

"Okay!" Zhou Yu suddenly put away the folding fan covered with azaleas and smiled slightly: "Today I will let others see the power of our Soochow Navy!" Then he raised his hand and waved: "The whole army rushes forward! But everyone If you stand in the way, you will be killed without mercy."

"I obey the command of the Grand Governor!" All the ships blew their horns at the same time, and they quickly shuttled across the river like ghosts. Large numbers of naked Yin soldiers followed and jumped into the water, looking for traces of the water monster.

"Waiting for the victorious return of the Governor." I raised my hand to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu boarded the bow and looked back at me with a smile: "I lost to you in the land battle, but the one who can beat me in the water battle has not yet been born."

The black flag was blown fiercely as it went upstream, but there was not even a trace of water on the water, not to mention waves.

Soon, the ship disappeared without a trace.

The man in the T-shirt looked away and couldn't help but let out a bitter smile: "Zhou Yu fights Hu Bu, the Three Kingdoms fight Da Qin, I'm sorry you can think of it."

"With Zhou Yu's Soochow Navy here, no matter how capable Hu Bu is, he will definitely be doomed!" I laughed along with him.

"Let's go over and take a look." The man in the T-shirt inserted the Eight-sided Han Sword back into his back and walked forward.

I nodded and followed him.

All the flowers and plants on the shore were withered along the way, as if they had just been blown by the autumn wind. Both sides of the river bank were also very wet, as if they had just passed through a violent storm.

After walking for a while, something floated on the water.

Getting closer, I found some broken boat planks and stiff dead fish.

These fish were all covered in blood, and their scattered scales were rising and falling with the waves. It was obvious that Zhou Yu's navy had already started fighting with the water monster's subordinates!

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