Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,189 Beiming Kunmu

After walking about another hundred meters, a flock of birds suddenly flew towards us, including crows, sparrows, magpies, and all kinds of things.

The birds screamed in fright and flapped their wings desperately, as if they were running for their lives, as if they were greatly frightened.

Immediately, another smell of blood hit his nostrils. The smell was particularly strong, as if tens of millions of cattle and sheep had been slaughtered at the same time.

At the same time, the air was getting colder and colder, the vegetation was covered with a layer of white frost, and the shallow water by the river was actually frozen with ice, as if it had suddenly become winter.

Suddenly, I noticed a huge black shadow on the river bank in front of me, and the bloody smell was emanating from there.

"Don't get close yet!" the man in the T-shirt suddenly said, and then threw a high-quality talisman from a distance, hitting the black shadow half a meter away. The talisman suddenly shone, and then like a fiery snake, it circled around the black shadow, completely surrounding it.

A barrier was formed among the fire snakes, blocking out the cold bloody smell, and the surrounding area suddenly became much warmer.

With the help of this circle of light, I finally saw clearly what the black shadow was?

It turned out to be a giant river clam!

This river mussel is more than five meters long and one meter wide. Although it is lying on the ground, it still looks huge.

The dark double shells were covered with green aquatic plants and moss. There was a big hole in the middle of the shell, and blood was flowing out. It seemed that it had been smashed by something, and a ball of red mussel meat was exposed inside.

The body of the river clam is densely wrapped with countless fist-thick iron ropes, tightly entangled in all directions. Those iron ropes are translucent, like streaks of black air. It is obviously the work of the group of Yin soldiers brought by Zhou Yu. .

"It seems that it is the culprit." The man in the T-shirt said with cold eyes.

Indeed, the yin energy emitted by this river clam is exactly the same as that of the water monster just now. Moreover, the wounds on its body should have been injured by the man in the T-shirt with the power of lightning.

Just as I was thinking about it, the man in the T-shirt suddenly said to himself again: "That's not right."

As he spoke, he circled half a circle around the clam and frowned: "Hu Bu is just a yin spirit. He shouldn't have the ability to transform into such a huge clam. He must have used some yin object, a combination of yin and yang. By mistake, it became one with the river clam."

"Is that vaginal thing inside the clam?"

"Ignore him, knock it open first! This monster has harmed so many innocent people, it should go to hell long ago!" After I said that, I took out the ghost-killing sword and swung it violently.

I didn't use any spiritual power, this time it was all about strength.

But I didn’t expect that the clam shell was so strong. I tried my best to smash the stone, but it only cracked a few tiny cracks, and my arm was kicked back. The shock made me tingle slightly.

I hit it several more times, and with each blow of the two swords, the clam trembled slightly. After more than ten blows in a row, I finally smashed the clam shell, revealing a pile of tender red soft meat inside.

Inside the giant clam shell, teeth, bones and other human traces can still be seen, and there is even a small pink bow - which should have belonged to a cute little girl.

After I saw it, I was furious. I felt that this guy deserved to die, even the children!

But at this moment, the soft meat suddenly trembled sharply for a few times, and then fell down, completely turning into a pile of rotten meat.

Blood flowed all over the ground, emitting a strong stench.

"Why is there no vaginal object? Did I guess wrong?" The man in the T-shirt frowned in confusion and checked around the clam again.

After still finding nothing, he took out a fire talisman and threw it over. With a puff, a red flame rose up from the rotten meat and started burning.

The air was filled with an unbearable stench, spreading in all directions.

"Forget it, let's just think of it as doing good deeds this time." The man in the T-shirt said calmly while looking at the blazing fire.

I stared at the flames that were getting stronger and stronger. I saw that the pile of rotten meat was about to be burned to ashes, but suddenly the flames flashed and were extinguished.

"Huh?" The man in the T-shirt was stunned.

I was also extremely surprised. What he used was a high-quality fire talisman. Not to mention burning a ball of rotten flesh, even steel and stone could be burned to ashes. But how could this be destroyed so easily?

The man in the T-shirt took out another fire talisman and threw it over. The flames just burst out, then shook and extinguished.

"This thing is weird!" the man in the T-shirt said.

Most of the pile of rotten meat had been burned to charcoal, leaving only a pile the size of a washbasin, which could not be burned no matter how hard it was burned. I dug through the ashes with my twin swords, and a black pearl the size of a fist rolled out.

The black pearl rolled all the way to my feet before stopping.

I picked it up and found that it was as warm as jade, dark and translucent, and felt cool in my hand. It didn't look like an ordinary pearl, and I didn't know what material it was made of.

I could sense that there was an extremely huge Yin Qi inside, which invisibly wrapped the hand I was holding the pearl in.

"It turns out that this is the thing that inhabits Hubu's ghost!" I handed the black pearl to the man in the T-shirt and said.

"This is Kunmu!" When the man in the T-shirt saw the thing in my hand, his voice suddenly rose a few decibels.

"What?" I didn't hear clearly.

"This is the eyeball of the legendary big fish Kun." The man in the T-shirt explained: "Zhuangzi once said in "Xiaoyaoyou" that there is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that it cannot be thousands of miles away. . Kun has always been treated as a myth and legend in Chinese history, because except for Zhuangzi, no one has ever seen it again. A few decades ago, a ghost merchant in Heilongjiang once found a fish scale on Kun's body, which was sold for enough We paid tens of millions of dollars, but we never thought we would find its eyes today.”

"Oh?" When I heard this, I couldn't help but look at the black pearl in my hand carefully, and at the same time, I secretly used my spiritual power to explore it carefully.

After investigating, I discovered that within that gloomy Yin Qi, there was also a spiritual Qi.

Although the aura of agility is not strong, it seems to be spiritual. When I observe it, it is also observing me. It seemed that what I was facing was not a lifeless black pearl, but a living life, even a person!

"The Kun fish existed in ancient times and became extinct as early as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Warring States Period." The man in the T-shirt explained: "According to rumors, after the Kun fish dies, its only eyes are immortal, and it can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, slowly giving birth to spiritual wisdom. Presumably, this Kun's eye was given by Qin Shihuang to King Hu Bu of the South China Sea. When Hu Bu died for his country, he threw himself into the water with Kun's eye in his arms. As a result, his body and Kun's eye were swallowed by the river clam, and then it turned into a river mussel. Water monsters, those strange fish must have been transformed by the Qin army who followed Hubu into the water."

After Kunmu was separated, the pile of rotten flesh burned again and soon turned into a pile of ashes.

The man in the T-shirt returned the Kunmu to me and said: "This Kunmu represents the powerful power of the water! Hubu used it to break through the five elements with one water. Now, although the Yin spirit in this Kunmu has been destroyed, , but it is still a priceless treasure. Even a person who does not know how to swim can wear the Kunmu on his body and can swim unhindered in the water. Your trip to Hong Kong will not be a loss."

After Zhou Yu ordered the Yin soldiers to kill all the strange fish in the river, he returned to the Eternal Spirit Ring, and Tsim Sha Tsui once again regained its long-lost peace.

After chatting with the man in the T-shirt for a few words, I started on my way back.

Later, I sold Kunmu to a national swimming team athlete named Sun for 10 million. As expected, this athlete performed exceptionally well in the next Olympics, broke the world record, and won the gold medal in the 1,500 meters. It’s a win for the country!

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