Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,193 Everyone here is rubbish

These guys were fighting fiercely. When Xu Guangsheng asked me what I thought, they all stopped immediately and looked at me without blinking.

I was drinking tea leisurely. When I heard this, I immediately put down the teacup: "I don't have any opinion."

"Oh?" Xu Guangsheng was stunned.

When the other guys heard this, the sarcasm on their faces became a little more intense, as if they were saying: "You are a wise boy. If you don't know what to do, don't interrupt and ruin my good deeds."

"What does Master Zhang mean by this?" Xu Guangsheng asked.

"This is indeed a bit weird." I replied: "If you want to find out what caused it, it's better to do an on-the-spot investigation. Otherwise, what can you get from arguing in the house for days and nights? The results of it?"

"It makes sense!" Xu Guangsheng nodded, and then said to the other people: "Since the masters have different opinions, I think it's better to just follow what Master Zhang said. Let's go to the scene to have a look and then make a decision."

Everyone was not convinced, but they had nothing to say.

"I still say the same thing." Xu Guangsheng's voice was calm. No matter which master helps me resolve this difficulty, I will provide a reward of 10 million, plus a sea-view villa, and..."

He paused, glanced at everyone, and continued: "Moreover, Guangsheng Group will also hire him as a metaphysics consultant."

When everyone heard this, their eyes immediately showed a blazing light.

The remuneration of tens of millions, the price of a sea view villa is already sky-high, and the metaphysics consultant of Guangsheng Group...that is not only something that can be measured by money.

The Guangsheng Group is extremely powerful and its influence can be called a business empire. If it can be hired as a metaphysical consultant, it will be both fame and fortune.

"Mr. Xu is indeed a wise man!" The old man with a goatee stood up and smiled broadly.

After he finished speaking, he looked gloomy, stroking his long beard with his hand, and said with great solemnity: "It's just that the exploration of the underworld requires an auspicious time. Today, the Yin star is on duty, and the Rat Sun is opposed to the Ox. I think it is better to wait until the auspicious day in the zodiac three days later. , it’s not too late to go.”

"Okay, I'll follow Master Huang." Xu Guangsheng nodded: "Every master, please go back and prepare first. In three days, we will go to Dafeng Village together."

This time the tone was completely set.

Xu Guangsheng said that he had something to do and left first. The others had been fighting with each other for a long time and had already resented each other, so they naturally dispersed immediately.

As soon as I walked downstairs, Li Mazi came forward and asked eagerly: "Brother Zhang, what do you say?"

"A demolition site in Guangsheng is a bit evil. I said we would go and have a look in three days."

"Oh, that's all." Li Mazi turned his head disapprovingly.

After just two steps, he seemed to feel something was wrong. He turned around and asked me: "Together, what together? Could it be that those guys just now were invited by them to handle this matter."

"Yes, it seems that Mr. Xu doesn't trust anyone." I smiled.

However, this is normal.

Even though he has built such a huge business empire, he is extremely unfamiliar with the secrets of Yin and Yang. He has no way of distinguishing who is the real master and who is just pretending. So it may be the safest way for everyone to go together and act according to their true abilities.

There has been nothing for days, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

This morning, Guangsheng Group sent someone to pick me up in a luxury RV.

There were already three people sitting in the car, an old monk with a wide robe and long sleeves, a thin old Taoist priest with a fairy-like appearance, and an old lady in a black robe.

The three of them were carrying bulging little packages, and they must have brought all the people who took advantage of them!

The monk and Taoist priest still closed their eyes tightly, and the old lady glanced at me with a gloomy face and said nothing.

Soon after, several other people got on the bus one after another.

I looked around and saw that all the sects I had seen a few days ago were there, except for the old man with the goatee.

The assistant wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked up to the car and said: "Masters, our chairman has something to do today. He really can't get away, so he won't go with you. Now, except for Master Huang, who has not been contacted, everyone Everyone is here, let’s set off now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the car started.

"Huh? Didn't Huang Tiekou say that today is an auspicious day? Why didn't he come?" The short old man wearing a red gourd asked strangely.

"Hmph, I think he is too scared to come, right?" The big man who is the descendant of Zhong Kui was very disdainful: "He just uses that foul mouth to flatter and deceive laymen, but when it comes to exorcism He knows nothing about killing ghosts!"

His voice was loud and his tone was extremely unkind. While saying this, he glanced at the crowd with great arrogance.

The meaning between the lines is nothing more than: "Everyone here is rubbish."

The monk and Taoist priest did not open their eyes, and the other people did not want to tell him apart.

Although the people in the car are all well-known people, they belong to different sects and it is difficult to meet each other on weekdays. Now they are sitting together, but they don't even have to chat, and the atmosphere seems a bit weird.

The RV was fast and steady, and drove for nearly three hours before stopping.

We got out of the car and saw that it was a construction site that had just been half built.

Scattered sand and stone tools were piled all over the ground, and the work shed was also in a mess. Not even a single person could be seen on the huge construction site.

"This place is full of ghosts at night, and the weird legends about Dafeng Village have been circulating recently. All the workers were scared away, and no one dares to take over until now." The assistant gave a brief introduction, and then Pointing forward: "Ahead is Dafeng Village."

I followed his finger and saw that there was a small stone hill not far ahead. A hut was vaguely exposed above the stone hill, and there seemed to be wisps of smoke rising from the kitchen.

Farther away lies a tall mountain, shaped like a steamed bun, with no peaks on all sides, just a bare patch of grass all over the mountain.

"Ah? This is..." The short old man wearing a red gourd on his back saw this scene, his eyes widened, he was obviously very surprised!

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