Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,194 The Ten Great Underworlds

"This... this place is too evil. I won't take this business." After saying this, the short old man turned around and left.

He is a famous exorcist master, and his specialty is watching the wind and cutting off the pulse.

When they saw him showing such an expression, the hearts of the other people trembled.

The old lady in black robe immediately asked: "Master Honghu, what is going on? What did you find?"

"Have you ever heard of extremely yin places?" Master Honghu explained with a dark face: "Yuan Tiangang, the first divination master of the Tang Dynasty, once listed the world's top ten auspicious places and the top ten yin places. The Feng Shui here It is clearly one of the ten great underworlds.”

"Look, the mountain behind the village has no peaks, no cliffs, and no grass growing on it. Does it look like a bare tomb? And the village protrudes here, clearly in the shape of a ghost tomb in the underworld. No one knows how many people are gathered on the mountain. Undead, I will never dare to get even half a step closer, for fear that I will make money but not spend my life." The short old man waved his hands repeatedly, turned around and got into the RV.

"What about ghost tombs in the underworld? You can scare others. I don't believe in this evil." The big man glared: "My Zhong family has never been afraid of mountain spirits and ghosts. If you don't dare to go, don't go. I'll take care of it." !”

After speaking, he strode towards the small village.

The old Taoist stroked the long beard on his chest, nodded slightly and said: "There is indeed too much yin energy here, which leads to an imbalance of yin and yang."

"What does Taoist Master Qingliu mean?" the old lady in black robe asked in turn.

"The poor Taoist will make a decision after observing the stars at night." After the old Taoist finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the work shed.

"Amitabha!" The old monk clasped his hands together and shouted the Buddha's name. Then he took out a large, polished wooden fish from his robe and banged it while moving forward.

However, the direction he was running towards was neither a village nor a construction site, but towards the west.

The old lady in black robe realized that everyone had different destinations, and she felt a little uncertain. She turned to look at me and hesitated to speak.

The statements of these people may be true or false. In fact, they all have a hidden agenda and want to monopolize the remuneration provided by Guangsheng Group! That's why he didn't want to go with him, and wanted to find a cannon fodder to die to explore the truth, and the descendant of Zhong Kui was the cannon fodder.

Although I didn't want to be a pathfinder for others, I didn't want to be too petty about this kind of thing, so I headed towards Dafeng Village at the moment.

When the old lady in black robe saw me heading straight towards the small village, she quickly followed me from a distance with a small bundle under her arm.

This village is not big, but it is extremely well built!

There is a stone wall about two meters high surrounding the village. A long ravine is dug outside the wall, just like a fortification during the war, tightly wrapping the village.

Beside the main road into the village, two vans were overturned. The vans had been smashed into pieces, with all the glass broken and the doors deformed. It was completely charred and black, and someone had obviously set a fire.

There is a heavy bulldozer lying at the entrance of the village, and whose cattle are tied to it?

There was a group of local dogs standing on the gravel road not far away. When they saw me approaching, they immediately started barking wildly.

I stopped and looked at the village carefully.

Although the village is located in a basin, for some reason, the houses here are built extraordinarily high, as if they must stand out from the crowd. Moreover, there is half a piece of red wood standing on the roof, which is bright and dazzling in the sunlight. I don’t know what it is made of.

The whole village was deserted and there was no trace of people around. I walked into the village a long way and still didn’t see anyone.

Smoke was rising from the open-air stove, soybeans were piled on the two stone mills, hoes were thrown in the vegetable field, and the soil was still freshly dug, but there was no one there. It was as if all the people in this village had evaporated out of thin air at the same time. It was simply a ghost village!

I was shocked and surprised. Even in broad daylight, I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on my back.

Click! Suddenly, there was a soft sound from behind me.

I looked back and saw a black shadow quickly hiding in the corner, with a big black, muddy foot exposed outside.

Someone is following me?

I pretended that I didn't find anything and continued walking forward. When I passed a fence, I turned back sharply.

There were walls on both sides, so the other party was caught off guard and I caught him in the act.

He was a skinny boy about sixteen or seventeen years old.

He was wearing a dirty blue vest, his whole body was covered with mud, his hair and eyebrows were all stuck together, and there were many straws hanging on his head.

However, when he was discovered, the expression on his face was not fear but dullness. As if he was completely unconscious, he just remained motionless and stared at me.

"Little brother, is this Dafeng Village?" I asked him pretending to be a lost person.

He shook his head, still staring at me with a pair of dead fish eyes.

"No? Oh, this is troublesome." I pretended to be annoyed and said, "What is the name of this village? How to get to Dafeng Village."

He still shook his head.

Is he mute?

When I was confused, a roar suddenly came from the front: "They are all fucking mute!"

"People are dying in your village, and you can just shake your fucking heads and be fine?" I heard it right away, and the person who made the sound was the big man who entered the village first.

dead? He must have discovered something.

I couldn't care about the boy for the time being, and hurried over following the sound.

I saw an open space densely surrounded by many people.

I took a closer look and saw that there was a well in the crowd, with the big man standing next to it and a dead body at his feet.

The body was wet, and it was obvious that he had just been fished out of the well - he should have been extremely thin, but he was a little swollen from the water in the well. The beard on his chin was messy on his face, and his eyes were round and staring. , covered with bloodshot eyes, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying before his death!

Although the body was slightly deformed, I still recognized it. It was Huang Tiekou, an old man with a goatee sitting next to me in the conference room of Guangsheng Group.

"A good living man died in your village, and you said you didn't know?" The big man was still yelling and cursing, pointing at everyone: "If you don't say anything, do you believe I will set a fire and burn this village down? "

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