Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,195 Autopsy

The villagers gathered around him and looked at him dumbly without saying a word.

It was only then that I noticed that these villagers were all weird and unusual - no matter whether they were men, women, old or young, they were all like the boy who followed me just now, staring with a pair of dead fish eyes and expressionless faces.

"Master Zhong Tianshi, what's going on?" At this moment, someone outside the crowd asked.

I turned around and saw an old lady in black robe.

"Snake Granny, you came just in time." When the big man saw him, he waved and shouted: "It is your special skill to determine the cause of death. Come and see how he died?"

The snake woman was not tall. She only saw the big man when she stood outside the crowd, but did not notice the dead body lying on the ground.

As soon as she heard the cause of death was confirmed, she immediately squeezed into the crowd, saw the goatee lying on the ground, and immediately screamed: "Huang...Huang Tiekou?"

"What's going on?" Her wrinkled face also became gloomy.

"As soon as I entered the village, I smelled the smell of death. I followed it all the way to the well, and then found Huang Tiekou." After the big man gave a brief explanation, he pointed at everyone: "I asked them how people died. The result is that they all act like mutes, they don’t even fart, they just shake their heads!”

"Grandma, what kind of bird village is this? Get out! Get the hell out of here."

The big man became angrier as he talked, waving his arms and shouting loudly.

The villagers took a few steps back numbly, but refused to leave, still staring at him closely.

Snake Woman squatted down, rolled Huang Tiekou's eyelids, opened her mouth and looked at the tongue coating, then untied the black bundle and took out an iron box.

She opened the small iron box on the ground. Inside were various small hooks, small shovels and other things. She took out a silver needle and pricked Huang Tiekou's middle finger.

A stream of blood immediately gushed out from the pricked middle finger. Snake Woman picked up a piece of yellow mounting paper and caught a few drops.

As soon as the blood fell on the paper, it immediately spread and formed a strange pattern.

As soon as the snake woman saw the pattern, her face became gloomy. She held the yellow paper in her hand and muttered something, and suddenly wiped it on the stone wall beside the well.

The yellow paper immediately burst into flames.

As the flames rose, the snake woman's chanting became faster and faster, and her voice became higher and higher.

After shouting "Order!", the flames went out.

However, not even a single piece of ashes fell on the yellow paper. It was still a whole piece of paper, but there was only one big bright red character left on the paper: "Charm".

"What does this mean?" the big man asked in confusion.

"Huang Tiekou was invaded by ghost energy before his death, and he couldn't keep his soul. Then he was so frightened that he fell into the well in desperation." Snake Woman said.

"The ghost energy invades the body and the soul cannot be kept?" The big man said to himself suspiciously, and said in disbelief: "How is this possible? Although Huang Tiekou is not very capable, he has been in this industry for so many years. , how could he be invaded by ghost energy? did he get here?"

Snake Woman glanced at the corpse and said: "Judging from the body spots, he has been dead for three days and two nights. In other words, after we left Guangsheng Group that day..."

"He was deceived by ghosts and came here?" The big man was very surprised.

"No, he came here on his own." I said, walking in from the crowd.

The big man was stunned: "How do you know he came by himself?"

"Do you still remember that day? He said that the day was too bad and he had to choose three days later?" I saw the two of them nodding, and then continued: "He may think that there is nothing big going on here, and he can handle it by himself. I deliberately found an excuse to delay everyone for three days, and then I sneaked over that night, hoping to take credit from Xu Guangsheng after solving the problem on the spot."

The big man frowned and said, "Is this all your guess? Although Huang Tiekou is a sharp talker, he is less courageous than a mouse. Even if he is greedy for money, he would never dare to sneak here in the middle of the night!"

"Of course he doesn't dare to come himself." I smiled.

As soon as the big man heard something, he quickly asked: "Then you mean, there is someone else who came with him?"

"Yes!" I said with certainty, "If my guess is correct, it was Master Honghu who came with him that night."

"How do you know?" At this time, Snake Woman's expression became a little weird.

"Do you still remember what Master Honghu said when we got off the bus just now?" I reminded.

"He said this is one of the ten underworlds, and there may be many undead souls hiding there, so he didn't dare to come in." Snake Woman recounted.

"That's what's suspicious!" I said with a faint smile: "Master Honghu is famous for detecting Feng Shui, how could he be scared away by a dark place? Moreover, do you still want what he said? - Village Recessed here.”

"From where we got off the bus, it seemed that the village was flat, or even built on a high slope. How could he know that the village was sunken here without going in personally?"

When the two of them heard this, they were both a little shocked.

After a while, the big man said: "Even so, it's just your guess..."

"Then what do you think this is?" I pointed towards the wall in front of me.

The surface of the wall was washed white by the rain, but at the corner, there was a dark gray mark.

When the two of them got closer and took a closer look, they discovered that the mark was caused by writing the cinnabar charm and then smearing it with a handful of sand.

The place where the spell is written is extremely secret, and it is extremely difficult to detect it unless you look carefully. I also discovered it when I was being followed by a boy, and I became wary and had a careful eye.

"Although I don't understand what this spell means, I think you two can also figure it out. It's something unique to Feng Shui, right? There are many such marks carved in the village, and there are several at the same time. The Nine Palaces and Bagua diagram must be Honghu’s doing.”

"There was a heavy rain here a few days ago, but these marks are all new." The big man murmured for a moment, and finally came to his senses: "You mean, Huang Tiekou was killed by Honghu ?”

"I don't dare to say yet whether he caused it, but since he has been here before, he deliberately concealed it, which is enough to make us suspicious!" I said.

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