Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,196 The Second Death

When the two of them heard this, they also became nervous.

I walked up to them and lowered my voice: "That's not all, I have an even more amazing discovery. Come with me!"

After saying that, I squeezed out of the crowd and walked directly outside.

The big man and the snake woman looked at each other and followed closely.

The villagers looked at us blankly and followed closely behind us. I walked quickly and quickly distanced myself from the villagers.

After walking outside the small village, the big man couldn't hold himself back. After catching up with me, he asked in a face-to-face manner: "What on earth did you find? You're so sneaky."

I looked back and saw that the villagers were not chasing us. Instead, they were standing by the ravine in front of the village and staring at us blankly. Then I took a deep breath and said, "There is nothing new. It's just that this village is a bit too evil." ”

"Bullshit!" The big man's eyes widened: "Isn't it because of the evil sect that we are here? I just discovered some signs, and you interrupted me."

After saying that, he turned around and returned to the village.

"Don't you see something is wrong with those villagers?" I continued with a sullen face: "They all said nothing, looked dull, as if they were walking zombies, and they all had a little red spot on their necks...what did they look like?"

"Corpse soldiers!" Snake Woman blurted out, and the wrinkles on her face couldn't help but tremble.

"Yes! Although it is broad daylight and there is no corpse air in the village yet, did you notice it just now? The moment blood dripped from Huang Tiekou's fingers, the villagers' eyes lit up at the same time, as if they had seen prey."

"If I hadn't raised Master Honghu's suspicions, lured you out of the village, and waited for them to go crazy, would you still have been able to escape from a village full of zombies?" I explained.

When the snake woman heard this, her teeth chattered in fear.

The usually brave man also stayed there with his mouth open for a long time, obviously a little scared!

Although they looked down upon me at first and thought I was just a low-level ghost trafficker, I still couldn't do such a thing if I had to watch them die.

"Let's go back first! Discuss it with the other masters." Snake Woman suggested.

The big man nodded and cursed: "When I go back, I want to ask the old thief Hong Hu, what kind of tricks is he hiding?"

I didn't say much and went back directly with them.

As soon as he arrived at the construction site, the big man shouted at the top of his voice: "Old thief Hong Huan, get out of here!"

He called several times, but no one answered.

This place is extremely remote, surrounded by early construction sites, and there are no passing vehicles at all. The RV we came in is still parked there, and Master Honghu has obviously not left.

"His grandma's! Don't blame me for being rude if you don't come out." The bearded man scolded sternly.

At this moment, the assistant shakily got out of the RV.

His face was extremely pale and his expression was extremely nervous: "Master Hong Gourd is dead!"

"Wha...what? Dead?" The big man was suddenly shocked.

The goddess and I were also a little surprised.

When he was about to enter the village just now, he said that this place was one of the ten shady places. He refused to go and stayed at the construction site. Now we just discovered something suspicious about him in the village, why did he die in the blink of an eye?

The three of us looked at each other in surprise, and under the leadership of the assistant, we walked around to the back of the building on the construction site.

This building has just been half completed, with only about six or seven floors. There is a piece of bricks and stones underneath, and the ground is in a mess.

Master Hong Gourd lay motionless in the rubble, with several thumb-thick steel bars piercing his heart, and his whole body was nailed there like a hedgehog. A trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were wide open and covered with bloodshot eyes, as if he had seen some extremely terrifying scene before his death. Except for the different cause of death, it was actually the same as Huang Tiekou's expression before his death. Exactly the same!

"What's going on?" the big man asked in surprise.

The assistant pushed up his glasses and explained to us: "After you left, Master Honghu urged me to drive, saying that I had to go back first! I advised him to wait, but when he saw that I really refused to leave, he leaned against me I was meditating in the shade beside the building, but after a while, I suddenly went crazy, yelling, 'Don't come here, don't come here,' and then, as if being chased by something, I ran upstairs in a panic."

"I saw that he was unconscious and worried that something would happen, so I hurriedly chased him. As soon as I chased him to the top of the building, I saw that he missed his footing, fell down and was stabbed to death by a steel bar..."

After the assistant finished speaking, he wiped the sweat on his forehead with some lingering fear, and asked fearfully: "Masters, what on earth is going on here?"

Snake Woman squatted down and inspected it, and then said: "Like Huang Tiekou, he was invaded by ghost energy and died."

"Did ghost energy invade the body again?" The big man's expression became a little unnatural: "The old thief Hong Hu was indeed somewhat capable, unlike Huang Tiekou. Even he was infected by ghost energy and died. Then this……"

"Hey, where is his gourd?" I suddenly found that the red gourd was missing and asked immediately.

Master Red Gourd got his name because he always carried a huge red gourd on his back, but at this time he died at the construction site and the gourd disappeared.

"Maybe it's still on the roof. I was running in a hurry and didn't have time to take a closer look." The assistant pointed to the unfinished tall building.

The big man and I looked at each other and hurriedly ran up the stairs.

The ground on the top floor was wet and full of water stains. The red gourd was still there, but it was split in half.

The big man picked it up and looked at it and said: "This gourd is a treasure. It is difficult for a sword to leave a mark on it, but this time it was split instantly. Who did it? Could it be Qingliu..." He Suddenly his eyes widened.

"What?" I didn't hear clearly for a while.

"Qingliu, that naughty old man, got a Qingming ancient sword from the Qing Dynasty a few years ago. It is said to be extremely sharp and can cut iron as well as mud. If it is used to chop this gourd... Besides, he hasn't left either. He is at this construction site. !”

After the big man reminded me, I also remembered that Taoist priest Qingliu had indeed said that he wanted to watch the stars at night before making a decision, so he stayed at the construction site. Moreover, I have also seen the baggage he carries with him, and there is indeed a mahogany sword in it, which may be the magic sword the big man mentioned.

Could it be that Master Honghu was killed by him? Then this matter becomes more and more complicated.

First, Huang Tiekou entered the village because of greed, and fell into a well and died.

Just when Master Honghu became a suspect, he was also invaded by ghost energy and jumped to his death.

And now, the split gourd pointed at Taoist Priest Qingliu.

Could it be said that these people have resorted to any means to kill each other for the tens of millions of rewards from Guangsheng Group?

"You're so awesome!" The big man cursed, dropped the half gourd in his hand and hurried downstairs.

I followed closely and went straight into the work shed.

There were abandoned clothes and wine bottles everywhere in the work shed, and there was dust everywhere. Taoist priest Qingliu was sitting in the corner, sitting cross-legged and meditating.

"His grandma! Niubi, you talk about benevolence, justice and morality, but you didn't expect to have such a vicious heart? Come on, come on, you might as well chop me in pieces." The big man opened his mouth and cursed.

Taoist Priest Qingliu opened his eyes slightly and asked in confusion: "Wuliang Tianzun, why did Master Zhong say this?"

"Stop fucking pretending to be stupid with me!" The big man was furious: "I'm just asking you, did you kill Hong Gourd?"

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