Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,197 Death of the Snake Woman

"Hong Gourd?" Taoist priest Qingliu was stunned: "Is Master Hong Gourd dead?"

"Okay, I'll see how stubborn you can be!" The big man rolled up his sleeves and rushed over.

Although he didn't have a good impression of Master Honghu, and even nicknamed him Old Thief Honghu, he was even more resentful of the cannibalism and secret attacks, and was about to fight to the death with Master Qingliu.

"Wait a minute." I hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the big man.

"Why, you still want to help Niubi?" The big man turned his head and his eyes widened in anger.

"He's not the murderer!" I said with certainty.

"Why can't it be him? If others don't have such a magic weapon, how can they split the gourd?" the big man asked.

"Look!" I pointed to the ground: "The ground here is full of dust. There is only a line of footprints where he came in but not when he left. Could it be that he could still kill people with flying swords from thousands of miles away? Also, look at his baggage It has just been spun into a web by a spider. It has obviously not been moved for a long time. The murderer must be someone else."

The big man turned his head and looked around, then sat down on the ground with some dejection: "Then damn, who did this?"

"It's ghost energy!" A voice suddenly came from the door.

I turned around and saw that it was the old monk heading west.

He recited the Buddha's name and walked into the work shed, and said seriously: "I walked around this village and probably found out some reasons. This place was originally called Sunset Slope, and it was a strategic location during the Anti-Japanese War. After people occupied this place, they felt that the name of Sunset Slope was unlucky, so they changed its name to Dafeng Village, which is still in use today."

"There is a ghost atmosphere everywhere here, which can easily confuse people's minds. It is like this during the day, but at night I am afraid that I will have a narrow escape! Buddhists say that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell, I have made up my mind, even if I risk my life We need to get rid of the evildoers here, Amitabha." The old monk said with his hands clasped together.

"What Master Mingjue said is absolutely true." Taoist Priest Qingliu nodded in agreement: "We are all from a well-known and upright family, and it is our mission to conquer demons."

"Niubi, it seems that I have wronged you surnamed Zhong." The big man touched the stubble on his chin and said: "This ghost place is indeed evil enough. Huang Tiekou and Hong Hu have already been killed. If it weren't for this Brother Zhang is smart and took Snake Po and I out of the village. I’m afraid we’ll be in trouble now..."

Having said this, he glanced at me gratefully and continued: "Now it seems that I have stayed in the village the longest, so I will tell you what I discovered."

"The most gloomy place in Dafeng Village is at the east end of the village. There is a small stone house there with no doors or windows on all sides. There is a tombstone horizontally on the roof with the characters facing upward. I can't see what is written on it. What. But I’m sure this is the source of the ghostly energy!”

After he said this, I also remembered it, and immediately added: "Also, there is a piece of red wood on the roof of each of their houses, which should be a coffin board."

"Wangui Chaozong!" Taoist priest Qingliu took a deep breath and said: "This is a Japanese folk custom. If a person dies in a foreign country and cannot return to his homeland, he will use red willow wood instead of the deceased's coffin, facing the Japanese island. , to alleviate the homesickness of the undead. The ghosts in this village are likely to come from Japan. In this case, we have a way to deal with it, we just need to successfully transcend them."

"It's good, it's good. It's best to choose the day of salvation when the homesickness is the strongest. This way, the success rate is higher." Master Mingjue recited the Buddha's name.

"Okay! Then let's do it tomorrow night! Tomorrow happens to be the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, and the full moon makes me feel homesick." The big man said.

"No... it's not good!" Suddenly, the assistant ran in in a panic: "Masters, go and have a look... Snake Woman, Snake Woman is also dead."

He ran so out of breath that he even lost one of his shoes. His hair was covered in blood, which was still dripping down, and half of his face was flushed.

We were extremely surprised when we heard this. We quickly got up and followed him out of the shed.

Because the building on the construction site has not yet been completed, it is surrounded by a green protective net, and the snake lady hangs high on the shelf of the protective net.

She was originally a thin old lady, but when the wind blew, her large black robe fluttered in the wind, scraping against the steel pipe, and the gurgling blood splashed everywhere, which was particularly eye-catching!

Even a few of us were quite frightened.

"How did she die?" I asked.

"I don't know either." The assistant said with fear: "I just passed by here and suddenly felt a heat on the top of my head, as if something was dripping down. When I reached out and touched it, it was all blood. When I looked up, I saw this scene. "

"He was struck to death by a sharp blade." Taoist Priest Qingliu said, pointing forward.

In the rubble in front of him, half of the dying white snake lay. The whole body was covered in blood, and the wound was intact and smooth.

"Amitabha!" Master Mingjue clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name: "This little white snake is the spiritual pet raised by the snake woman. He must have just noticed the ghost energy and wanted to sacrifice his life to protect the master, but he was killed instantly."

"This is how the big gourd of the old thief Red Gourd was split open." The big man took over.

"No wonder you think it was me." Taoist priest Qingliu said with a sigh.

The big man suddenly felt embarrassed, and then murmured in confusion: "That's not right, Huang Tiekou, the old thief Hong Gourd, and the snake woman were killed one after another? If you say that once you step into the village, you will attract ghosts, then I Why are you okay with this little brother Zhang?"

Taoist priest Qingliu frowned and said: "Then there are only two possibilities. The first is that you are carrying something on your body to prevent the ghosts from getting close!"

(PS: A new month has arrived! Everyone’s monthly votes are flying, and there are three updates today! I also ask all of you to vote for Lao Jiu’s new book "The Detective of the Underworld" to be on the list. I sincerely thank you.)

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