Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1198 Sakura Knife Spike

"What do I have?" The big man spread his hands and said, "I, Zhong, never rely on magic weapons to catch ghosts. I rely solely on my own ability. After all, my ancestor Zhong Kui is an expert at eating ghosts."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow fell from the sky and hit us straight.

I turned around and saw that the body of Snake Woman had fallen.

She had been neatly cut in half, but was entangled in the protective net so she was not separated for a while. After a moment of shaking,

Then it fell down firmly, and the ground was covered with bright red internal organs and purple large intestine.

When the assistant saw it, he quickly retreated to the corner and started vomiting.

I suddenly found that Snake Woman's right hand seemed to be holding something tightly, and the pink edge of the thing was slightly exposed.

I knelt down, opened her fingers, took out the things, and wiped the blood on the black robe.

I found that it was a small pink flower. The flower was very strange. There were countless petals gathered in layers, and each petal looked like a small hand. There was a hole punched through the center, and it was completely unclear what it was for.

"What is this?" The big man took it and looked at it strangely, then handed it to Master Mingjue: "Old monk, this should be something from your Buddhism, right?"

Master Mingjue squinted his eyes for a moment and then said: "It does look like the Thousand-Handed Lotus of Buddhism, but the Thousand-Handed Lotus has lotus leaves extending outwards, but this thing has the leaves moving inward, and it is definitely not a Chinese thing. "

"This is the tassel on the Japanese samurai sword!" Daochang Aoyagi took it and glanced at it and said: "What is painted on it is not a lotus, but a cherry blossom. It means short and heroic beauty, and represents the spirit of the Japanese Bushido. .Ah! Not good!”

Suddenly, he yelled, threw the cherry blossoms in his hands, and shouted: "I know why the three of them died."

"Except Master Mingjue and I, all five of you have entered the village. Three of them died tragically one after another, but nothing happened to you two. There are only two possibilities. The first is as mentioned before, and the second... …”

As Taoist priest Qingliu said, he glanced at the cherry blossoms at his feet again: "That's because someone secretly took something from the village, which attracted the powerful ghost energy."

I was stunned for a moment and figured out the reason.

Huang Tiekou and Master Honghu entered the village together. Huang Tiekou must have found the cherry blossom first and then died. Master Honghu saw that Huang Tiekou was dead and threw him into the well to prevent others from discovering him. Then came out with Sakura.

Because he had been staying away from Dafeng Village these days, the ghost energy on the cherry blossoms did not cause substantial harm to him.

Although he did not enter the village today, he was not far from the construction site. He died when the ghost energy broke out.

Later, when Snake Woman inspected the body, she also discovered Sakura, but Snake Woman wanted to keep the clues for herself, so she hid them secretly, and was killed again!

And now, all four of us have touched the cherry blossoms...

Taoist priest Qingliu took out a handful of cinnabar and raised it to the three of us: "Look at your left wrist. Is there a red line?"

I looked down and sure enough, there was an extremely obvious red mark on my wrist.

"This is called the Homecoming and Reunion Spell!" Taoist Priest Qingliu said with a gloomy expression, stroking his beard: "Evil ghosts are homesick and use things as a pull! Once the red lines are connected end to end and form a circle, no matter how strong your cultivation is, , there is nothing we can do about it.”

"Fortunately, it was discovered early. As long as the four of us don't separate, the Yin spirit will not dare to show its face. However, the matter of salvation cannot wait until tomorrow. We must take action tonight."

"Amitabha." Master Mingjue recited the Buddha's name and said helplessly: "It seems that this is the only way!"

Just a cherry blossom sword carries such a cruel ghost energy, so the evil spirit behind it is probably more powerful than the ghost king, right?

There is no need to say these words, everyone present knows it.

In a blink of an eye, it was getting dark. The four of us packed up our things and headed towards Dafeng Village together.

Taoist priest Qingliu raised his head and looked at the sky and said: "The Big Dipper is moving south and the palace is approaching the corner. For safety reasons, we enter the village from the southeast."

Today is the fourteenth day of the lunar calendar. Although the moon is not yet round, it is extremely bright, emitting streams of bright moonlight. But strangely, the village is completely dark, as if there is an invisible and intangible layer of black mist that blocks all the light. .

We were standing on the edge of the ravine outside the village, but it was as if we were blind and could not see the situation in the village at all.

"Let's go!" the big man shouted in a low voice, jumped over the ravine, and a few of us followed closely behind.

Taoist Master Qingliu drew out the Ancient Qingming Sword, Master Mingjue revealed the wooden fish, and I also held down the twin swords for killing ghosts and gods.

It was eerily quiet in the village. Not to mention the sound of people and the barking of dogs, not even a sound of insects could be heard!

All the houses were pitch black, with no light at all. Only the bright red red willow trees on the high roofs looked as red as blood under the moonlight!

The big man walked at the front, leading us straight to the small stone house at the east end of the village. There was not a single soul on the road. It seemed that all the villagers were asleep.

Soon, an open space appeared in front of them. The open space was paved with thick bluestone slabs, and a small stone house was built in the center.

As the big man said, the stone house was not big, with no doors or windows. There was a strange stone tablet placed on the roof. As soon as I got closer, I felt an extremely strong ghostly aura.


At this moment, a crisp gong sound suddenly sounded in the silent night sky!

Dang Dang Dang!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the gong became faster and faster than the other.

At the same time as the gong rang suddenly, a burst of dense footsteps suddenly erupted in the streets and alleys on all sides.

"Be careful!" Taoist Priest Qingliu's eyes flashed, and he quickly drew out the Qingming Ancient Sword.

The big man's hands were turned into claws, like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, and he assumed an offensive stance.

Master Mingjue recited the Buddha's name silently and stroked the wooden fish.

In the darkness, the whole village of men, women, and men gathered from all directions. They held hoes, sickles, shovels, and crossbows in their hands, and surrounded the four of us!

They did not light torches or raise flashlights. The thick night was not only no hindrance to them, but it was like the best cover - they seemed to be night hunters, and we were the prey they had coveted for a long time. It's a great time to round up!

Their eyes were glowing red, and they no longer looked dull and dull as they had seen during the day, but with a bloodthirsty wildness.


In the darkness, another gong sounded, and the villagers rushed over like crazy!

There was no shouting, no screaming, everyone was silent, and at the same time they brandished various weapons and smashed them at our heads, faces, and vital parts of our chests!

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