Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,199 Battle Royale (Additional update)


Suddenly, a rusty iron fork pierced out from the darkness and struck at my heart!

I didn't dare to be careless at all, and quickly drew out my double swords for killing ghosts and gods to resist.

The bang made my arm go numb, and the iron fork was cut off by the two knives, and flew out from my ribs in an extremely thrilling way.

Only now did I see clearly that the person holding the iron fork was actually a child of only seven or eight years old. The child was naked and only wore a pair of blue shorts.

He is extremely thin and his ribs are visible, but how can he be so strong?

Before I could wake up from my shock, another figure emerged from the darkness, carrying the whistling wind, and swept toward my neck.

I hurriedly took two steps back, and the cold light whizzed past my neck.

It was a sickle, extremely sharp and murderous. If it was hit, my head would probably be cut off!

Immediately afterwards, several weapons attacked me one after another, either slashing, sweeping, stabbing or slashing, and without exception they all targeted the vital parts of my body.

I didn't dare to be careless at all, so I hurriedly raised my double swords to slay ghosts and gods to protect my body. Fortunately, I practiced frequently on weekdays and was already very proficient in the Yin Yang sword technique. Even more than ten people could not do anything to me at the same time.

However, there are too many people on the other side! And it was hidden in the darkness. I couldn't tell the direction of the attack at all. I could only rely on the weak light and the sound of the wind to judge.

These villagers, men, women, old and young, were all extremely powerful and silent. They just swung all kinds of homemade weapons in their hands and attacked me crazily.

Although I fought with all my strength, I had to retreat continuously. I was about to hit the stone house, and I was forced to have no way out!

Suddenly, a scream broke out in the darkness, and the voice should have belonged to Master Mingjue.

"Master Mingjue, how are you?" the big man asked loudly.

"Amitabha!" Master Mingjue recited the Buddha's name weakly. From the tone, it seemed that he was clenching his teeth tightly. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

"Open!" Daoist Qingliu shouted.

A ray of light suddenly flashed out, and the entire door of the stone house immediately lit up like daylight. It turned out to be a luminous talisman.

Luminous talismans are extremely rare and precious in Taoism. In addition, there are now substitutes such as flashlights and torches, so few people usually make them. This old Taoist is probably reluctant to part with them, but seeing the emergency, he reluctantly gave up.

The luminous talisman floated in the dark night, illuminating a large area in front of the door.

Only then did I clearly see the horrifying scene around me - all the men, women, and children in the village tightly surrounded the four of us in the center.

Among them were little babies with runny noses wearing crotchless pants, old ladies with hunched backs and all their teeth missing, pregnant women with big bellies, and disabled people crawling on the ground with broken legs...

They held various weapons in their hands and stared at us, as if they wanted to eat us alive!

I don't know if it was the dazzling light that made the villagers uncomfortable. They all squinted their eyes slightly and stood there motionless.

Master Mingjue was close to the stone house, his whole body trembling slightly, one arm dropped down, and blood was constantly flowing from his shoulder, dripping down the wide cassock, and forming a large pool of blood on the ground.

Taoist Priest Qingliu's Taoist crown had long since fallen to someone unknown, his sparse hair was scattered, and his face and forehead were covered with large beads of sweat.

Only the big man looked a little relaxed, but his face was slightly red.

He was holding a big hammer in his hand, ready to smash down the stone house, and was guarding Master Mingjue. He stared round his eyes and scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

"The ghost energy is far more terrifying than we expected. If it continues, everyone may die here. It seems that we can only forcefully set up the formation." Taoist priest Qingliu said while breathing heavily.

Before entering the village, a few of us had already discussed it.

The reason why the villagers became zombies was because they were infected by the ghost energy and completely lost their minds. There is no point in fighting them. The only way is to block the source of ghost energy.

According to everyone's speculation, the root cause is this stone house!

Originally, we had agreed to smash open the stone house and take the negative things inside to the outside of the village for salvation. But he didn't expect that these villagers would come so quickly, and they would be vicious and merciless. It would be too expensive to fight out under the heavy siege of these villagers, so they had to survive on the spot.

I moved closer with my two swords in hand and stood side by side with the bearded man.

Taoist priest Qingliu glanced at a few of us and said, "You must protect your formation eyes later. Life or death depends on this!"

After speaking, he threw eight peach wood stakes in succession and inserted them into the soil to form a Bagua Requiem Formation. Then he bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood on the Qingming Ancient Sword, muttering something in his mouth.

"Get up!" As he shouted angrily, the eight peach wood stakes trembled at the same time.


At this moment, another gong suddenly sounded in the darkness in the distance.

The villagers immediately rushed over like soldiers after hearing the order.

Sharp iron forks, soil-laden shovels and pickaxes, and bloodthirsty scythes all came towards us in a hurry!

"Be careful!" the big man yelled wildly, taking the lead and swinging the big hammer to protect a corner of the formation.

I didn't dare to neglect at all, and quickly followed with my swords brandished.

Although Master Mingjue injured an arm, he gritted his teeth and waved the big wooden fish in his hand.

Weird screams kept ringing out in the darkness. The incredible strength of each of these villagers made my arms tingle, and I almost fell out of my hands with both knives.

Fortunately, the weapons in their hands were extremely crude and could not withstand the violent smashing. After a few rounds, I cut a lot of them off. And although there were a large number of them, they were disorganized. Most of them couldn't get close at all. We were always facing only four or five people.

Even so, a few of us were exhausted and sweating profusely under the overwhelming wheel battle of the villagers.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound, as if something fell to the ground.

I turned around and saw that it was Master Mingjue's wooden fish that fell to the ground. His neck was cut off by a child with a sneer, leaving only a trace of flesh still attached to it, and a shiny round head hanging down feebly.


Immediately afterwards, a big iron pickaxe hit him head on!

Master Mingjue's head was smashed open like a watermelon, and half of his body lay limply on the ground in a bloody mess.

Blood splattered all over my face.

"Ah?" The big man screamed in surprise, but he didn't care about anything else and hurriedly swung his hammer away from the two big shovels that hit him.

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