Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1201: The Strange Story of the Saber Demon

As soon as I climbed in, the other party quickly moved the big rocks and blocked the entrance of the cave.

I stood up and saw that this was an independent courtyard. Standing in front of me was a girl in her twenties, very tall, wearing a blue flowered gown, with a pair of big braids that hung straight down her waist. She was dark and translucent.

"You are..." As soon as I said two words, she quickly blocked my mouth and shook her head gently at me.

Chaotic footsteps outside the wall rushed past from both sides.

The harsh and strange sounds made by various weapons rubbing against the wall sounded particularly permeable in the night.

The villagers seemed to be wondering why the prey they got suddenly disappeared, but then gradually disappeared.

It wasn't until the sounds outside completely dissipated that the girl released her hand that was holding me tight.

"What do you do? Why did you come to Dafeng Village?" the girl asked me with her big black eyes flashing.

"What about you?" I asked back: "Everyone in this village has become... weird, why are you the only one who is fine?" I originally wanted to say that everyone in the village has turned into zombies, but suddenly I realized, Judging from her clothes, she should be from Dafeng Village, so she changed to a more euphemistic term.

Upon hearing my question, the girl's face darkened, she tugged at the corner of her clothes and said, "It's not just me, there's one other person in the village who's fine."

"Oh, who is that person?" I was even more surprised when I heard it: "What changes have happened in Dafeng Village to become like this?"

"It's Yan San'er, this is all Yan San'er's doing!" the girl said bitterly.

When she mentioned the name Yan San'er, her eyes suddenly opened wide, as if full of infinite resentment!

"He is the one who turned the people in the village into walking zombies. My father, mother, and brother don't recognize me now. The whole village is like a demon, killing people without blinking an eye. The good village has been destroyed by him." It’s turned into hell!” The girl said, her eyes getting wet.

"Who is Yan San'er? What is all this going on? Can you tell me?" It seems that the girl is the only insider, and she also hates the instigator. If she can get something from her, Clues of value may be able to break the curse of Dafeng Village.

"Yan San'er, Yan San'er is a cripple and a Riley head." The girl pulled her long braid and told me as she pulled it.

Speaking of which, Yan Saner's life was quite difficult. He had suffered from polio since he was a child and could not walk well.

Then, his father who was working outside died in an accident, and he met a sinister boss who didn't pay any pension at all.

Later, his mother couldn't bear the hunger and ran away with him.

The people in the village were simple and didn't want to see him starve to death, so they raised him with a bowl of rice from the east and a bowl of soup from the west.

Yan Saner himself has a disability and has no parents. He has had very low self-esteem since he was a child and has an extremely withdrawn personality. He rarely talks to the villagers and wanders around alone all day long.

When he was young, the villagers would help him more or less if they saw him as pitiful. But when he grew up, he still did nothing. Until he was in his thirties, he was still living in the village.

Gradually, everyone became very bored, and some people often gave him looks!

He knew he was looked down upon and looked down upon by others, so he became more rebellious. But at the same time, he secretly fell in love with Xiaomei, the village beauty - the girl with long braids who just saved me.

Xiaomei is extremely good-looking and is famous far and wide. Anyone who comes to talk to her as a matchmaker has to go through the door. Xiaomei is already spoiled for choice, so how could it be his turn to be a scoundrel?

But Yan San'er refused to give up and wandered around Xiaomei's door all day regardless of anything. One time, he even became so lustful that he piled up stones and wanted to peek at Xiaomei taking a bath from the back window.

And just as he was climbing up the stone wall, he was discovered by several young people in the village who had returned from playing cards.

Those young men beat him up severely immediately, and then tied him up on the barren hill behind the village. They said they would teach him a lesson to see if he would dare to be so shameless in the future.

But the next day, when I wanted to untie him, I found that the rope had been cut off by Qi Gen, and Yan Saner was nowhere to be seen. He did not show up for seven days.

The villagers thought that Yan Saner had been humiliated and left.

Unexpectedly, Yan Saner came back seven days later, holding a Japanese saber covered in dirt tightly in his hand. His face was a little pale and his eyes were red.

The villagers thought he was hungry, and some kind people brought him food and drink.

But he didn't pay any attention to it. He only squatted on the big rock at the entrance of the village and wiped his saber day and night.

After wiping it for seven or eight days, the knife finally became fluorescent and translucent. He secretly sank the knife into the only well in the village. That day, Xiaomei happened to be in the city and was not at home. Yan Saner may have chosen this day intentionally.

When Xiaomei came back, she saw Yan Saner pulling the rope from the well mouth and pulling out the saber.

Yan Saner bared his big yellow teeth and said with a smile: "Xiaomei, you will be mine from now on."

Although this guy has evil intentions, he never dares to talk to Xiaomei. This time, Xiaomei felt it was strange, but she just scolded him and turned around and left.

Yan Saner shouted from behind: "You are mine, this village belongs to me!"

"I know you are not willing, but I am willing to wait! Until the day you are willing!"

Xiaomei thought he was in a daze and was talking nonsense, and ignored him completely.

But that night, she realized something was wrong.

In the middle of the night, his parents and brothers all crawled out of bed, staring out with blood-red eyes and walking stiffly out. No matter how she screamed, they seemed not to hear her.

She hurriedly put on her clothes and chased out, only to see everyone in the village coming out and heading towards the grain drying field in the east of the village.

Yan Saner held the saber in his arms and stood majestically on the high slope.

He laughed wildly with pride for a while, and then he listed endlessly who had bullied him, who had looked down on him, and then told them all to kneel down.

Everyone knelt down very obediently.

Xiaomei was stunned by this scene, but Yan Saner was very proud to show off to her: "Look, I said it! This village is mine, and I will be the village chief and the emperor from now on. Do you want to be me?" The queen?"

Xiaomei was very angry, but she couldn't figure out the situation in front of her, so she wanted to leave the village and ask for help.

Yan Saner laughed loudly: "I can wait for you until you want! However, without my permission, you will never leave this village!"

Sure enough, no matter what method Xiaomei used, she could not escape from the village. The village is not big, and she has grown up here since she was a child, but she got lost as she turned around. No matter what, it was all in vain.

Yan Saner ordered the villagers to build a small stone house at the east end of the village. He held a saber and hung a gong all day long, dominating the village like an emperor...

And this is just the beginning of the nightmare!

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