Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,202 Sakura Water (more updates)

That night, several people came to the village.

They were riding bicycles and carrying large bags. They said they were backpackers and wanted to stay overnight in the village.

Xiaomei knew that the village was very dangerous and did not want to leave them behind, but she wanted them to take the news out.

Just when he was about to speak, Yan Saner appeared.

He glared at those people fiercely, and then struck the gong.

The villagers who were controlled by - all rushed out, grabbed various weapons, and smashed several people to death!

The first person to make a move was actually Xiaomei's younger brother, and then the developer started to talk about relocation.

Yan San'er is dominating the village, so he naturally refuses. Moreover, once the property is demolished, the evil deeds he has done will be exposed, so he will not agree to any conditions proposed by the developer.

Immediately afterwards, various so-called demolition teams rushed into the village one after another, but they were all beaten away by the villagers controlled by Yan Saner.

After that, it was quiet for many days.

Until three days ago, two good-looking old men sneaked into the village secretly.

Xiaomei hid in the dark and observed, and found that they had left strange marks all over the corners, and they were heading towards the small stone house at the east end of the village, as if they had discovered something.

Xiaomei thought to herself that these two people looked like very capable outsiders, and they might be able to save the villagers from Yan Saner's clutches.

But after the last experience, she didn't dare to meet them. She was afraid of being discovered by Yan San'er again, so she threw a cherry blossom across the wall.

"Did you throw the cherry blossoms away?" As soon as I heard this, I quickly interjected and asked.

"Yes." Xiaomei nodded.

"The cherry blossoms are on that saber. Yan San'er gave it to me, saying it was a token of engagement." Xiaomei said bitterly: "The reason why the people in the village became like this started when he brought back that strange sword. The golden flower is on Maybe there are some important clues hidden! So I hope someone can take this thing out so that I can figure out a way to get rid of Yan Saner and save everyone."

Xiaomei said, her eyes moistened.

I couldn't help but be even more stunned.

She threw the cherry blossoms to save the villagers, but unexpectedly, she killed several people in a row!

Huang Tiekou and Master Honghu knew that this cherry blossom might be the breakthrough, but they secretly wanted to take the credit.

Snake Po was greedy for a moment and found the cherry blossoms from the body of Master Hong Gourd, but refused to take them out. It wasn't until he was about to die that he realized that Sakura might be the one causing the trouble, so he held it tightly in his hands, wanting to give me a final reminder.

Xiaomei didn't expect all this, and I didn't want to tell her, lest she feel guilty.

But, this isn’t right either?

This cherry blossom contains extremely terrifying ghost energy, and it is also engraved with the seal of homecoming and reunion. Even we are affected, but how can she be okay?

Xiaomei wiped her tears and said: "Now that you know everything about the village, you can wait until dawn before leaving. By then, Yan San'er will not be so powerful and will not kill people at will. You must save Save everyone!"

"Don't worry!" I nodded: "I won't sit back and ignore it."

"Then I would like to thank you on behalf of the whole village!" Xiaomei said gratefully, and then invited me into the house.

The room was dark, with only a few candles lit.

While making tea for me, Xiaomei said that the demolition team had cut off the electricity a long time ago, but since the people in the village had become like this, there really was no need for electricity.

I could tell she was feeling very sad.

I fought bloody battles for so long and ran for most of the night. I was extremely thirsty. I grabbed the tea cup and was about to drink it, but suddenly I realized that the two cups of tea were different!

The cup that Xiaomei poured for herself had a few strange things floating in it, which didn't look like tea leaves.

"What are you drinking?" I asked a little strangely.

"Oh, this is cherry blossom." Xiaomei explained: "I have suffered from a strange disease since I was a child, and I couldn't cure it. Later, an old Chinese doctor prescribed me a strange prescription, which was to drink cherry blossom water. Unexpectedly, it really worked. .”

Sakura Knife Spike, Sakura Water?

Suddenly, I seemed to think of something, but I couldn't see through the thin veil.

But subconsciously, I felt that there must be a connection.

"Can cherry blossom water also cure diseases? This is quite strange. Give me a drink to try." I smiled and said quietly.

Xiaomei does seem to be an innocent victim, but this village is so weird. I can't trust anyone easily until things are completely clear.

Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, but didn't think much about it. She got up and gave me another drink.

I took it and drank it in one gulp. The cherry blossom water tasted weird, but fortunately it could quench my thirst.

As soon as the water hit my stomach, there was a rush of heat rushing to my arms. I was suddenly startled. When I lowered my head, I saw that the red lines on my arms had faded a lot.

The seal of homecoming and reunion has been resolved, and the cherry blossom water still has such an effect?

I was overjoyed and hurriedly drank a few more drinks.

After drinking several cups of cherry blossom water, the red marks on his wrists completely dissipated, and a black smoke visible to the naked eye emerged from his skin.

I see!

No wonder Xiaomei is fine even though she is holding a cherry blossom knife spike. It turns out that the cherry blossom water she drinks all year round is the antidote!

But why can this cherry blossom water lift the seal of homecoming and reunion?

Master Mingjue said that Dafeng Village was formerly called Sunset Slope and was once a battlefield for the Japanese invaders.

Priest Aoyagi once said that these cherry blossom rice ears are not from China, but from Japan. The custom of planting red willow trees in the village is also unique to the Japanese.

In addition, what Yan Saner brought back was a saber, all the clues connected together, and the answer finally appeared in my mind.

"Xiaomei, do you really want to save the whole village?" I asked suddenly.

Xiaomei pursed her lips tightly and nodded vigorously.

"Well, you go find Yan San'er now and say you are willing to be with him." I said solemnly.

Xiaomei put down her tea cup in confusion and looked at me intently.

"And you also want to say that you will let him sleep at home tonight."

"This..." When Xiaomei heard this, she immediately blushed.

"Don't worry, I will hide in the dark to protect you. As long as you lead him into the house and find a way to separate him from the saber, I will have a way to deal with him!" I looked at Xiaomei and said. : "This is the only way to solve Dafeng Village. Make your own decision!"

Xiaomei bit her lip tightly and kept tugging at her braids. She suddenly raised her head and said firmly, "Okay, I'll go!" Then she turned and walked out the door.

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