Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,206 House of Bones

"I have to seal the source of the ghost energy in the stone house before I can proceed with the second step of the plan! But now the stone house is surrounded and cannot be approached at all, so..." I stopped talking.

"So you want me to lure them away?" Xiaomei was extremely smart and guessed it right away.

Although these villagers are all her fellow villagers, they are now completely unconscious and look like zombies. It is indeed very dangerous for her to lure these people away. But I really had no choice, so I nodded helplessly.

"Okay!" Xiaomei nodded vigorously. Seeing that I was still a little worried, she smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, I grew up here! I am very familiar with every corner of the village, even with my eyes closed. It will go wrong.”

As he spoke, he stood up and prepared to rush into the crowd.

"Wait a minute!" I called her: "I have three more magic talismans here. You should bring them all. If you encounter a group of people, they may not be effective, but if you only use them on one person, they can temporarily immobilize them. You Remember, be sure to keep one piece and tear it into pieces when you run to the village entrance, so you can get out."

"There is a luxury RV parked at the construction site opposite. Go there to find an assistant named Zhao. Ask him to buy a thousand fresh big peaches immediately, plus a set of Japanese onmyoji costumes. Children's size is required. Deliver it before dawn! Just tell him, success or failure depends on this!"

Xiaomei took the talisman, turned around and left.

"Xiaomei!" I shouted again.

"Ah?" She thought I had something to give her, so she turned around.

"You are really good!" I gave a thumbs up and said, "You must get out alive."

"Yeah!" Xiaomei nodded heavily and disappeared into the darkness.

I tidied myself up a bit and started to move closer to the stone house.

"Uncle Zhang, I'm here!"

"Second Aunt, I am Xiaomei!"

Before he could reach the front, he heard Xiaomei shouting loudly in the darkness.

Her voice was loud, almost yelling with all her strength, with a cry, resentment, helplessness and sadness in her voice!

She has grown up here since she was a child. This is her home. She is familiar with every person and every inch of vegetation here.

But in a blink of an eye, the home turned into ruins, and everyone turned into a walking zombie.

Even her parents and her biological brother don't recognize her, and they all want to kill her!

She wanted to save everyone, but she couldn't escape, so she could only hide in the village secretly, watching helplessly as the peaceful village turned into a hell on earth...

Only she herself understands the sorrow in this!

I turned down the street and saw the stone house in the distance. When the villagers wandering around heard Xiaomei's voice, they all turned their heads, stared blankly, and then ran towards her.

"Come on, come on, everyone! I'm here to save you!" Xiaomei shouted with a cry, turned around and ran out.

The chaotic footsteps suddenly sounded and gradually faded away, and the space in front of the stone house suddenly fell silent.

I sighed and walked forward.

He casually picked up a piece of bones from the ground, bit off his fingertips, dripped a few drops of blood, and put them into his arms.

The flesh and blood on the bones has been swallowed up by the ghost energy. Now when my blood drips in, the ghost energy is completely indistinguishable, thinking that I am just a pile of withered bones!

There was a fierce battle just now, and there were many broken pickaxes and shovels scattered on the ground. I picked up one, aimed at a stone crack, and pried it down hard.

There are brand-new traces on the walls. It must have been built not long ago by Yan Saner under the command of the villagers.

These villagers had lost their minds long ago, and the stone house they built was extremely crude. It didn't even have a foundation, it was just piled up with stones. If you pry hard, the stone will shake slightly, and if you try harder, it will turn over halfway.

I dug a hole out of the wall three times, and a gloomy ghostly aura suddenly came out, which made me shiver because of the cold.

I picked up half a stick, took off my shirt, and twisted it into a torch.

The stone house had no doors or windows, and it was pitch black inside.

I held up a torch and took a photo at the door, but still saw nothing, but there was an extremely strong smell of blood rushing towards me.

I took out a handful of glutinous rice from my pocket and spread it around the door. Then I walked into the house and held up the torch to look around. I was so startled that I almost dropped the torch to the ground.

The room was filled with countless old bones, stacked up to the roof. There were thousands of them. This was clearly a bone tomb!

These bones were quite old, many of them were broken into pieces, and some even had granulations growing on them!

In the center of the room, there was a corpse lying alone.

Most of the flesh and blood on his body has been filled in, but the skin and hair have not yet grown out. It is bloody and glowing red. At first glance, it looks like he has just been skinned!

As if he noticed my presence, he shook his head slightly and looked at me with a pair of empty eyes.

I quickly stood still and held my breath.

After a while, probably because the dead bones I hid in my arms made him feel relieved, he turned his head again and stared at the roof.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right!" I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This saber really wanted to resurrect its owner and become a demon walking in the world.

The torch flickered and was about to go out, so I quickly retreated.

Now that the goal has been determined, the next step is easy.

I used cinnabar to densely draw talismans all over the stone wall, and then piled a small mound on each of the four corners, with a willow branch stuck on top.

As soon as I finished all this, there was another dense sound of footsteps in the distance. It seemed that the villagers chasing Xiaomei were returning again.

I didn't dare to stay, so I hurriedly hid in the shadow of a big tree and watched secretly for a long time. I was completely relieved when I saw that they didn't come back with Xiaomei's body.

It seems that this girl should have escaped!

I looked up at the sky. The morning star was twinkling. It was going to be dawn soon.

After struggling all night, I was really tired and didn’t want to run out to play any more thrilling games with the villagers, so I leaned against a big tree and closed my eyes to rest.

I don’t know how long it took, but I suddenly felt like there were many pairs of eyes staring at me.

I shuddered suddenly and stood up with a gasp, only to find that the villagers were surrounding me on three levels and on three levels!

I was so frightened that I stepped back and hit a big tree with a bang. My head hurt from the hit, but I suddenly woke up.

They were just surrounding me tightly, but they didn't make a move, and the red light that had been shining in their eyes had also receded.

It seems that the seal has worked, and the ghostly energy that controls these villagers has been cut off. They are all like headless flies, not knowing what to do, and naturally they have forgotten the order that the intruders should die!

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