Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,207 The Demon-Conquering Boy, Momotaro

Thinking of this, I let out a big breath, and my chest was already soaked. After all, I saw with my own eyes how Taoist Priest Qingliu and Master Mingjue died.

I tentatively took a step forward, but these villagers remained indifferent, motionless like a group of wooden men, not even blinking an eyelid. This scene is a bit scary, but it's better than staring angrily and wanting to kill me alive!

I squeezed out of the crowd and hurried out of the village.

The ghost energy in the stone house has been temporarily sealed, but the more powerful Sakura saber is still there. I don’t know how long the battery on my phone can last?

Of course, I won't go back to check it out again.

I ran out of the village in one breath, and from a distance I saw two figures standing side by side in the direction of the construction site, shining their flashlights in this direction.

As he got closer, he recognized the assistant and Xiaomei.

When Xiaomei saw it was me, she hurried over.

"Master Zhang, what's going on now?" the assistant asked eagerly.

I didn't even have time to breathe, so I kept urging: "Taozi, Taozi..."

"Don't worry, I've made arrangements a long time ago. They rushed to Taoyuan overnight to load the car. They have been setting off for more than an hour. They should be here soon. I have also bought the clothes." The assistant explained.

When I heard this, I was completely relieved and lay down on the ground with a plop.

"Are you...are you okay?" Xiaomei knelt down and asked with concern.

I shook my head and replied with a breath: "It's okay, as long as they bring the peaches before the phone runs out of battery."

"If I hadn't stopped her, she would have run back to find you." The assistant said from the side.

"The village is too dangerous. I want you to stay there alone. I..." Xiaomei just finished speaking, and her face turned red.

I smiled slightly and said nothing.

Just after lying there in a daze for a while, a car horn sounded in the distance.

When I looked up, I saw two extremely bright lights coming towards me, vaguely like a heavy truck approaching.

After the truck approached, several strong men jumped out of the truck and said, "Assistant Zhao, the peaches have arrived, where should they be unloaded?"

I quickly got up from the ground and quickly got into the cab under the astonished eyes of these people. I pointed forward and said: "You guys take a shortcut and quickly fill in the ravine at the entrance of the village!" I started the car after saying that. stand up.

time does not wait! If the phone loses power and the Sakura Saber goes on a killing spree, it will be troublesome!

Although the assistant didn't know much about the details, he probably learned from Xiaomei that all the masters had been killed. The situation was so serious that he immediately led the strong men to take a small road and ran over, pushing the overturned van at the entrance of the village. After crossing the ravine, a lot of rocks were added.

After the road cleared, I pulled out the clutch and was about to start the car, when Xiaomei opened the car door and jumped in: "I'll go too."

Seeing the eager look on her face, I didn't know what to say and just stepped on the accelerator.

The truck drove into the village, making a rattling noise on the road.

Without Yan San'er's control and the invasion of ghost energy, the villagers all had no ideas. They were probably still in a daze under the big tree at this time, so there was no obstruction along the way.

When Xiaomei saw it, she was very surprised and asked me: "How are the people in the village doing now?"

"It'll be fine in a while." I said briefly: "However, even if they wake up, they will definitely have a few days of adaptation period. And they have no memory of what happened before. Don't mention it to them in the future. Just treat it as such. It never happened."

"Yeah." Xiaomei bit her lip and nodded.

People in the village have no memory, so how long will it take for her to forget this horrific past?

I drove the car until I stopped in front of the stone house. Sure enough, the whole village was still standing around the big tree in a daze, just like when I left.

"Wait for me for a while." I said to Xiaomei, turned around and jumped out of the car.

When I walked to a secluded place, I took out the ice jade gourd from my backpack and summoned Oudama. Oudama was still recovering from her injuries, but I also had an emergency and had to use her.

Oudama stretched with his eyes half closed, and jumped on my shoulder with a smile: "Bad brother, are you finally willing to call me out?"

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly transform into a human form, and then put on makeup." I threw the clothes I bought into Oyu's arms.

"Make up?" Oyu smiled and turned back into her little lolita appearance. She stepped on her clogs and said, "Do I still need to put on makeup? Look at me, I look so cute, and I look like an energetic girl."

She was halfway through speaking when she saw an eager look on my face. He closed his mouth wisely and asked, "Tell me, what kind of makeup you should wear."

"Momotaro." I replied.

"Momo...Momotaro?" Oudama was stunned and protested with a pouted mouth: "You actually asked me to dress up as a man and pretend to be such an ugly Momotaro."

Time was tight and I didn't have time to explain to her. I just briefly explained the situation in the village.

The undead ghosts causing trouble in Dafeng Village are all Japanese soldiers. They look forward to returning to their hometown every night, so their souls cannot be freed. They have to ask Otama to help disguise themselves as Momotaro to save these undead ghosts.

Momotaro is a famous Japanese boy who conquered demons. Legend has it that he was born from a peach, similar to the Sun Wukong who popped out of a stone.

Momotaro has always been a cute boy in Japanese folk. He loves to eat glutinous rice balls and is kind-hearted. Because he went to Onigashima alone to kill the ghost king, he was respected as a god by the Japanese. In Japan, there is a saying: Don’t be afraid of monsters, Momotaro said.

There is nothing better than using Japanese gods to save Japanese ghosts.

"Then...okay." Oyu agreed reluctantly.

"Look, I've prepared Taozi. Let's use this car as an altar! After you change your clothes, follow my instructions." I pointed at the big truck and said.

"Hey, who is she?" The sharp-eyed Oyu quickly spotted Xiaomei sitting in the car.

"The peach seller." I replied vaguely, fearing that she would get entangled with me again, so I quickly urged: "Go and get ready. There is a powerful Japanese saber in the village. It will be difficult if you wait for it to chase me. ”

Oyu nodded obediently and turned away.

I asked Xiaomei to get out of the car. Xiaomei looked at Oyu very strangely, turned around and asked me: "Who is this?"

"It's...Momotaro." I replied casually.

After a while, Oudama walked out of the darkness.

With three pigtails and a loose kimono, he really dressed up like Momotaro. However, this may be the most handsome and beautiful Momotaro in history.

Otama jumped onto the carriage and pretended to be in an offensive posture as I asked.

I grabbed a handful of dust and ran to the stone house, smearing away all the sealing spells. Wisps of black energy rushed out of the stone house, condensing into black figures in front of the truck.

Those figures stood neatly into a square formation of a thousand people. They were all Japanese soldiers whose faces could not be seen clearly. They were carrying rifles and wearing helmets. Then they knelt down together.

Oudama was originally the incarnation of Daji, and he had a supernatural aura about him. He transformed into Momotaro again, and paired with the Qiantao altar specially arranged by me, it was extremely lifelike from the inside out. How could you tell the difference between these undead spirits?

Oudama stuck out her tongue at me playfully, and I secretly gave her a thumbs up.

Clang, clang, clang...

At this moment, an extremely harsh sound came from a distance, as if something was scraping the ground and approaching.

Xiaomei looked back and was so frightened that she trembled: "It's... it's that ghost knife!"

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