Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,208 Yamato Soul (Additional update)

"It's okay." I looked back and said, "This ghost sword is also here to bow down to Momotaro."

Although the ghost sword was menacing, it was far less murderous than before.

It flashed out of the alley, ignored both of us, went straight to the big truck full of peaches, and finally stopped in front of the neatly knelt Japanese dead. Like a bow, he bowed his head three times towards Odama, and then quietly inserted it into the soil.

Otama was wearing the costume of a Japanese onmyoji, bathing in the moonlight with a solemn expression. A light blue halo spread around her, as if the real Momotaro had arrived.

The undead immediately lowered themselves even lower, their heads almost touching the ground.

Momotaro was a Japanese demon-conquering boy who was well-known in Japan during his lifetime. Naturally, these Japanese invaders will not forget him after their death.

At this moment, Otama danced a Japanese dance on the Senmomo altar in accordance with my instructions, constantly arousing the homesickness of the undead.

Xiaomei looked at Oyu in shock, then turned to me and said, "Can this save everyone?"

"Yes." I nodded: "The reason why these undead ghosts are causing trouble is because they died in a foreign country. After paying tribute, their grievances will be resolved, and they will be fine."

When Xiaomei heard this, her tears flowed out again, and she knelt on the ground with a plop and said, "I want to thank you on behalf of the whole village!"

I hurriedly helped her up and said with a smile: "You don't have to take it seriously. I am just eating this bowl of rice. Now that I have encountered it, I can't just sit back and ignore it. Besides, if I really want to talk about it, you have saved her." My life is spared."

"Oh oh oh!"

At this time, the chickens in the village crowed, and a hint of fish belly white appeared on the eastern sky.

The dense black shadow gradually faded, turning into green smoke as if the soul ascended to heaven.

The area in front of the stone house was empty except for the tarnished Sakura saber.

The villagers surrounding the big tree suddenly seemed to have lost consciousness, and they all fell straight down.

"What's going on?" Xiaomei asked in surprise.

"They have been infected by the ghost energy for too long. Although the ghost energy has been eliminated at this time, they have not recovered for a while, and then they fainted temporarily. Go and soak some water with willow branches and pour it on them. On the head, it will be fine soon.”

"Okay! I'll go right away." Xiaomei said, turned around and ran away.

Oyu wiped the sweat from his forehead tiredly, and pouted at me as if to take credit, with a reddish halo glowing on his cute little face.

I smiled and extended my thumb to her and praised, "Go back and reward you!"

After paying homage to so many dead souls at the same time, Oudama was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to speak. He just smiled softly and turned into a fox.

I quickly took her back to the white jade gourd and let her continue her cultivation.

I picked up the Sakura saber. The blade was still sharp, but it didn't have the sinister murderous aura. It looked no different from an ordinary antique.

I took a closer look and saw that under the cherry blossom tree carved at the front edge, there were two Chinese characters for "Liu He" engraved on it.

Suddenly, the knife made a long sound, as if to thank me. Then those two words also dimmed and dimmed...

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of loud crashing noises in the stone house, as if something was collapsing like dominoes. It must be that the bones of the Japanese invaders were scattered after their ghost energy was extracted.

The foundation of the stone house was unstable. Once the pile of bones collapsed, the entire house turned into a pile of ruins. The tombstone at the top of the house hit a place four or five meters away from me with a loud bang.

It was already light, and I could vaguely see many words densely engraved on the stone tablet. When I walked in and took a closer look, I discovered that it was actually a monument!

In 1945, the Second World War took a historic turn. The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The Soviet Union annihilated hundreds of thousands of Japan's Kwantung Army. The arrogant Japan was finally ready to surrender unconditionally.

But they were unwilling to hand over all the treasures they had collected in China, so they secretly dispatched a new army from the Japanese island, euphemistically called war superintendent. In fact, it was led by Lieutenant Colonel Yanaga, and they wanted to secretly transport the treasures. Return to your home country.

The news was urgently reported to the central government by comrades who had penetrated into the enemy's interior.

When Li Zongren, the commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang's Fifth War Zone, learned of the situation, he smashed the table in anger and immediately sent his own guards to encircle it. He also issued a death order: If you cannot retrieve the treasure, you will be the history of the Chinese nation. sinner!

The Guards issued military orders and chased day and night. Finally, they discovered the Japanese treasure train on the railway near Wuhan, and blew up the railway to fight to the death with the Japanese army.

Both teams were extremely strong, and the battle was extremely fierce. The battle lasted for two days and two nights.

By the end of the battle, both sides suffered mostly casualties, and the remaining 1,000 Japanese troops were forced to Sunset Slope.

After hearing the broadcast of the emperor's surrender, these thousand people, led by Yanaga Nakasa, wrote suicide notes for their parents and family, and then committed suicide collectively, and the knife Yanaga Nakasa used to commit seppuku was the Sakura Saber!

Finally, when the Guards came to clean up the battlefield, they discovered from the suicide note that these Japanese soldiers were actually new soldiers, and there were many children who had just grown up. They originally thought they came to China to help the Chinese build a beautiful "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" , but they didn’t expect that the emperor deceived them.

They came to invade other people's homes and massacre innocent people, so they felt extremely regretful in their hearts. They did not dare to shoot a Chinese citizen along the way, for fear that their hands would be stained with blood...

Even at the last moment before committing seppuku, they only had their hometown and cherry blossoms in their hearts, not the ambition of aggression.

Although the other party was an enemy, the Guards admired their spirit very much. They immediately decided to bury all the bones together in one place and named them Yonghe Tomb, hoping that the world would always be peaceful.

And the stone tablet I see now is the Yonghe Monument.

There are many gouge marks on the Yonghe Monument. It seems that after so many years, the cemetery has long been destroyed, and only then was Yan Saner discovered by chance.

After reading it, I finally understood the reason: the cherry blossom sword was engraved with the two characters Yanagi, which had the same surname as the Lieutenant Colonel who led the team. It should be his family heirloom sword.

He may have gone to the battlefield with a family heirloom sword with great honor, thinking that it was a great holy war, but it turned out to be a massacre, which brought extremely heavy disasters to the people of both countries.

Although these Japanese soldiers were properly buried, the soldiers who died in the battle could not return to their hometown. This in itself was the greatest cruelty, so their ghostly auras merged together to create this Sakura Saber.

I stood in front of the monument holding a cherry blossom saber and stared at it for a long time...

Then he sighed and saluted the saber with a standard military salute. I really hope that all Japanese will face up to history and love peace like Lieutenant Colonel Yanaga, so that the hatred between China and Japan may really be resolved in the near future.

At this time, a red sun jumped out of the horizon, blooming with thousands of red lights, illuminating Dafeng Village and the Sakura Saber!

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