Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,209 Heirloom Box

Just then, Xiaomei came back carrying a large basin.

Her pair of big black braids had been cut off and tied randomly with a red rope. Her face was stained with tears, but she was filled with a look of joy.

She walked all the way to the big tree, then took out the willow branches in the basin and sprinkled them to the villagers.

In the morning light, her already beautiful figure looked even more beautiful. Every movement was so gentle and graceful, really like Guanyin Bodhisattva saving all living beings.

Legend has it that the willow branch in Guanyin's hand can bring all things back to life, and Xiaomei also saved the entire village with her bravery.

Dafeng Village is like the rising sun, it is about to usher in a new day!

I looked around and without saying hello to Xiaomei, I quietly left with the Sakura Saber in hand.

I am a femininity merchant, and I do not belong to the mortal world.

When I heard that the matter in Dafeng Village had been resolved and the nearby construction site was no longer haunted, the assistant was overjoyed and called Xu Guangsheng.

As soon as the call was made, the call was connected, and Mr. Xu's slightly hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

I guess it was because I heard that several of the invited masters died tragically one after another, and I was so scared that I couldn't sleep because I was afraid of being wronged.

"How's it going?" He asked nervously before the assistant could report.

"It's okay!" Assistant Zhao narrated briefly, and then said: "Master Zhang is indeed worthy of his reputation. He has saved the Yin spirits in Dafeng Village."

"Okay, okay!" Mr. Xu said a few good words, and then made arrangements: "Invite Master Zhang to the headquarters immediately. I want to thank him personally. The previous reward was quite a lot, and I will add extra."

"No need." I took over the conversation: "I don't want any of the remuneration. The ghost merchants have the rules of the ghost merchants and don't be greedy for money when saving the world. If you really want to thank me, give away the ashes of the Japanese soldiers in the village. Let’s go back to their homeland! Also, it’s not easy for the villagers in Dafeng Village. I hope you can provide them with more favorable conditions.”

Xu Guangsheng on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a moment, and then responded repeatedly: "Of course, of course! However, Master Zhang, I really want to invite you to Guangsheng. No matter what conditions you put forward, I will never bargain."

"I appreciate Mr. Xu's kindness, but I prefer the life of Xianyun Yehe."

"Then... okay." Xu Guangsheng said reluctantly: "But I, your friend, and I, Xu, are settled!"

Although this guy is extremely wealthy in China, he is helpless in the face of ghosts and gods. He is deeply afraid that he will not be able to find knowledgeable people when encountering problems in the future, so he wants to build a relationship with me.

I understood what he was thinking, nodded and said: "As long as you don't do anything harmful to nature, you can come to me whenever you encounter evil things causing trouble."

"Okay!" Xu Guangsheng agreed repeatedly.

I handed the phone back to the assistant and leaned back in my seat.

When I came, there were seven or eight experts, but when I went back, I was the only one left.

If I hadn't been experienced, I probably wouldn't have been able to come back. This trip to Dafeng Village was really dangerous!

After a hard night, I was really tired. I leaned on the seat and fell asleep after a while.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon, and the light red afterglow shone on the car window, illuminating my face. I turned around and saw the car parked in front of my antique shop.

When the assistant saw that I was awake, he smiled and said to me: "Master Zhang, I saw that you were sleeping so soundly that I couldn't bear to disturb you. But I didn't know where you lived, so I sent you here. You Do you want to go home now? I’ll take you there.”

"No need." I waved my hand: "This is my home, and I have to open the door for business, so let's just say goodbye!" After that, I stood up and got out of the car.

Assistant Zhao said goodbye to me and drove away in the car.

I took out my key and was about to open the door when I suddenly found a man sitting in front of the store.

This man was sitting on the front steps with his chin in his hands. He looked like he was sleeping soundly!

Although I couldn't see his face clearly, he looked like a young man, very tall, with short hair. He was wearing a Li-Ning sportswear and a pair of frayed travel shoes. His clothes were very shabby, but they were washed very clean, and there was a faint scent of soap.

Who is this person?

What are you doing squatting in front of my store?

"Hey, wake up." I pushed him gently.

He raised his head and looked at me sleepily, and stood up in a panic: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was really sleepy, so I just lay down here and fell asleep."

"It's okay." I was a little surprised. This young man didn't look like a homeless person, so why would he wander here.

Although I felt strange, I didn't ask any more questions, took out the key and opened the store door.

"Are you Master Zhang Jiulin?" The young man asked in shock when he saw me opening the door.

"Yes, you are?"

"Hello, Master Zhang. My name is Sun Youliang. After I heard about your name, I came here specifically to see you. I missed you when I came yesterday, and I didn't know when you would come back, so I had to sit here and wait. Unexpectedly, you fell asleep. I'm so sorry." The young man showed an apologetic smile and bent slightly, looking extremely polite.

"Oh? So you're here to see me. Please come in." I pointed to the antique shop and said.

"Please go first." He was extremely respectful.

After entering the door, he was very polite. He didn't even sit down when I asked him to sit down. He just stood in front of me and said: "Master Zhang, I heard that you specialize in the femininity business. I have something in my hand that I want to Please take a look."

"Is this ghost thing haunted?" I asked.

"No, no, this is my family's ancestral inheritance, but...but now I have no choice but to sell it." The young man looked downcast, as if he had some unspeakable difficulties.

"Okay then, take it out and I'll take a look first before talking." I said.

He said hello, reached out and took out a small iron box from his arms. The iron box was very old, it seemed that it had been aged for many years, and its appearance was full of scratches.

Open the iron box and there is a yellow cloth bag inside.

He held the yellow cloth bag in his hand, placed it respectfully in front of me, and unfolded it carefully.

I saw nine needles inserted side by side in the yellow cloth bag!

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