Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,210 Nine Needles of the Lingshu

The nine needles were of different thicknesses and lengths, and they were all emitting golden light!

I could tell at a glance that these were gold needles specially used for acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine.

The pattern on the needle head is also very old, and it should be the three-leaf pattern from the Tang Dynasty.

I took out the nine golden needles and inspected them one by one. I found that they were all small and delicate, and at the same time, there was a scent of herbal medicine floating out.

This fragrance is definitely not sprayed on, but emanates from the inside of the golden needle. Just like the ghost-headed knife commonly used by executioners, it will naturally leave a murderous aura. If it is passed down from generation to generation, wild ghosts within hundreds of miles will not dare to approach.

I put down the golden needle and looked at the yellow cloth bag again.

The cloth bag is also extremely old, with a faint yellow halo. It looks like it should be fine silk from ancient times. The silk is painted with a flower field unique to the Tang Dynasty, and in the lower left corner of the bag, it is embroidered with red silk thread. Three little words: Gift to Simiao.

Si Miao?

Could it be Sun Simiao, the famous medicine king of the Tang Dynasty?

Judging from the craftsmanship, this thing is indeed an antique from the Tang Dynasty, but if it is really a relic of Sun Simiao, it would be even more extraordinary. It cannot be measured by millions.

"How did you get this?" I put the gold needle back to its place and turned around to ask.

"This has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. Our family has been practicing traditional Chinese medicine for generations, and the best is acupuncture! But... but now no one asks us for treatment. They all regard us as charlatans. Whenever we are sick, no matter what Big or small, I went directly to a Western doctor to register for surgery. Besides, I learned medical skills from my grandfather and father, and I didn’t have a medical license at all. I finally worked up the courage to treat people for free in front of my home, and people from the hospital even came to my door and attacked me. So... I'm afraid this thing will never be used again."

Speaking of this, the young man lowered his head in disappointment.

"Even if it's useless, you can keep it as a souvenir. There's no need to sell it." I said regretfully.


The young man paused and said in embarrassment: "Our Sun family has been practicing medicine for generations, but it cannot be passed down to my generation! I see this box of golden needles every day and feel sorry for my ancestors... …”

"In addition, my mother is old and misses her hometown. She has been clamoring to move back to her hometown. But apart from practicing medicine, I don't have any other skills. I originally thought that I could make a name for myself with this acupuncture technique. I sold the real estate in my hometown and ran to Wuhan to make a living, but I didn't expect...ah!" After he finished speaking, he sighed heavily, as if he was extremely unwilling.

"So, not only can you use this magic needle, but you are also very skilled at it?" I asked curiously.

"I dare not say it is exquisite, but acupuncture taught at home is really powerful! I have learned most of it. Common ailments can be cured by acupuncture, and even difficult diseases can be cured by just three acupuncture treatments." The young man said very clearly. Determined, his eyes also showed an extremely confident light.

"This needle of yours is not fake. It was indeed used by ancient doctors. As for your medical skills... Well, try it on me! Let me see how good you are. If you are really capable, don't sell this needle." I promise to let you treat illnesses and save people safely in Wuhan," I said.

"Okay!" The young man's eyes were shining: "What's wrong with Master Zhang?"

"Shoulders." I pointed to my shoulders: "My shoulders have always been sore. I have been to the hospital many times to no avail. Please help me take a look."

I don’t know if it’s because I often look for vaginal objects in the wilderness. My shoulder suffered from severe rheumatism. Sometimes it was sore and sometimes numb. I saw several doctors in succession and tried all kinds of external and internal application of hot and cold compresses. Tried it all over, but still no improvement.

Yin Xinyue persuaded me to go to Beijing for a visit. I thought it was a minor illness, so I stayed put. Since I met a descendant of Sun Simiao today, it was a good time to give it a try.

"Okay!" The young man said as he rolled up his sleeves, walked forward, then gently picked up a golden needle and pierced it into the back of my neck.

I only felt an itchiness on my skin, but no pain at all. Immediately afterwards, he took the second injection!

He inserted the needles very quickly, almost without thinking about the acupuncture points. Several golden needles were inserted into the back of my neck and shoulders one after another.

"Master Zhang, this is the nine-needle Lingshu needle passed down from my family. The emphasis is on the unity of the nine meridians! The ninth needle is the key. Please hold a sip of tea in your mouth and don't swallow it for now." The young man ordered.

"Oh?" I became even more curious after hearing this. I took a sip of tea and kept it in my mouth as he said.

He then held the longest golden needle, walked around in front of me, aimed it at the Shenting point on the top of my head, and started to move it gently.

This needle was fully twenty centimeters long, and as he kept moving, it slowly entered. I felt numbness on the top of my head, and then there was a faint heat on the back of my neck and shoulders, and it was terribly itchy, as if thousands of ants were crawling.

As the long needle continued to penetrate, the itching pain became more and more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, he clicked hard!

The long needle went down, as if it had hit some vital point. The pain made me shudder violently, and I spat out the tea in my mouth with a pop.

"Is this what you call family acupuncture?" I said sarcastically with some annoyance.

"Master Zhang, look!" The young man was not angry at all, but pointed to the ground proudly.

I turned around and took a look - the tea I had just spat on the ground was covered with a layer of white frost, and a stream of cold air with white smoke was slowly rising.

"How is this possible?" I was a little surprised.

What I drank just now was obviously warm water tea, but why did it turn into cold ice water in the blink of an eye?

"Master Zhang, there is cold air in the wide acupoints on your shoulders. I just used a golden needle to force the cold air into your throat, and then it will turn into water and come out. Look again, do your shoulders still hurt now?" , he took out all nine needles and inserted them back into the yellow cloth bag one by one.

I looked at him in shock, then moved my arms left and right.

Sure enough, the numb and itchy feeling disappeared without a trace.

The rheumatism that had troubled me for many years was cured by him in just a few minutes!

This young man is indeed worthy of being the descendant of Sun Simiao.

"Your acupuncture skills are indeed amazing!" I praised with a smile.

"What's the use?" He sighed and said with some frustration: "No matter how magical the acupuncture method is, it is useless if it has no use. In other words, Master Zhang, if it were another person, you would not let me try it at all. , especially the last shot, almost no one dares to accept it..."

It is true that the last needle is too long and inserted from the top of the head, so most people would never dare to try it.

No wonder this young man had to bear the pain of selling the ancestral magic needle. He felt aggrieved!

I have learned this skill since I was a child, and now I have inherited five thousand years of traditional Chinese medicine culture, but I am regarded as a charlatan by my own countrymen. What does it feel like?

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