Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,217 The Vice Dean’s Trick

Vice President Zhao was walking and suddenly turned around and came face to face with me.

"Vice President Zhao, where are we going for this last step?" I asked coldly.

"Fifth floor." He pointed upward and took big steps.

"It's cardiology." Professor Fang whispered in my ear.

Sure enough, Vice President Zhao stopped at the corner of the fifth floor. The door number read "cardiology department" in three big red letters.

"Young man, this set of acupuncture techniques of yours is indeed amazing!" Uncharacteristically, he looked at Sun Youliang with a smile and praised: "You handled the two patients just now so quickly and well. They were perfect. If you can still make everyone happy this time, Witness the miracle, I will definitely keep my promise and hire you as a senior physician in our hospital! Our hospital should also keep pace with the times and recruit Chinese medicine talents in an eclectic way, haha!"

His tone was very relaxed, as if Sun Youliang's successive unique skills had completely conquered him, but I found a hint of subtle cunning flashing in his eyes.

Sure enough, he pointed back and said: "The last test is conducted in the cardiology department. The patients on this floor are all heart-failures. I see that your magic needle is so magical, there must be nothing wrong with it, right?"

When I heard this, I couldn't help but secretly cursed: "This guy is really fucking damaging!"

You know clearly that this person didn't go to any university, but you still use an English word. Isn't this a deliberate attempt to make things difficult?

"Isn't it just heart failure? It's no problem, I can cure it!" Sun Youliang was extremely confident.

Professor Fang, who was standing next to him, was about to translate for him, but when he heard him say it himself, and seeing that his expression was even more confident, he couldn't help but nod in admiration.

At this time, Vice President Zhao was a little surprised. After a pause, he said: "Well, you can choose a patient for treatment at will - the symptoms are all similar anyway, and they are all waiting in line for surgery. There is no time limit this time , as long as you cure it well, you will pass."

"No problem." After Sun Youliang said that, he took a step to open the door and go in.

"Young man, don't be anxious yet." Vice President Zhao stopped Sun Youliang with a smile: "Before you start the treatment, I have to remind you! The heart is not like the stomach and skin. Even if it cannot be cured, it can start over again. Even if it cannot be cured, it can start again. It doesn’t matter if there are so many chief professors on the side to help you, the heart is very delicate, and there is no room for any mistakes, this is a matter of life and death!"

"You are still in the testing phase. That is to say, if something unexpected happens, it is just your personal behavior and has nothing to do with the hospital. Of course, if you are really sure, then go for it and try boldly! No big deal, I will be in prison for the rest of my life, haha..."

My teeth were itching with anger, and I really wanted to rush up and kick him hard!

What is this, an intimidation or a threat? You clearly know that your heart is the most delicate and can't tolerate any mistakes, but you are still adding fuel and jealousy to mess up other people's position at this time?

Do you want others to go into battle under pressure, and accidentally hit the target and kill someone?

I immediately understood why he set the final step in the Department of Cardiology!

As soon as I walked into the door of the city hospital, there was a huge publicity board hanging in front of me. On it were the chief doctors of various departments in the hospital. There were only three people in the first row with the title of professor, including Professor Fang. , this is their golden signature!

The first one on the list is Professor Ma from the Department of Cardiology. His resume written under his photo is also the longest. There are seven or eight awards and positions with national and military prefixes! It can be said that he is one of the few cardiology experts not only in Wuhan, but also in Hubei and even in the country.

Letting Sun Youliang compete with such an old expert is simply too bullying!

Also, although what he just said was very fucked up, it was not wrong.

The heart is not as delicate as the intestines and stomach, and the skin is indeed very delicate, and the internal structure often differs from person to person. Even experts have to study X-ray images, heart composition and other data and information carefully for a long time before they can finally determine the treatment plan. It was almost like a joke to ask Sun Youliang to directly treat him without any license!

Several other directors also felt something was wrong, but due to Vice President Zhao's power, they all remained silent.

Secretary Zhang put one hand in his trouser pocket, secretly rang the ringtone on his cell phone, and then pretended to answer the phone and left.

An old doctor standing at the end also slipped away. It seems that again, if something really happened, I was not there and didn’t know anything.

"Vice President Zhao..." Professor Fang took a step forward: "Even if you really let this young man treat you, you should at least take out the patient's information and let him study it? I will help him check if the patient has any special conditions. .”

When Vice President Zhao heard this, he looked a little unhappy, but Professor Fang was also a treasure in the hospital, so of course he didn't want to offend him in person.

He was very cunning and did not answer directly. Instead, he turned his head, glanced at Sun Youliang, pretended to pat his forehead and said: "Oh, look, I was so focused on witnessing the magic needle skill that I almost forgot about it. You still have to do it?" Do you need to see this?”

"No need, I can find out directly with an injection." Sure enough, Sun Youliang replied blankly.

"Okay, let's get started!" Vice President Zhao urged, and then turned his head with a smile, as if to say: "This is something he doesn't need."

Sun Youliang didn't seem to think so much at all, or he didn't take these little tricks to heart at all. He directly pushed open a ward and walked in, and we all filed in after him.

The cardiology department is an important department. In addition to occupying an entire floor, it is completely different from the emergency department and dermatology department just now.

Professor Ma is a nationally renowned cardiology expert. After being re-employed by the city hospital, the cardiology department on the fifth floor has become the hospital’s flagship advertisement. The president and deputy deans often lead inspections with leaders, and many colleagues come to study. To learn from the experience, a large number of doctors came in together, and the patients did not find it strange. It was just strange to see Sun Youliang, a young man with ordinary appearance and shabby clothes walking at the front.

When Vice President Zhao introduced that Sun Youliang possesses an ancestral acupuncture method that is said to be able to cure heart disease, everyone who wanted to give it a try shook their heads.

When encountering those with bad tempers, they even started to curse: "Damn it, are you trying to use us as guinea pigs?"

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