Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,218 Hitting a wall

After hitting the wall in many wards in a row, we came to the last ward.

There were only two beds here. A middle-aged man with a big belly was resting his head on his hands, staring blankly at the ceiling with his two small eyes. When he saw us walking in, he only glanced briefly and didn't even move.

There was an old man with white hair lying on the other bed, reclining there, holding a small shabby handkerchief in his hand. All the patterns on the handkerchief were worn away, leaving only a few light blue strips exposed, and nothing could be seen at all.

But he was staring at the handkerchief in a daze, as if there was a flower engraved on it, which couldn't be more beautiful, as if there was a person on it, who couldn't be more beautiful, even when we walked into the room, we didn't notice it at all.

"Mr. Zhang, are you feeling better?" Vice President Zhao asked with a smile at the fat middle-aged man.

"It's not like that!" The man didn't move his head or raise his eyes, still looking at the ceiling.

"Haha, it's okay." Vice President Zhao didn't feel embarrassed at all and still said with a smile on his face: "We have studied your condition several times and asked Professor Ma many times. He said it is a mild disease. Just a little bypass surgery."

"A small operation!" When the man heard this, he immediately became angry and turned his face suddenly: "Then you should let him do it!"

"How come this damn old horse head is more stubborn than a stone? You have to prioritize, one by one, without any advance! I have approached him privately several times, and I am willing to pay him twenty times or even fifty times the price. He wanted to finish it for me first, but he just refused to do it, insisting that human life is priceless and money can’t buy it..."

"His uncle! Even the special care unit is transferred to emergency patients. I can't buy one no matter how much money I spend." The man became more and more angry: "Do you know how much money I will make less if I stay here for a day? ? If it weren’t for his great reputation and safer treatment, I wouldn’t be here to suffer this foreign crime. I’ve really had enough.”

Vice President Zhao allowed him to finish his anger, and then said with a smile on his face: "I have told him more than once that Boss Tan has a busy business and is a major tax collector in Wuhan City. Can you please take care of him a little and give him money in advance?" He performed surgery. But Professor Ma was a military doctor with a very upright temper, and he would not agree to it. He said that human life has the same price, and there is no distinction between high and low. As long as you treat a doctor here, you have to follow his wishes. If anyone comes again, If you mess with your orders, he will leave immediately!"

"You also know that when Professor Ma's stubborn temper comes up, let alone me, it is said that he has been cruel to those major generals..."

"Then what are you here for?" When Fatty Tan heard this, he immediately lost his temper and vented all his anger on Dean Zhao: "Did you come here specifically to make me angry? Hurry up! I see the white coat now I’m so annoyed.”

"I don't dare to bother you." Vice President Zhao has had a smile on his face since he entered the room. He doesn't know where the fat man named Tan comes from: "There is a young man here who has a conspiracy. Acupuncture passed down from our ancestors is said to be able to cure even heart failure..."

"Go, go, go!" Fatty Tan had just finished listening, and like the patients in the other rooms, he waved his hands repeatedly: "Get away as far as you want! What the hell is ancestral acupuncture, it's all bullshit, I would rather die. I don’t believe in that stuff either.”

As soon as Sun Youliang heard this, he immediately lowered his head and turned around to leave out of habit.

He was full of confidence when he entered the first ward, but he has hit a wall all the way until now, and he can't help but feel a little discouraged.

Just as he cried to me that day, people in the world don’t believe in his craftsmanship, nor do they believe in Chinese medicine. They would rather be cut into pieces by Western medicine like a butchered pig than let Chinese medicine treat him.

This was the last ward. If he couldn't even find a patient who was willing to treat him, he would have no choice but to leave in despair.

But this also means that this test failed and all his previous efforts will be in vain. He could only go back to the past, sell the golden needles, and find another way to make a living.

The unique knowledge of Sun Simiao, the eternal medicine king, will eventually be lost!

I felt bad seeing him so lonely, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Heart disease is not like skin disease. If you change the treatment method casually, the patient's resistance will not be so strong. There was no way I could coax and lie like I did to the fat little fat guy with hives.

"Young man, wait a minute." Just when Sun Youliang was frustrated and turned to leave, the fat man named Tan suddenly thought of something, turned over and sat up from the bed, stared at Sun Youliang and said: "You can really To treat heart disease?”

Sun Youliang had already taken one foot out, but when he heard his question, he quickly took it back and nodded heavily in response.

"Treated with acupuncture?"

"Yes! I have the nine Lingshu needles passed down from my ancestors! By stimulating acupoints and opening up meridians, many diseases can be cured, including heart failure." Sun Youliang thought that things had turned around and bowed very sincerely.

"I don't care what the principle is." Fatty Tan waved his hand: "I just want to ask you if you can cure it well?"

"Yes!" Sun Youliang nodded vigorously.

"Okay, you give this old man a try first." Fatty Tan pointed at the old man opposite.

"This..." Sun Youliang was stunned, and his newly rekindled fighting spirit was poured cold water on him.

However, this was the last glimmer of hope. He took two steps forward, approached the old man and said, "Hello, uncle! I have a set of ancestral acupuncture techniques that can help you treat heart disease. Do you want to try it..."

"Stop shouting, he can't hear you!" Fatty Tan said: "This old man has no children. It is said that all the money he earned in his life has been donated one after another. He lives by picking up rags, and he becomes ill and even loses his mind. Very clear, he was later found fainted on the road. It just so happened that the city was engaged in the construction of dual civilizations, so he was sent here as a model. If you are really capable, give him a try. "

Sun Youliang hesitated.

"What, you don't dare?" Fatty Tan stretched his neck forward: "If you really have the ability, treat him, no matter whether he can hear it or not, whether he is willing or not, just treat it as a good deed. If you are not sure, get out of here. ! Don’t fool people here, pretending to be an elephant with a pig’s nose stuck in your nose!”

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