Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,219 Become famous in one battle!

Sun Youliang was aroused by these words. He turned red and turned his head, looking at Vice President Zhao inquiringly.

Vice President Zhao paused for a moment and said, "Young man, if you are really sure, go for it!"

Sun Youliang nodded, took out the golden needle from his arms, and turned to me and said, "Master Zhang, this uncle is not very clear about his mind. You have to help me support him. I'm afraid he will move suddenly."

I hurried over, and Professor Fang also came forward very enthusiastically. We held the old man tightly on the left and the right.

He was really skinny and skinny, with not much flesh on his body. He was like a piece of dead wood in his hand.

We both grabbed him tightly, but he still didn't notice it and was still staring at the tattered handkerchief in his hand.

Sun Youliang picked up a golden needle and said very solemnly to Professor Fang and me: "I'm going to take action. Please, you two must obey my command!"

"Okay!" Professor Fang and I replied seriously.

Fatty Tan sat on the bed, his eyes widened. Vice President Zhao and other doctors were also closely surrounding him.

Sun Youliang turned to look at them and said, "It may be dangerous after a while, you'd better retreat outside the door!"

"Holy crap, is it that exaggerated?" Fatty Tan was very reluctant.

But those doctors had all seen Sun Youliang perform the Dragon-Yining Initiation in the dermatology department - that set of techniques was magical enough, but they had never seen him so solemn before. At this time, his expression was so solemn, as if It's really not a bluff.

After looking at each other for a few times, they all retreated one after another.

In an instant, Fatty Tan was the only one left in the room. He looked at Sun Youliang and said, "Okay, I want to see what kind of dangerous method is there?" With that, he also walked out.

The door to the ward was ajar, with a small crack exposed. A row of eyes were crowded in the crack, staring closely into the room.

When Sun Youliang saw everyone retreating, he raised the first golden needle high and inserted it directly between his eyebrows!

It's not twisted or turned, it just goes straight in like a sharp arrow! Fatty Tan's body trembled suddenly as he watched.

Everyone else couldn't help but be surprised.

Then, Sun Youliang picked up two golden needles at the same time, stabbed them on the left and right, and headed towards his temples. Without any sound, it stabbed straight in again!

The fourth throat shot!

The fifth needle at the back of the neck!

The sixth navel shot!

The seventh shot of Dantian!

The eighth needle hits the head!

Eight needles in a row, very fast, the needles went straight in without any hesitation!

Rays of golden light are flying everywhere, dazzlingly beautiful!

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the ninth longest needle, thrust it in suddenly, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Caught it!"

Professor Fang and I quickly pressed our hands hard and held it tightly.

At the same time, a long needle went straight into the heart!

I don't know whether it was because the old man's pain-sensing nerves had long been numb, or because Sun Youliang inserted the golden needle too fast. When eight needles were inserted in a row, the old man just shook slightly and did not react violently.

But as soon as the ninth needle piercing the heart was inserted, the old man shook violently and tried to stand up. His strength was surprisingly strong, and I was almost knocked over. I hurriedly picked up Ran Min's Use spiritual power to suppress it.

Although Professor Fang was on guard, he was only a doctor after all, and he was not young at all. He was jolted by the old man and almost fell down.

Sun Youliang not only did not help him, but instead pushed him to the ground and shouted at me: "Get out of the way!" At the same time, he punched the old man in the heart!

As soon as I heard him shouting, I quickly let go and backed away quickly.

Swish swish swish!

Almost at the same moment, several golden needles, like sharp arrows, shot out of the old man's body. They flew past my shoulders and plunged deeply into the door with a pop!

"Oh my god!" Someone screamed.

Then the door slammed shut.

The old man leaned forward suddenly and spat out a mouthful of blood.

This mouthful of blood was like a cork blocking the mouth of the pot. Once it was pulled out, it immediately burst out.

"Xiulian!" The old man cried out sadly, his voice was extremely loud!

Then, there were whimpering sounds.

"Okay!" Sun Youliang climbed up from the bed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Upon hearing what he said, the people hiding outside the house slowly opened the door, but did not dare to enter. They still stared at everything in the house with their small eyes.

The sunlight penetrated the glass windows and filled the room, and was reflected by the golden needles inserted everywhere.

The apple on the table was penetrated; the golden needle on the back of the chair penetrated a few centimeters and was still trembling slightly; the farthest one flew to Fatty Tan's bedside and penetrated deeply into the cowhide wallet, leaving only the A small hole shining with golden light!

Professor Fang got up from the ground. He didn't care about adjusting his glasses or wiping off the dust all over his body. He looked at the old man at first glance.

The old man still acted as if there was no one around, but he no longer remained silent. Instead, he burst into tears, heartbroken, and leaned forward, banging the bed constantly, making the bed board make a loud bang!

"Xiulian! Why don't you take me away?" He cried loudly, and two turbid tears rolled down, mingling with the black blood at the corner of his mouth and chin, and dripping all over the hospital bed.

His cry was so loud and resonant that it could be heard far away in the corridor of the hospital. He was extremely confident. How could he sound like a patient with heart failure? !

"This... what kind of acupuncture is this!" Professor Fang was a little dumbfounded. He was stunned for a while, and then turned around and asked.

"This is the Nine Soul-Living Needles. It uses the method of forcibly punching acupuncture points to penetrate the two meridians, unblock the blockages, drain out congestion and qi, and the heart will naturally return to its original state." Sun Youliang was picking up the golden needles that had fallen everywhere. , heard Professor Fang ask, and replied very politely.

"Fuck... this is simply a miracle doctor!" Fatty Tan walked in first and looked at Sun Youliang in great astonishment: "Great miracle doctor! I can't see Taishan. I have offended a lot of things just now. Please don't do anything to me." Don't take it personally. This...please treat me again."

"I'm sorry, I..." Sun Youliang was about to refuse with a look of embarrassment, but I quickly took over: "Whether he can treat you or not, it doesn't matter if he says it himself, it depends on Vice President Zhao. "

I already know Sun Youliang's temper very well, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. You look down on me, and I am too lazy to talk to you. If you are polite to me, I will be polite to you. If he had his way, he would definitely not treat Fatty Tan.

If it had been before, I would definitely have let him do it.

But at this time, Fatty Tan has a great use!

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