Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,220 Medicine King Sun Simiao

Although I asked Secretary Liu for help this time, the one who can really decide whether Sun Youliang should stay or not is Vice President Zhao.

This guy is an old cunning guy who looks down on Chinese medicine at all, so he has been making things difficult for Sun Youliang from the beginning!

Although I forced him to make a three-round bet in public, after all, he had the final say in his territory.

Even if Sun Youliang won all three competitions, and won them all cleanly, he could still find a hundred excuses to put on Sun Youliang's shoes.

For example, Sun Youliang does not have a university diploma or a medical qualification certificate. According to regulations, he cannot sign a formal letter of appointment for the time being. He should practice in the hospital first, and then he can choose the wrong one and fire him after a while.

Another example is that he signed a formal contract with Sun Youliang, but found that there were no vacancies in the hospital for the time being, so he was asked to wait until the end of time...

Originally, I was planning to set up a game later to make Vice President Zhao keep his promise, but I didn't expect that Fatty Tan would fall from the sky!

Judging from the situation just now, Vice President Zhao is very respectful to Fatty Tan. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is afraid. Maybe there is something in Fatty Tan's hands.

Fatty Tan happened to have a heart attack and wanted to ask Sun Youliang for help.

This way, it will be easier to handle!

Sure enough, after hearing what I said, Fatty Tan wondered: "Why should this brother depend on Vice President Zhao's opinion whether he will treat me or not?"

"Didn't I tell you just now? This young man's acupuncture skills are inherited from his family. He does not have a medical qualification certificate, so he cannot treat you. After all, illegal medical practice will lead to jail. But if Vice President Zhao agrees to work in the hospital, It's my job to treat you." I explained to Fatty Tan with a smile.

"Oh, I understand!" Fatty Tan patted his forehead, turned around and shouted at Vice President Zhao: "Old Zhao, you don't accept such an awesome doctor, is your hospital made of gold?"

"This..." Dean Zhao was directing several nurses who came after hearing the sound to take the old man out for a checkup. When he heard Fatty Tan calling him in public, he pushed up his glasses in embarrassment and said, "Xiao Sun's The medical skills are indeed very good, but..."

"Stop talking nonsense, just say it's okay." Fatty Tan said with a glare.

Dean Zhao pretended to cough a few times and said: "Xiao Sun's medical skills are very good, but his treatment methods are too horrifying and do not comply with scientific principles at all. This is a hospital, not an acrobatic troupe. If word spreads, it will be harmful to the hospital." The reputation here will have a big impact.”

"It affects your mother." Fatty Tan got a little angry and started swearing: "What's the old saying? It doesn't matter if a black cat or a white cat can catch mice is a good cat. You don't care how they treat it. As long as it's It’s okay if it can be cured.”

"You don't want such a great doctor, what else do you want? Raising a group of sycophants who only receive red envelopes and kill people?"

"Hurry up and get them in place. If you dare to play the slightest trick, I'll tell you to get out of Wuhan!"

"Uh, this..." Dean Zhao was insulted in front of many nurses. He really couldn't save his face. After being silent for a long time, he said to several professors outside the ward: "That, everyone has seen it, Comrade Xiao Sun." His magical acupuncture skills are indeed extraordinary! It fills a gap in our hospital’s traditional Chinese medicine treatment, so I decided to hire Sun Shilai.”

"Sun Youliang." I added.

"Yes, yes! I wonder if you have any opinions on the appointment of Comrade Sun Youliang as the chief physician." Vice President Zhao asked.

"No objection!" Professor Fang was the first to stand up and said: "Not only do I have no objection, but I also hope to help Xiao Sun vigorously publicize it so that the citizens of Wuhan know that an incredible miracle doctor has come to our hospital!"

It seems that this series of acupuncture skills has completely conquered Professor Fang.

And with Professor Fang’s strong recommendation, who else would foolishly stand up and oppose it? At that moment, the group unanimously approved the official appointment of Sun Youliang as the attending physician.

Sun Youliang had just picked up the nine golden needles scattered everywhere and put them into a yellow cloth bag. When he heard the decision, his eyes immediately became moist.

However, he had a very strong character and didn't want others to see his tears, so he quickly turned around and wiped them away vigorously.

But the more he wiped, the harder he cried. A few tears fell on the yellow cloth bag, soaking a large area.

Professor Fang couldn't wait to ask Sun Youliang for advice, while Fatty Tan took off his shirt and waited for acupuncture...

No one in the room, except me, noticed that the yellow cloth bag in his hand had changed.

The few tears falling on it are spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a spring breeze blowing, turning the entire Jiangnan green in just an instant!

The yellow cloth bag changed from old to new, reflecting the sunlight, and the nine golden needles bloomed with dazzling light!

In that extremely bright light, a bald old man in white clothes appeared.

He has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and his three long beards reach to his knees, but his waist is not hunched or his legs are bent, as if he were a god descending to earth.

He was holding a crane-headed staff with a red medicine gourd tied to it, and he was walking towards me with a smile on his face.

With every step he took, his figure grew taller, and the golden light scattered around him grew brighter. He walked up to me, observed me for a few seconds, nodded with satisfaction, and then passed me by.

At the same time, the Eternal Spirit Ring on his hand lit up.

The clear voice of the little ring spirit also rang in my ears: "Congratulations, master, for successfully obtaining Sun Simiao's Yin spirit! Sun Simiao was a famous Taoist priest in the Tang Dynasty. He lived in seclusion on Taibai Mountain in the Qinling Mountains for many years, tasted all kinds of herbs, cured diseases and saved countless people, and was praised by later generations. Called: King of Medicine. Comes with his own military skills and benevolent heart: he can heal all wounds."

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