Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,227 Life-Destroying Roots

I looked to the side again and saw that Lao Fei, Da Su, and Li Mazi had been rolled into a ball by those roots, and they were still soundly asleep.

I was startled and jumped out of bed in a hurry. Genxu seemed to realize something, and madness swept towards me!

Each root is as thick as a child's wrist. In the dark, it looks like a hunter lurking in the dark, giving no chance to react. And the number was so large that it was completely overwhelming.

I barely dodged a few attacks and realized that this time I had underestimated the enemy. This dryad was much more powerful than I thought. Fortunately, before going to bed, Li Mazi shouted that he wanted to fight the tree demon and put the ax next to his bed. I quickly turned over, rolled to Li Mazi's window, picked up the ax and started swinging it.

With the ax in hand, the tree demon was obviously a little scared. After I chopped off a few roots, the tree demon let out a mournful howl, but there was still a little anger in the howl, so he was obviously really angry!

Immediately afterwards, the roots that originally entangled Li Mazi and the three people let go of them, and they all attacked me, and even more roots drilled upwards from the soil. The roots grew thicker and stronger, and soon the ax couldn't cut anymore. I was sweating profusely and shouted to Li Mazi and Lao Fei loudly, but they seemed to be dead in sleep and were not conscious at all.

I realized that they must have been tricked by the tree demon and were already unconscious. Those workers and people who disappeared before were probably swept away by the tree demon silently.

Eventually the ax was swept away by the roots, and I was completely weaponless.

And the entire work shed was already covered with dense roots, like a big net covering me! The sound of the roots squirming stimulated my eardrums and made goosebumps all over my body.

Could it be that I, Zhang Jiulin, have traveled all over the country for so many years, and now I am going to be put down here today? I am about to activate the Eternal Spirit Ring in a hurry.

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly shot in through the layers of roots, calming me down like a ray of hope. With the arrival of the light, the roots hurriedly retracted underground as if they were frightened.

As the roots disappeared and the light grew more and more, I realized that the night had passed and the sky was bright outside the window.

The first ray of light in the morning broke through the darkness and forced the roots back to the ground.

I took a few deep breaths. If it weren't for the large and small potholes still remaining on the ground, I would have thought everything just now was an illusion. I stepped forward, patted Li Mazi's face, and found that this guy was sleeping soundly. Although I knew that he had been tricked by the tree demon, I was still furious, so I went outside to find a basin of cold water and poured it on his face unceremoniously.

Li Mazi screamed and jumped up: "What's going on? What's going on?" He looked around with his eyes wide open, then looked at the basin in my hand, and then he wiped the cold water off his face. : "Brother Zhang, what are you doing?"

I pointed to the dense holes on the ground and said, "The tree demon is here. If I hadn't reacted quickly enough, you would have gone to the Lord of Hell to get your lunch box by now."

"What?" Li Mazi was startled and looked at the ground under his feet carefully: "Is it so powerful?"

"We underestimated the enemy too much." I couldn't help but feel a little scared, and regretted not bringing the Oudama and the ghost-killing swords. Perhaps life has gone so smoothly in recent years that I have lost my sense of crisis. I cannot continue like this!

I decided to make a quick decision and asked Li Mazi to wake up Lao Fei and Da Su according to my method. When I heard that the tree demon came last night, Da Su was so frightened that his legs went weak and he almost sat on the ground.

The old fat man was still reasonable: "Jiulin, what should we do now?"

"Go check out the nearby villages!" I didn't dare to waste any more time and was ready to let Dasu take us there.

Dasu's face was pale and confused, and he kept muttering depressing words such as "Retribution is here, I'm going to die...". Li Mazi didn't like him to begin with, but now he was even more angry. Without waiting for my reaction, he quickly walked up to Da Su and slapped him from left to right in the face.

After the crisp and loud slap, not only Da Su was stunned, but Lao Fei and I were also stunned by his sudden move.

Li Mazi scolded with hatred: "Are you awake? Go and drive when you are sober. We didn't come all the way to see you cry in mourning! If you don't want to die, just give me something more convenient. If you want to die, we will buy it." Tickets to leave today.”

Da Su rolled his eyes and started the car without saying anything.

Li Mazi smiled at me: "So, my method works, right? I've long disliked him!" It was obviously a public revenge.

I shook my head speechlessly: "Next time you do this again, I will use a similar method!"

Li Mazi got into the car with me with a sly smile.

Dasu received several slaps in the face, his face was red and swollen, and there were clear fingerprints on it. However, after the beating, he became more awake, no longer confused, and no longer talking to himself. While driving, he introduced the situation to me: "This village is called Xiaolin Village. There are not many residents, but they are very superstitious."

We arrived at Xiaolin Village quickly, but when we arrived, it was completely empty.

Li Mazi felt strange. He walked up and knocked on several doors, but no one responded. Lao Fei and Da Su looked at me uneasily. I looked around and stopped Li Mazi: "Stop screaming, there is no one here at all!"

"What?" Li Mazi looked at me puzzled.

I pointed to the wheel marks on the ground: "Look, the ground is full of traces of vehicles. If I guessed correctly, the people in Xiaolin Village should have moved away overnight."

Dasu, who was in just the right state, was stimulated and became a little confused. Li Mazi clapped his hands heavily: "Please wake up, I'm all busy with your affairs. If you don't live up to your expectations, we won't care about you anymore."

Dasu hurriedly covered his face and nodded repeatedly.

Li Mazi gave me a proud look.

The four of us walked around the village several times and found that many people left in a hurry and didn't have time to pack their luggage. They probably left with only a change of clothes and valuables. It seems that the people in Xiaolin Village are very afraid of this tree demon. What terrible things have happened in recent years to make them behave like this?

The only clue was broken, so I had to find another way.

Lao Fei and Da Su were outsiders, and Li Mazi was a pig with no teammates to count on. It was a bit difficult for me to deal with this thousand-year-old tree demon on my own. I thought about it and finally decided to summon the best friend to come to the rescue.

Without thinking, I took out my phone and called the man in the T-shirt: "Hey! In the first grade of junior high school, I'm in some trouble and I may need your help."

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