Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,230 Sanskrit Stone Tablet

Dasu screamed in fright, ran to the side and vomited.

Li Mazi and I were also shocked, but we bit the bullet and dug down.

The bones were like a small mountain. The more I dug, the more I dug. I finally understood why there were no living creatures in the entire mountain. It turned out that they were all killed by the tree demons and piled up at their feet like trophies, using the bones to show their power!

The black-hearted monk looked at the time: "Hurry up! After the power of the tree demon is restored at noon, it will be difficult to take action again."

Li Mazi and I were so tired that we almost used all our strength to dig a few meters. Suddenly, my shovel touched a stone. I opened it hard and found that it was not a stone, but a stone tablet.

The black-hearted monk shouted: "That's it! Dig it up."

After we had the target, Li Mazi and I swung the shovels very quickly, but the area around the stone monument was full of roots from old trees. Seeing this, the man in the T-shirt jumped down into the pit, poured the power of thunder and lightning into the blade, and split it. Tree roots blocking the road.

Just before noon, Li Mazi and I finally dug up the stone tablet. The man in the T-shirt squinted his eyes and said, "There seems to be something behind the stone tablet!"

But at this moment, the roots of the tree demon began to squirm slowly, and the black-hearted monk said urgently: "Come up quickly!"

Li Mazi was so frightened that he peeed and climbed up without looking back. The man in the T-shirt and I helped each other and climbed out of the pit smoothly. The tree demon seemed to be angry, and its roots actually pierced the ground and rolled towards us. The black-hearted monk said hello, and we ran madly down the mountain. The roots chased after us until we escaped back to the work shed. With the protection of the Buddhist verses we had posted earlier, the roots did not dare to come in rashly.

The black-hearted monk said: "These roots understand the power of Buddha's verses. It seems that they have been baptized by Buddha's verses and should be related to my Buddhism." He was seriously injured and fell on the bed to rest tiredly.

The man in the T-shirt asked concernedly: "How are you, are you okay?"

"It's nothing!" The black-hearted monk didn't take it too seriously: "If I hadn't been careless and underestimated the enemy, how could the tree roots have hurt me?"

The roots outside do not benefit and gradually shrink back into the soil and disappear. After waiting for a while, there was no movement, and everyone became more courageous. In order to reward the brave and injured Black-hearted monk, the old man volunteered to fry the chicken butts. The Black-hearted monk was worried and raised his voice and commanded: "Bring on the fire... This time I invited Daddy Bear, so I have to give him a share. He loves spicy food, so remember to add more spicy food..."

As a result, another mouthful of blood spurted out.

The man in the T-shirt and I also took the opportunity to discuss the stone tablet we had seen before. Although the time was short, we both saw that it was a very old thing, and the words on it were all in Sanskrit.

The black-hearted monk, who had closed his eyes to meditate, heard that the stone tablets were all in Sanskrit. He opened his eyes and asked, "Are you sure they are all in Sanskrit?"

"That's right!" The man in the T-shirt and I nodded together.

The black-hearted monk thought for a while and said: "We should go before noon tomorrow. I have to see what is written on the stone tablet..."

"Do you understand Sanskrit?" Li Mazi asked in shock.

"Damn it, I know Martian literature!" The black-hearted monk gave him a rude look.

But the man in the T-shirt said to me: "I think there is something behind that stone tablet, and it is something more important than the stone tablet."

"Then let's bring two more shovels tomorrow..." I was discussing tomorrow's action with the man in the T-shirt, and Da Su, who had been silent next to me, suddenly said: "The shovels are too slow. I will drive the trencher up there tomorrow."

Damn it! You have such a good equipment as a trench digger. Why can't you tell me? Li Mazi and I have blistered hands, okay?

Li Mazi and I couldn't help but glare at him.

After we went to bed that night, we suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from outside. I wasn't asleep at all, so I sat up immediately after hearing the sound. Could it be that the roots were causing trouble again?

The man in the T-shirt also woke up, listened carefully for a moment and said, "I heard footsteps, they seemed to be people."


The two of us immediately got up, hid in front of the window and looked outside, only to see twenty or thirty people under the moonlight, old and young, all hunched over, and we looked at them with evil intentions.

One man deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Don't be afraid, everyone. There are many of us and there are few of them. Don't worry about anything else after entering. Tie them up first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people next to him nodded. The man in the T-shirt and I exchanged a look, and in tacit agreement we moved to both sides of the door. As soon as they came in, we would catch them by surprise!

The man outside took a deep breath, then suddenly raised his foot and kicked the door open, followed by several young and strong men pouring in. The man in the T-shirt and I were not polite, we took advantage of the situation and knocked out all those people.

Someone realized something was wrong, turned around and ran out, shouting: "There is an ambush inside, everyone, run!"

Before he finished speaking, I grabbed him by the collar and threw him back.

At this time, Li Mazi and others also woke up. Everyone was sleeping soundly. When they suddenly heard a sound and had no time to react, they all picked up the guy and started beating them.

Although there were many people outside, they didn't know how to fight, and they quickly surrendered under the combined force of me and the man in the T-shirt. Li Mazi, Lao Fei, and Da Su surrounded them with axes in their hands and asked them to squat down with their hands on their heads.

I went to turn on the light. As soon as the light came on, Da Su was obviously stunned: "You... didn't you move out?"

"Do you know them?" Li Mazi asked curiously.

Da Su said in confusion: "These people are from Xiaolin Village. They were the ones who had the conflict with us in order to protect the tree."

People from Xiaolin Village? The people in Xiaolin Village have moved away, why are they coming back?

I asked one of the men, "Why are you here? What do you want to do?"

The man snorted and showed an expression that he would rather die than surrender.

I rolled my eyes and motioned for Li Mazi to take action. Li Mazi did not disappoint me, and walked over with an ax in his hand: "I'm telling you, you can answer whatever this little brother asks you. If you dare to hide anything, it's like this tree!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he struck down with an axe, and a piece of firewood on the ground was immediately chopped into two pieces.

The man's face showed fear, but he still bit him to death without saying anything. However, a young man next to him couldn't stand the fright and did anything.

It turned out that they were indeed from Xiaolin Village. Because the workers of Dasu injured the tree god, they moved away overnight for fear of being persecuted and stayed temporarily not far from here. They discussed over and over but came up with no solution. They felt that the person who caused these things was Da Su. If they subdued him and sent him to the tree god, he might be forgiven, so they came over in the dark to catch him off guard.

Li Mazi sneered: "You are not stupid!"

Da Su turned pale and looked at me gratefully. If the man in the T-shirt and I hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been tied to the dryad to be sacrificed right now.

I was very dissatisfied with their behavior of sacrificing human lives in order to protect themselves. I frowned and said, "You don't care about the life and death of others for your own sake, or are you not human?"

One of the villagers in Xiaolin Village sighed softly after listening to my words: "We also know that this is wrong, but the tree god cannot be offended. If it really shows its power, I am afraid that all the surrounding villages will be affected." All humans and animals will be destroyed!"

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