Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,229 The Millennium Tree Demon (Additional update)

I was the last one to wake up the next morning, and Li Mazi took the opportunity to laugh at me: "What's the matter? Did you lose sleep last night because you missed your sister-in-law?"

I kicked him on the butt: "Disappear!"

Li Mazi went to find the old fat man. The old fat man was cooking in front of the pot. Apart from Li Mazi, a foodie, the black-hearted monk also had a look of disbelief on his face: "If the fire is higher, the chicken butt will have to be crispier to be more delicious!"

After breakfast, we are ready to go up the mountain.

To be on the safe side, Li Mazi specially found an ax and carried it on his back. Lao Fei and Da Su also took a shovel each. I was a little speechless at what they did, but Li Mazi secretly said to me: "My ax is not an ordinary ax. If you don't believe me, look at it!"

He handed the ax to me. I glanced at it casually and saw that the ax was covered with red blood. I was slightly stunned, and Li Mazi said with a smile: "This is the ax that injured the tree demon before. Since this ax has hurt it, the tree demon must be a little afraid of it, and maybe it can break its magical power." .”

I looked at Li Mazi with admiration: "Okay! You've grown a lot, you know how to use your brain."

Li Mazi raised his neck proudly: "That's not the case!"

The black-hearted monk followed the crowd while eating chicken butt. I asked the man in the T-shirt in a low voice: "How do you know this cheater?"

"We met when we were placing Baimei's ashes in Dunhuang." The man in the T-shirt replied calmly.

I glanced at him twice and suddenly felt very emotional.

I have known the T-shirt man for some years. He seems to have remained the same over the years, his whereabouts are unpredictable and he travels around. I sighed: "When are you going to stabilize?"

The man in the T-shirt replied without any expression: "This is my fate."

While we were talking, we were already halfway up the mountain, and the leaves of the ancient trees were shaking gently, making a rustling sound.

The man in the T-shirt looked around the big tree and said: "The evil spirit is very strong, black-hearted monk, you should come and take a look!"

The black-hearted monk ate the chicken butt slowly, sucked his fingers, and then studied the big tree. He sat cross-legged, clasped his hands, closed his eyes and began to recite Buddhist scriptures. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and said: "This tree has been practicing cultivation for thousands of years and has become a demon. It is extremely spiritual. If humans respect it and worship it, , it will show its compassionate side and protect this pure land. But if humans cut down the trees indiscriminately and harm its descendants, it will show its ferocious side and slaughter all the living creatures nearby."

After hearing what he said, Da Su took a step back with some fear.

At this time, I looked at the black-hearted monk completely differently: "Master, is there any way to solve this problem?"

The black-hearted monk straightened his expression and said, "I'm not 100% sure, but I have to give it a try." He took out a string of dark Buddhist beads from his lapel. It was a rare treasure at first sight. Both Li Mazi and I's eyes lit up when we saw it. .

The black-hearted monk sat cross-legged, holding the beads and chanting sutras. Suddenly he pushed his hands forward, and the beads flew forward and fell to the ground one by one, forming a circle, surrounding the tree demon in the center.

The black-hearted monk took a breath and began to recite the Diamond Sutra.

I was a little confused, but the man in the T-shirt quietly explained to me: "The monks are compassionate, and the black-hearted monk wants to save the tree demon and let it enter the path of reincarnation."

I snorted: "You are so compassionate that you still eat chicken butt?"

"Uh..." The man in the T-shirt was so blocked that he couldn't speak.

The black-hearted monk chanted the "Diamond Sutra" for a long time. Suddenly, the Buddhist beads emitted bursts of light, and the originally dark forest seemed to be inspired, glowing with green vitality.

Lao Fei and Da Su had never seen such a scene before, and their faces turned pale with fear.

The man in the T-shirt and I both breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, the light of the beads dimmed and all of them were sucked into the soil. Then a thick and long root shot out from the soil, like a fierce whip, whipping away the black-hearted monk who was chanting sutras.

The black-hearted monk screamed and his body fell to the ground far away.

The man in the T-shirt and I hurriedly chased after him, only to see the black-hearted monk fell dizzy and his mouth was full of blood.

The man in the T-shirt asked worriedly: "Black-hearted monk, are you okay?"

The black-hearted monk murmured for a long time before scolding: "Don't worry, you won't die! A straight mother-in-law, you dare to plot against me, look at me inviting Daddy Bear to deal with you."

The man in the T-shirt and I helped the black-hearted monk up from the ground. I saw that his body was crumbling. He was obviously seriously injured, but he just wanted to save face and held on in front of us.

I comforted him and said, "Master, we can't rush this matter. Let's go down the mountain and rest for a while!"

The black-hearted monk looked at me twice and nodded with satisfaction: "You're a good young man. He's not as rude as in the first year of junior high school. He yells at you with a black heart. Since you call me master, I will do my best for you!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly broke away from the T-shirt man and me, clasped his hands together, and chanted loudly: "Om mani padme hum!"

The prayer beads that had been buried in the ground suddenly jumped out and flew back to the black-hearted monk's hand, turning into a string of prayer beads.

The black-hearted monk swayed and almost fell down. Fortunately, the man in the T-shirt had quick eyesight and quick hands to steady him: "Don't be brave, let's go back and recharge our batteries and come back tomorrow!"

"No!" The black-hearted monk shook his head firmly: "I have discovered its weakness. The opportunity must not be missed before it comes back. Let's take action immediately."

After the black-hearted monk finished speaking, he immediately looked at Lao Fei and Da Su: "You two have some foresight, and you actually brought a shovel!"

Lao Fei and Da Su looked puzzled. They had no idea what kind of medicine the black-hearted monk was selling in his gourd. They brought shovels up the mountain solely for self-defense, so how could they have the foresight?

The black-hearted monk raised his head and looked at the sky: "It's still early, we have to wait!" After saying these four words, he sat cross-legged on the ground again, and made a magic formula with both hands. Suddenly, the phantom of a huge black bear more than two meters high appeared. Behind him, he circled around him, constantly exhaling milky white gas for the black-hearted monk to inhale.

The black bear's fur was shiny and its eyes were blood red, making Li Mazi and Lao Fei tremble.

Li Mazi asked in confusion: "Where did this fat monk get this big bear?"

The man in the T-shirt explained: "This is not an ordinary bear. This is the Bear King who rules the entire Northeastern demon world. He is also the godfather that the black-hearted monk recognized during an experience. At this moment, his godfather is using the inner elixir to heal his wounds. "

"Damn it, this godfather can do it!" Li Mazi said in shock.

This is also the first time I have heard of a bear being recognized as his father. There are really too many miracles in the black-hearted monk...

We didn't dare to disturb the black-hearted monk, so we all sat down to rest. The tree demon is right in front of us, but there is no solution. The man in the T-shirt and I are a little anxious.

As noon approached, the black-hearted monk suddenly opened his eyes and said, "It's almost time." He stood up slowly, looking much better than before: "There is something under this tree that is raising this tree, and it only lasts until twelve o'clock every day." When you click, you are at your weakest and cannot do evil, so we must take advantage of this time to dig out the things under the tree!"

Li Mazi's eyes lit up and he winked at me and said, "There is something there. Is it a vaginal object?"

After listening to the black-hearted monk's instructions, Lao Fei and Da Su immediately picked up their shovels and started digging. However, the old man was too fat. He was sweating profusely after just digging for a while. Li Mazi and I hurriedly took over and dug down to a depth of more than one meter. The shovel seemed to have hit something hard. Li Mazi and I didn't dare He forced himself to dig down carefully, and unexpectedly found the skeleton of an animal.

Li Mazi and I were stunned, and continued to dig deeper. The more we dug, the more shocking the result was. Under this old tree, there were stacks of skeletons of countless people and animals, with countless roots interspersed among the skeletons. It’s frightening!

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