Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,233 Three-Headed Yin Spirit

Boss Bai came back to his senses, rubbed his depressed face, and said absently: "Nothing happened in the village on the fifth day, but... Xiaoyou seems to have been in trouble on the night of the fifth day."

At this point, his eyes suddenly widened and he shouted hysterically: "I know, those missing children must have been torn in half... I have dreamed of that scene!"

After speaking, Boss Bai grabbed me and begged me to save Xiaoyou.

Although he was emotionally out of control, what he said made sense. Those missing children were probably in grave danger. Even if it wasn't for Xiaoyou, if such a vicious thing happened, as a ghost dealer, I would have intervened.

Considering that Fanfan and Xiaoyou were the same age, I was worried that rash intervention would bring unexpected accidents to him, so I called Weiyu out and asked her to accompany Yin Xinyue back to her hometown to pick up Fanfan and live temporarily at Zhang's house in Jiangbei.

The patriarch has always wanted to protect Fanfan, but I didn't agree due to the barrier in my heart. Now I have to rely on the Jiangbei Zhang family. Only the Xinghuang Banner can completely guarantee Fanfan's safety!

After seeing Yin Xinyue off, Boss Bai and I boarded the plane overnight and rushed to Taiyuan. As soon as I got off the plane, I was surrounded by pouring rain. As far as I could see, there was no one on the street, and the wide road turned into a small river in minutes.

It was so late at night that we couldn't take a taxi, let alone the heavy rain?

I thought for a moment, if Didi cannot take a taxi, then I can only use Didi to fight ghosts...

Now we are ready to summon the nearby lonely ghosts to lead us on our way.

Maybe it was because the rainy day was so gloomy that a Yin spirit soon appeared and sucked the blood essence I dropped on the charm. I asked Boss Bai to close his eyes, and then taught him to recite the spell. Suddenly, there was a dark wind around us, and a long-legged devil carried us forward quickly.

I usually use a kid to travel around, but this was the first time I encountered a rainstorm. The dense raindrops became very fierce at the speed of the wind, hitting my face like hail. I gritted my teeth and endured it, mouthing from time to time. Let out a muffled groan. At first, I was worried about Boss Bai’s delicate body.

I couldn't bear it, but to my surprise, she didn't say a word and endured the whole process.

I guess this is the greatness of father’s love!

After about half an hour, our whole bodies were soaked by the rain and we were already far away from the city, surrounded by desolate mines. Fortunately, there were many temporary work sheds, and I sent the long-legged imp away after we were taken to an uninhabited hut.

According to Boss Bai, our place is still more than 20 miles away from Sanyuan Village. I thought about it and decided to rest here temporarily. Calculating, it will be dawn in ten minutes, and there should be no more people in the village. What an accident. What's more, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, and it's not a good time to travel now.

The most important point is that my talisman got wet from the rain and needs to be dried or repainted.

Boss Bai understood who I was, so even though he was concerned about Xiaoyou, he still agreed and we found some discarded wood in the house as firewood, and lit a small fire to dry our clothes.

"Jiulin, what do you think is causing trouble this time? Why are you only targeting children?" Boss Bai asked with a sad face. The right half of his face was slightly swollen due to inflammation.

I shook my head, not thinking about that at all, and concentrated on sorting out the damp talismans.

When he saw that I was silent, he didn't say anything anymore. After drying his clothes for a while, he fell asleep. He seemed to be exhausted. I looked at the sky outside for a while, and then touched the clothes on my hands, and I felt a little sleepy for no reason.

At that moment, he lit a cigarette and held it in his hand, then closed his eyes and squinted...

I don’t know how long I slept when a loud noise suddenly came from my ears!

But this voice is particularly strange. It is clearly ringing in my ears, but it has an ethereal sound that is transmitted thousands of miles away. I woke up the moment I heard the sound, but I didn't open my eyes immediately. Instead, I used my mind to forcefully open my third spiritual awareness and used my spiritual power to feel the strangeness in the room.

Soon a vague figure appeared in my mind. It had a hunched body and three heads on its shoulders, especially the middle head with scarlet yin coming out. I couldn't help but be shocked, because the yin of this color only needs a little bit of yin. If stimulated, it will turn into evil spirit!

The three-headed Yin spirit walked cautiously to Boss Bai. The Yin energy on his body suddenly became restless and appeared and disappeared. It seemed that the Yin spirit came specifically to trouble Boss Bai, but it seemed to be afraid of something.

Seeing that the Yin spirit might strike at any time, I opened my eyes suddenly, raised my hand and threw the invisible needle out, then rolled on the spot, stood up, and already drew out the ghost-killing sword and stabbed it on both sides of the head.

The three-headed Yin spirit focused all its attention on Boss Bai. It didn't expect me to take action. I stabbed the middle head with a needle. It screamed, turned around and rushed towards me.

I took the opportunity to look over with my eyes wide open, and what caught my eye was a thunderous mouth with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

Before I could recover, the three-headed Yin spirits rushed over. When my two swords were stabbed on the left and right sides of their heads, they made a muffled sound, and a burst of fire burst out in mid-air.


I felt the tiger's mouth go numb, and flew back a few meters. I barely supported myself with my two swords to see its appearance clearly, but unexpectedly, it had already turned its head and charged straight at Boss Bai.

Since the heads on both sides are as hard as diamonds, I can only attack the middle head of the Yin spirit with all my strength, and quickly direct the invisible needle to pierce it. It screams repeatedly, and finally turns into a black mist and slips away along the crack of the door.

From the previous confrontation, it was easy to see that it was difficult to deal with. The reason why it escaped was probably because it was afraid.

The most important thing at the moment is to ensure Boss Bai's safety, and then go into the village to investigate the disappearance of the child, so I didn't chase him out.

After going through this, I wasn't in the mood to rest. I was going to put on my clothes and go see if the rain outside had stopped. Suddenly, there was a burning tingling sensation in my fingers.

I looked down and saw that it was the cigarette I had lit before going to bed, and it was only half lit...

Although I don’t know how long I slept, I clearly realized that something was wrong!

It was pitch dark outside, and I turned on my phone in disbelief, only to realize that an hour had passed since we took a break, and it should have dawned long ago!

Also, what cigarette can burn for more than an hour under the influence of wind?

We seemed to have been tricked by the three-headed ghosts, and the time was stretched unknowingly. If I hadn't woken up in time, I would have slept until death, even if I hadn't been killed by the three-headed ghosts.

"Old Bai, get up quickly!"

I rushed up and kicked Boss Bai in the leg. He sat up, yawned, and said slightly dissatisfied: "I just woke up when I lay down. It's better not to sleep..."

In the middle of his words, he opened his mouth wide and stared at the time on my phone dumbfounded. He was silent for a moment before asking me what was going on? He felt like he had just laid down.

"A ghost came just now, and based on my intuition, it is the culprit of the missing children!"

As I said this, I analyzed it. First of all, the Yin Spirit in Sanyuan Village appeared with the heavy rain and lightning for days, and the Yin Spirit just now happened to be a loudmouth!

Secondly, I believe that since the first child went missing, adults in every family with children must have had trouble sleeping at night, and most of them are pretending to sleep to protect their children.

But under such circumstances, the Yin spirit was able to smash a big hole in the wall without being discovered. This is contrary to common sense.

The only possibility is that the Yin spirit also prolongs the time when it captures the children. Maybe those parents saw their children sleeping, but in fact the children had already been captured by the Yin spirit.

"What you said makes sense, but why is Xiaoyou still at home, but he is not in good spirits? Also, how should we help Xiaoyou!" Boss Bai loves his son very much and never leaves his son.

I told him that there shouldn't be a second ghost in this matter.

Because the three-headed Yin spirit is absolutely invincible in this area, which Yin spirit has the courage to compete with it?

But I really couldn’t figure it out, so I asked Lao Bai to calm down for a while, then grabbed his hand and read the Tao Te Ching.

As soon as the sutra came out, it turned into pale golden runes surrounding the two of us, and the airflow next to us suddenly accelerated, making a whistling sound.

I took advantage of the situation and drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods, piercing through the blindness left by the Yin spirit in one fell swoop.

There was a muffled pop, the vision suddenly became clear, and the dark sky suddenly cleared up!

Perhaps God was giving us face, and the heavy rain stopped, leaving only the drizzling rain. There was not much water left on the gravel road, but the farmland on both sides was still completely white.

"Shopkeeper Zhang Da, even God is helping us, Xiaoyou is saved!"

Boss Bai laughed, patted me, and ran forward quickly. I had no choice but to chase after him. Unexpectedly, this guy didn't stop at all and ran for twenty or thirty miles in one breath.

By the time I caught up with him, I was exhausted. I saw Sanyuan Village written on the stone pillar next to me, so I guess I had arrived.

"You...if you run away again, I won't care about you!"

I gasped and cursed with a smile, thinking that if I kept going like this, I would die from exhaustion before I could catch the ghost.

Boss Bai smiled and waved his hand and said to let me rest assured and wait until I have a good rest before setting off.

I breathed a sigh of relief and squatted on a rock to rest for a while, but suddenly a scream came from the village, and then the sound became extremely noisy, as if the whole village was talking together.

It seemed that something was wrong in the village. Boss Bai and I looked at each other and ran in the direction of the sound.

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