Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,234 Going down the river to look for corpses

I turned around under the leadership of Boss Bai, and within three minutes I saw a dark group of people standing by the river in the distance.

When I ran forward and took a look, I was shocked to find a middle-aged woman surrounding the center of the crowd. It was she who made the heart-rending cry, and she actually held half of the child's body in her arms!

Yes, it was like a mutton chop, torn in half starting from the hip bone. It looked very scary. Many people's faces turned pale, and many people vomited.

When Boss Bai saw this scene, he told me with a sullen face that it was exactly the same as the scene in his dream.

"Ok, I know!"

I rubbed my hands, stepped forward to ask everyone to be quiet, and then through Boss Bai's introduction, I found Uncle Hai, the head of Sanyuan Village.

Although Boss Bai is only the son-in-law of the village, his family has a big business and is very respected in this small mountain village. So when the villagers heard that I could deal with dirty things, they all knelt down and begged me to save their children.

I secretly pulled Uncle Hai aside and whispered: "Uncle Hai, you have to prepare them mentally. Those children who have been kidnapped may be..."

"Master Zhang, I understand this."

Uncle Hai is an uncle with a gray beard and a very calm temperament. He nodded and asked me what should I do next?

I thought about it and decided to find the missing child first. If the body was not found in time, it would probably be washed away by the rain and end up with no bones left.

Uncle Hai provided me with the birthdays and horoscopes of the other children. I used the compass to pace back and forth along both sides of the river, but after walking several times, the compass showed that everything was normal.

You must know that these children were torn in half alive, and their souls are bound to be filled with strong resentment, and they generally will not leave the village too far. Since Luo Pan can't feel it, it can only mean that they don't even have souls!

Boss Bai saw that I looked ugly and asked me what was going on?

I spread my hands helplessly and handed the baggage on my body to Boss Bai. I was wearing shorts and carrying the ghost-killing swords and plunged into the river. As soon as I entered, I was wrapped in the cold. What's even worse is that after experiencing the ravages of heavy rain, the river water was so turbid that I couldn't even open my eyes, so I could only slowly swim around with the help of invisible needles.

After swimming for about three to five minutes, I felt that I had arrived at the center of the river, so I stopped and wanted to take a look at the surrounding environment. The moment I opened my eyes, a black shadow suddenly flashed before my eyes.

Although it passed by in a flash, I clearly saw that thunderous mouth!

I didn't care much anymore, so I threw the invisible needle based on my feeling and stabbed it in the direction where Yin Ling flashed. At the same time, my body desperately slid the two knives and swam in that direction. Yin Ling's speed underwater was a bit slow, and was hit by the invisible needle. It was stabbed squarely, and I took the opportunity to see what it looked like clearly.

There was something similar to a corpse hanging on its left and right heads. I thought it might be a missing child, so I quickly rushed forward to entangle with the ghost. It seemed that it had no intention of fighting with me, and just waved one of its heads back. As soon as I hit it, I felt as if I had been hit by a truck. I stepped back a few meters and spit out a mouthful of blood from my throat.

After this fight, I was shocked to find that the things on the left and right sides of the Yin spirit were not heads at all, but a pair of big golden hammers! It's just that the handle of the hammer was already embedded in the shoulder, and the night was too dark, so I mistakenly thought it was three heads.

And what was hung on his hammer was indeed a child torn in half!

After the Yin spirit repelled me, he continued to drag the corpses deeper into the river. It seemed that he had dragged the corpses of the missing children to the bottom of the water. Maybe several corpses were washed out by the rain today, so it appeared. Keep dragging the body to the bottom of the river!

After learning that Yin Ling hid the body under the water, I was not in a hurry. I quickly went ashore and everyone dispersed. In the end, only Uncle Hai and a few village cadres were left.

"If that doesn't work, let's call the police?" An old man asked tentatively, leaning on a cane.

After hearing this, Uncle Hai slapped the table and asked, "What are you doing? Can the police handle this?"

"Uncle Hai, that thing will definitely continue to kidnap children. Instead of sitting here and doing nothing, we might as well wait and wait for him!"

I interrupted everyone and suggested that Uncle Hai gather all the children in the village together during the day to form a temporary residence, so as to be prepared.

Uncle Hai thought for a while and said that the village committee was empty on weekdays and the children could stay for a while.

While he was leading the villagers to implement this matter, Boss Bai and I took the time to go back to Xiaoyou’s grandmother’s house.

This is an ordinary farmhouse. Boss Bai and his wife and I have been old friends for many years. We didn’t exchange much greetings after entering the house and went directly to the room where Bai Xiaoyou was. I found that his face was extremely pale, his eyes were wide-open but not very energetic, and his body was much thinner than before. At first glance, he thought he was severely malnourished.

"Have you eaten?" Boss Bai hugged Xiaoyou with red eyes and asked softly.

Sister-in-law Bai shook her head and sighed, saying that the child had not eaten anything these days, but only drank some water.

I listened to their conversation, walked gently to the bed and pricked a bloody hole on my middle finger with an invisible needle, and carefully dropped a drop of blood on Xiaoyou's forehead.

The moment the blood touched the skin, it made a sizzling sound and thick black smoke came out. I pinched my nose subconsciously, and when I looked again, the blood on Xiaoyou's forehead had completely disappeared.


I couldn't help but gasp. As soon as I entered the door, I knew that Xiaoyou had lost his soul, so I wanted to use my blood essence to help him get rid of the Yin Qi in his body. Unexpectedly, the Yin Qi in Xiaoyou's body was so strong that it swallowed me up. of blood!

Boss Bai naturally saw this scene and asked me in despair what should I do?

Whenever this happens, the first thing to do is to stabilize the remaining soul, and then find a way to find the lost part of the soul and lead them back to your body. But Xiaoyou’s situation is different from most of the clients I’ve met before. First, Xiaoyou has lost his soul but is still alive! Secondly, the yin energy in Xiaoyou's body can exhaust the yang energy in his body in minutes, but he is still alive!

Therefore, I feel that the Yin Qi in his body does not want him to die, but wants him to live a life worse than death!

Bai Xiaoyou is just a child, how could he get into such trouble?

Besides, all the other children in the village who had the accident were dead, but Xiaoyou was still alive. Could it be that the Yin spirit had other plans?

No matter what Yin Ling thinks, since Xiaoyou's body is here, I have a way to bring him back to life!

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