Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1235 Yin Yang Road

I asked Boss Bai to buy a big red-crowned rooster, and asked Mrs. Bai to cook a bowl of white rice. After everything was ready, I tied Xiaoyou's arm with a red rope, and tied the other end to the rooster's paw. Reciting a spell, he quickly grabbed a magic talisman and slapped it on the rooster. It cackled twice, suddenly turned white, and quickly flew outside.

"If you hear a rooster crow later, sprinkle a handful of white rice on the bed. If you hear Xiaoyou's voice, shout his name! If Xiaoyou's expression becomes painful, then... cut the red rope with scissors. !”

After I finished the order, I recited the spell and quickly chased after him.

The rooster is inherently spiritual, and the spell I just cast has completely inspired its spirituality. The talisman has Xiaoyou's birth date written on it. No matter how the Yin spirit hides Xiaoyou's soul to the ends of the earth, as long as the soul is still there, the rooster will You can feel it!

The road the rooster was walking on at the moment was the Yin-Yang Road between the realms of life and death. I followed closely behind it. Although I could clearly see the flowers, plants and trees in the surrounding Sanyuan Village, as well as the villagers who were busy settling the children, But there was no sound.

Everything in front of me was obviously happening, but it was like a movie replaying in my mind, strange and familiar.

Somehow I suddenly had the urge to die and felt that living was so boring, but at this moment the rooster crowed!

I suddenly came back to my senses. The reason why I wanted to die just now was because I felt the profound enlightenment in the yin and yang world and the sadness of the impermanence of everything. The sadness came from my heart, so I naturally wanted to die for relief.

If you suddenly feel that everything in front of you is very familiar, as if it has happened before, and then you have the idea of ​​​​suicide in that moment.

There is no doubt that you, like me at this moment, have briefly entered the Yin and Yang Realm!

Naturally, the rooster's crow is not to wake me up from my pity. Generally, this situation is either because the rooster lacks spiritual power, or it encounters an opponent that is difficult to deal with. I looked over nervously, but fortunately there was still endless darkness in front of the rooster. It seemed that I could only wait for Boss Bai and his wife to throw rice on the bed.

After the rooster crowed three times in a row, its feathers became bright white again, and I hurriedly followed behind. After running for about five minutes, the familiar mountains on both sides disappeared. The front, back, left, and right became extremely dark in an instant. I could only see a faint red line, which was the medium connecting Xiaoyou and the rooster. My guiding light back.

In fact, the rooster summoning the soul is similar to the folk ghost. The best result is to successfully find Xiaoyou's soul. The worst is to get frustrated and flee in a hurry.

Cutting the red rope is the last option!

I didn’t tell Boss Bai and his wife that once the red rope is cut, the rooster and I will be trapped in the Yin and Yang Realm. Even if I am lucky enough to escape, my life will be shortened by more than ten years.

I followed cautiously, but found that the rooster suddenly stopped, and its whole body lay limply on the ground, as if it had seen something terrifying.

I felt inexplicably frightened, so I ran over and picked up the rooster, and found that its whole body was twitching, and the ground was covered in large areas of bright red.

Upon closer inspection, I found that its throat had been slit in a row. From the neat cuts, it was easy to tell that its throat had been slit instantly with a sharp weapon. However, I kept following behind and didn't notice anything unusual at all.

When I left Grandma Xiaoyou's house, the rooster had only crowd three times. I felt that it needed to replenish its spiritual power, and it took me so far afterwards. There was no reason why it had been injured before, right?

Could it be that my previous desire to die was not influenced by the Yin-Yang Road, but by the Yin Spirit, and that Yin Spirit was always following me?

The most important thing is that this time the Yin spirit can extend time indefinitely in a specific environment, and because of this, the rooster can take me through the final journey after death!

Just as he was trying to understand all this, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him: "Uncle Jiulin, are you here to pick me up?"

I turned around and saw that the person speaking was Xiaoyou. At this moment, his body was floating in the air, looking very unreal, but his soul was still intact.

"Xiaoyou, how did you escape? What did that thing do to you?"

Seeing this guy, I felt happy for Boss Bai, and my eyes were a little sore, and I asked him to warm up.

But Xiaoyou didn't answer me. He still kept a smile on his face, moved closer to me little by little, and looked at the rooster in my arms.

Somehow, I suddenly noticed that Xiaoyou's smile was very sinister, and I subconsciously took a step back. At the same time, Xiaoyou, who was originally a little dazed, reached out and grabbed the big cock.

It wants to break that red thread so that I can’t go back!

Fortunately, I escaped in time and saw that although Xiaoyou looked extremely irritable, he still had the physique of a new soul.

Obviously it was the real Xiaoyou, but it was just bewitched by the Yin spirit. I immediately pulled out the ice jade gourd from my waist, pointed it at it and shouted deliberately.

"You are so bold and evil. If you don't retreat, I will put you in the gourd!"

I was afraid that the Yin spirit would follow Xiao You into the gourd, and the rampaging Yin spirit would definitely use Xiao You as a punching bag, so I wanted the Yin spirit to think that the gourd was a weapon to conquer demons.

As I roared hysterically, the Yin spirit seemed to be frightened, and I vaguely saw a stream of gray air coming out of Xiaoyou's body.

When Xiaoyou's pure soul entered the ice jade gourd, I quickly put the gourd away, turned over, drew out my two knives, and stabbed behind me.

My intuition told me that the Yin spirit did not leave, but stayed behind me and stared at me!

Sure enough, two knives pierced Yin Ling's two golden hammers respectively, making a deafening metal collision sound that made me almost throw the knives away.

However, my fatal blow did not make the Yin spirit feel better. Its body was shaken and it took two steps back. I took the opportunity to curse: "You are so brave, why did you mutilate children."

"They all deserve to die, deserve to die! Hahaha..."

Yin Ling laughed crazily and said. It was the first time I came into contact with it face to face, and I realized that its appearance was really unflattering. Its body and trunk were extremely tall, but its limbs were very short. In addition, there were two giant hammers stuck on its shoulders. , living like a giant monkey.

I looked at its curved thunder mouth and felt a little guilty in my heart. However, the Eternal Spirit Ring has not flashed yet, which means that the Yin Spirit is not planning to attack me yet.

"There are very few people in the world who can take three strikes from me, including you who have taken two strikes from me just now. I respect you as a man. If you can take this third strike, I will let you go! Look at my third strike Hammer: Overwhelming..."

The Yin spirit seemed to be born to be violent. When it mentioned fighting, its eyes lit up. It spoke very quickly. As soon as it finished speaking, its burly body rushed forward.

I didn't even see clearly how it did it. Two hammers popped out from its shoulders. Yinling reached out to catch it and swung the sledgehammer towards me!

All this happened in the blink of an eye. The Everlasting Ring has always glowed to remind me when I was in danger. When the situation was urgent, the frequency of the glow increased.

But at this moment, the calm Eternal Spirit Ring suddenly began to boil, and silvery white light came out from the ring. Obviously, the explosive power of this Yin Spirit was too strong!

"Little Ring Spirit, summon Lu Bu immediately to fight!"

I subconsciously called out the name of Lu Bu, the most powerful general in the Three Kingdoms. As soon as I finished speaking, I spat out a mouthful of blood. This combination of circumstances accelerated Lu Bu's speed in going into battle.

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