Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,237 Wicker Bagua Array

Boss Bai came over with unbearable expression on his face. He took a deep breath and prepared to call Uncle Hai. But before he could hit it, there were footsteps outside and the rustle of leaves dragging on the ground.

"It's finally here!"

I slapped my thigh and ran out the door in large strides. I saw Uncle Hai and two young men each with a pair of ropes on their shoulders, dragging a medium-sized willow tree behind them.

Boss Bai and I rushed up to help them drag the willow tree into the yard. Uncle Hai untied the rope and said with embarrassment that no willow tree was found near Sanyuan Village. They ran far away to find the willow tree, so they wasted time, and asked Did I delay my plans?

"No, Uncle Hai, you came at the right time."

I shook my head and told them not to blame themselves, and then asked everyone to go back and rest. The two young men said hello to me and left, but Uncle Hai didn't move. It seemed that he was planning to stay and fight alongside us. He was the village chief after all, so I didn’t shirk anymore. I stepped forward and chopped off the fresh willow sticks with two knives, and asked the two of them to weave gossip with the willow sticks.

That's right, I'm going to use the Bagua array to deal with Yin spirits!

Anyway, the most powerful part of the Bagua Array is the spell, but the shape of the Bagua is just a form. The three of them moved very quickly, tying the wicker sticks together to form a square frame, and adding one in the middle, it was a simple Bagua.

It turned overcast and the wind in the air became chilly. I knew I couldn't wait any longer, so I quickly arranged for Uncle Hai and Boss Bai to be placed in eight positions centered on the main building of the village committee. A wicker gossip.

After placing it, I asked them to place the remaining gossip on the doors and windows of the children's room, so that it would not affect the start of the formation, but also add a layer of protection for the children!

While they were busy, I took the talismans I had prepared and walked through the eight directions of the formation in sequence, placing a medium-sized talisman in the center of each wicker bagua.

These talismans were drawn when I was dealing with the dryad incident last time. After I finished drawing them, I borrowed the T-shirt man's eight-sided Han sword to add the power of thunder and lightning to them, and used the twin swords to slay ghosts and gods to carve the talisman seals around the outside.

Therefore, the actual power of these spiritual talismans will never be lower than that of superior spiritual talismans!

After I finished walking around the perimeter, I started thinking about the location of the formation...

The formation eye is not only the core of a formation, but also the most vulnerable place to attack. Therefore, when people set up an array, they usually place the formation eye in the center, so that they can continue to concentrate spiritual power and effectively protect themselves.

But this time the children are in the center, and I can't risk their safety!

After walking around the village committee, I discovered that there is a flag pole in the front of the yard, with a cement platform of several square meters below it. This position can also lead the entire formation. In addition, it is just below the national flag, symbolizing the authority of the country, which will somewhat frighten the Yin spirits!

I placed the things that Boss Bai found in the middle of the table to ensure that I could easily grab them while meditating.

Uncle Hai and Boss Bai had already finished it, so they came over to ask me what else I needed to do.

"The next step is to wait. You go back to your room and wait. Don't come out unless I ask you."

I looked at the dark clouds billowing above my head and couldn't help but cheer up. They also sensed that the thing might be coming and quickly rushed into the room.



As the first lightning flashed across, the sky began to thunder and lightning continuously, and soon the big raindrops fell down, which soon chilled me to the core.

I wiped the rain off my face and looked at the metal flagpole with some guilt, fearing that a bolt of lightning would hit the flagpole before the Yin spirit came... Then I could go to see the ancestor.

But I soon put my mind at ease, because whenever lightning came close to the village committee, it was absorbed by the talisman in the wicker gossip!

It turns out that the thunder and lightning talisman can not only release thunder and lightning, but also absorb it!

This is really beyond my expectation. If anyone with yin and yang eyes passes by here at this moment, he will definitely see blue fireballs flashing in all directions of the village committee!

When I think about the Yin Spirit being born on a thunderstorm night, I feel a little depressed. I'm afraid that the best plan this time is to use the Thunder Talisman to resist the Yin Spirit, but there is also the possibility that the Yin Spirit will absorb their power and turn it against me. If that's the case, We can only accept our fate!

I waited with anxiety and little expectation until three o'clock in the morning. The rain in the sky had stopped, but the Yin spirit never appeared. I went to the homes of the children who had been killed during the day, and I could roughly tell the time when the ghost appeared from the holes in their homes.

There is no doubt that the activity time of that thing was between zero and two o'clock before. Did it know that I had made preparations today, so it changed the time?

But after three o'clock it is not suitable for dirty things to come out!

I took out a steamy cigarette from my inner pocket and lit it. After taking two puffs, I suddenly noticed that the butt of the cigarette suddenly turned red!

Friends who smoke know that the cigarette butt will suddenly light up only when it encounters wind, but I can clearly feel that there is no wind nearby.

Could it be that it has already arrived?

I braced myself, and sure enough I heard an inaudible sound behind me. Without any delay, I jumped up and turned around with my swords waving, only to find that Uncle Hai was quietly walking out with an umbrella and a child. . I was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Uncle, where are you going at night?"

"You're not asleep? I'm afraid of waking you up."

Uncle Hai was also stunned, pointed at the child and said: "This child suddenly had a severe fever for some reason. I was afraid that the child would be burned if I delayed it, so I wanted to take him to Dr. Wang's house in the village to have a look."

It turned out that this was what happened. I felt warm in my heart. I wanted to accompany them but couldn't get away, so I asked Uncle Hai to wait for a moment, got up and ran into the house to ask Boss Bai to accompany them.

However, I stopped the moment I entered the room. Boss Bai was not asleep. He was holding a little boy and singing nursery rhymes in a low voice. When he saw me suddenly barging in, he asked me what was going on. And on the mat behind him, Uncle Hai was lying there sleeping!

Uncle Hai is resting. Who was the person who went out just now?

"No, something is going to happen!"

I yelled and ran back to the flag pole quickly. I looked around at the village committee compound and the road in front of the main entrance. It was completely empty. There was not even half a human figure anywhere.

"Shopkeeper Zhang, what's going on?"

Boss Bai hurriedly followed and asked confused.

I quickly explained the situation and asked him to keep an eye on the child while I quickly ran after him.

The village is not big, so there are not many paths, especially in front of the village committee, which is an open space. You can see most of the village. Even if the Yin spirit can hide itself, how can the child who was just taken away disappear?

When I chased him, I lost my confidence. It seemed that it was not difficult to think of what would happen to the child. I didn't know how to explain it to the child's parents, so I had to chase him out mechanically based on my feelings. After walking for more than ten minutes, there was no road in front of us, replaced by a muddy trail at the foot of the mountain.

I sighed and was about to leave, but suddenly realized something. I quickly turned my head and looked at the ground, and sure enough I found a child's footprints on the ground.

Looking through the hazy moonlight, the road up the hillside is densely covered with children's footprints.

It rained in the early morning, so the footprints must have been left just now, and no children would go up the mountain alone in the middle of the night!

I suddenly had hope again, took a deep breath and quickly followed the footsteps.

Since I kept casting spells while running, even without the help of the little devil, the wind was still blowing on my feet. I soon reached the end of the footprints, and a cave appeared in front of me.

The entrance of the cave is obscured by weeds. Even if you stand at the entrance of the cave, you can't see clearly unless you look carefully, let alone the villagers at the foot of the mountain.

My intuition tells me that there is something not simple here, because there is a faint purple halo at the entrance of the hole, which looks very evil!

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