Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,238 Uncle Hai’s Secret

I calmly took the two knives in my hands, bit the invisible needle with my teeth, and then rushed in.

As soon as I entered the cave, I smelled the smell of raw souls, which was very disgusting, like undercooked meat. I was afraid that this was the soul of the child, so I ignored the danger and ran towards the depths of the cave. However, before I could reach the end, there was suddenly the sound of slight footsteps inside. It sounded like the pace was messy, and the person walking was undoubtedly in a state of panic.

I hid against the wall and became alert, only to find that the other person was actually the child who was taken away by the ghost!

Since the Yin spirit wanted to use Bai Xiaoyou to plot against me before, I didn't show up immediately this time. Instead, I opened my eyes and observed carefully, and found that there was absolutely no Yin energy on the child. But the more this happens, the more strange I feel. Even if the Yin spirit does not attack the child, the Yin energy from it will be contaminated by the child. After all, the Iron Hammer Yin spirit is very powerful.

Moreover, the Yin spirit took the child away and put it back in the middle of the night, so it was definitely not doing nothing. It must have felt my presence, but I was clearly no match for it. What was the Yin spirit afraid of?

It's obvious that there must be a secret at the end of the cave!

According to my previous personality, I caught up with him, but the most important thing right now was to bring the child back safely. I didn't want to be too cheap on that dirty thing, so after thinking about it, I placed the invisible needle on the grass beside the hole, and then caught up with him. child.

It was okay for the child to walk back on his own cautiously. I was afraid that he would be frightened by suddenly going up, so I followed quietly until I saw him returning to the village safely, then I turned around and returned to the cave.

The invisible needle has been with me for so long, and it has been able to simply execute my orders. I hid it at the entrance of the cave before coming out. If the Yin spirit passes by, the invisible needle will attack, and I can sense it here. Since the invisible needle didn't move, it meant that the thing was still in the hole.

Although I can't defeat it, when things get to this point, I can only risk my life!

With the invisible needle acting as a positioning system, I easily found the entrance to the cave. After taking off the invisible needle, I walked in without hesitation.

The Yin spirit probably didn't expect me to come in boldly, so it wasn't prepared at all.

As I was walking, I heard a thumping sound from inside, like someone hitting the ground. I slowed down my pace, followed the direction of the sound and got closer, and finally saw a black shadow.

Although it was pitch dark inside the cave, I could only see a rough outline, but I was sure it was not the Hammer Yin Spirit!

Because this black shadow was erratic, as if it had just left the physical body, I pinched my nose and smelled it carefully, only to find that the disgusting smell in the cave was emanating from this black shadow.

I was sure that I could kill it with the invisible needle, so I didn't rush to take action. After putting a sun-shielding charm on my body, I moved forward a certain distance again. When I was able to see the Yin spirit clearly, I was shocked!

This is Uncle Hai’s soul!

Before this, I had always thought that the Yin spirit had deliberately transformed into Uncle Hai to deceive me, but now that I saw its soul with my own eyes, it proved that it was not some other dirty thing at all, but Uncle Hai himself!

Is he dead, or is he controlled by a ghost?

I clenched my fists and my head felt a little swollen. Uncle Hai was very popular in the village. He was almost like a patriarch in the old society. I didn’t believe that he was the mastermind behind the scenes. I couldn’t think of anyone over fifty. Why do old people harm children?

While I was thinking, Uncle Hai continued to hit the ground with something. Every time he hit it, he would stop and lie down on the ground to listen. His face was very ugly, as if he was struggling with something.

It seemed that Uncle Hai really had a problem. I sneered in my heart and secretly said that I would wait for him to dig out the things and then take him down and see how he would explain it then!

However, just when Uncle Hai found something wrong underground and was about to smash it open, my cell phone rang suddenly. I was frightened and looked over reflexively. It turned out to be Boss Bai calling.

I hung up the phone directly, and when I looked over again, Uncle Hai had disappeared. Only the tools he had just used were left on the ground a few meters away. He must have been frightened and found a place to hide. After this episode, he probably wouldn't dig anything more.

I was worried that something was going on at the village committee, so I hurried out and called Boss Bai and asked him what happened. Unexpectedly, he opened his mouth and said, "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, come back quickly, Uncle Hai is dying!"

"What?" I replied pretending to be surprised, but my heart was like a mirror.

Since Uncle Hai was not controlled by the dirty thing, he must not be dead. He probably used some method to briefly leave his body.

Usually this method can make the soul leave the body in a short period of time, but it cannot last for too long. Over time, the soul will be destroyed by the yang energy of the world, the environment and other factors.

If Boss Bai hadn't called me, I would have just blocked the entrance of the cave to see if he could come out when the time came!

When I returned to the village, I walked very slowly on purpose, wanting to give Uncle Hai some time. Sure enough, when I returned, Uncle Hai was holding a child who had woken up and telling stories. Boss Bai was watching him eagerly.

"Brother, you lied... you cheated..."

When Lao Bai saw me, he rushed over, pointed at Uncle Hai and said in a panic. I shook my head speechlessly and asked him what was going on.

"I just took a nap, and this kid thinks I'm dead. Don't you think he's angry?" Without waiting for Boss Bai to reply, Uncle Hai took the initiative to answer the question, his face full of confidence.

It seemed that he really didn't know that the person who entered the cave just now was me. I followed the trick and scolded Boss Bai for being crazy with a smile, then turned around and winked quietly before he retorted.

Boss Bai was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said awkwardly: "Maybe I had a nightmare, right? As long as it's okay, it's okay."

Uncle Hai laughed loudly and lay down to sleep. In order to prevent him from going out again, I started the Bagua array around the village committee on the grounds that the evil spirit might appear in the middle of the night. This way, he would not be able to leave his body if he wanted to. So simple.

It would be daybreak in two hours. I originally planned to stay up all night, but I was really tired from running back and forth between the cave and the village. Just let Boss Bai hold on outside, sit down and lean against the wall and close your eyes.

I don’t know how long it took, but an angry voice suddenly came from my ears: “Zhang Jiulin, if you prevent me from resurrecting, I will kill you!”

The voice sounded familiar to me, but I didn't immediately think of it. It wasn't until I heard the strong sound of breaking wind that I suddenly realized that it was the voice of the hammer spirit. It was finally here!

I barely had time to open my eyes, so I tried my best to dodge back with my thoughts. Then I opened my eyes and looked, only to find that there was no ghost in front of me, but Uncle Hai with an angry face.

I don’t know why, but he gave me a very dangerous feeling even though he didn’t have a hammer in his hand. Could he be the ghost of the hammer?

"Don't think about it, I am not the ghost you are looking for, but I advise you to stop worrying about this matter, otherwise your life will be lost..."

Uncle Hai's tone was very strong, as if I would die immediately if I didn't leave.

Now I no longer had to hide anything, so I asked directly: "What did you hide in the cave? The villagers love you so much, why do you want to harm their children?"

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