Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1239: Retreating to advance (additional update)

"It's really you."

Uncle Hai's eyes became sharp. He stared at me and said word by word: "I'm helping them!"


I couldn't help but sneer. If I hadn't reacted quickly enough today, I'm afraid that kid would have died. This old guy even boasted that he was helping the villagers.

Thinking of this, I pulled out the invisible needle and yelled viciously: "Come on, I know you and the Hammer Yin Ling are in the same group!"

Sure enough, after I used the invisible needle, Uncle Hai's figure suddenly twitched.

Then his whole body became illusive, then his limbs changed, and the aura around his body became terrifying. Before I could recover from the shock, I just felt a gust of wind blowing towards my face.

I subconsciously ducked to the side, and when I looked again I found that Uncle Hai had disappeared, and the one attacking me was the hammer spirit.

This confirms my guess that even if Uncle Hai is not the Hammer Yin Spirit, he is still colluding with it!

The children and Boss Bai were all in the room. I didn't know how they were doing now. I was worried about everyone, so I didn't care about my own safety. I took out the guy and started fighting with it.

The moment the ghost-slaying swords and the hammers came into contact, I knew I was doomed!

In the previous fight, I could barely manage one and a half moves. Unexpectedly, the two swords came out of my hands at this moment. The jaws of my hands all burst open and blood surged.

I even forgot about escaping, and there was no possibility of escaping at all. I stared blankly at the golden hammer getting closer and closer, my pupils shrinking infinitely...

At this moment, Yin Ling suddenly threw the hammer into the sky, then opened his thunderous face and laughed maniacally. Then he grabbed me and threw me into the air, and then quickly grabbed my legs and two broad arms. Pull hard to both sides.

I suddenly realized something and looked down in horror. I watched my body being torn in half from the crotch. It wasn't until my stomach was torn open that I felt the pain that was worse than death. He screamed hysterically.

Just when I thought I was dead, Boss Bai's concerned voice suddenly came to my ears: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, how are you?"

He must have been shaking my arm while shouting. I felt my arm swaying. I opened my eyes in disbelief and found that I was still fine, and the children next to me were still the same.

I knew it was just a dream, so I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead and turned to look in the direction of Uncle Hai.

He was lying on the ground and leaning against the wall, sleeping, snoring slightly. It seemed that what just happened had nothing to do with him.

This guy probably doesn't want to leave a bad impression among the villagers. Even if I try to expose him, no one will believe him.

I thought about it and told Boss Bai not to worry, saying that I just had a nightmare.

Then I secretly glanced at Uncle Hai and found that his ears were shaking slightly. You couldn't tell unless you looked carefully. This guy looked like he was sleeping, but in fact he was monitoring me!

"Old Bai..."

I rubbed my face, looked frightened, and said awkwardly: "I don't want to care about this anymore, how about let's go!"


Boss Bai was stunned. It seemed like it was the first time he saw me being so irresponsible. He opened his mouth and wanted to persuade me again. I was afraid that if I continued to speak, Uncle Hai would become suspicious, so I hurriedly interrupted Boss Bai, insisting that I would not take any risks here. .

Hearing this, his face turned red and white, and finally turned livid, and said in a cold voice: "If you want to leave, just leave, I will not give up!"

After saying that, he turned his head and stopped looking at me. I helplessly spread my hands and smiled to myself, packed up my belongings and left Sanyuan Village alone.

It was not completely bright at the moment, and it had been raining before. It was cool when walking on the overgrown village road, and soon I got wet below the knees.

I don't care about Boss Bai's attitude just now. He has a straightforward personality. He must feel uncomfortable seeing me protecting myself so wisely.

And of course I won’t let go and ignore the children in the village, but Uncle Hai is deeply rooted in the village. Even if I tell Boss Bai what I think, he won’t believe it, let alone the other villagers?

Therefore, I chose to retreat in order to advance. I left Sanyuan Village pretending to be scared, and then secretly came back to look for an opportunity to investigate Uncle Hai.

My intuition tells me that as long as I take down Uncle Hai, this incident will be over.

From the fact that Uncle Hai can easily leave his body and break into my sleep, it is not difficult to see that he is not weak.

He tried so hard to drive me out of the village, so he shouldn't be fooled so easily, so I walked on the road with my concentration high, I always felt that he would come to see me off!

But before Uncle Hai came, he waited for a rain that just arrived, and there happened to be a brick kiln near the entrance of the village.

Boss Bai and I mentioned casually before that the brick kiln factory was the economic backbone of the village in the early years. At that time when it was not popular to go out to work, it supported the entire village.

Later, one night, several villagers were drunk and were having fun. They started fighting when they disagreed. As a result, one of the villagers was pushed into the furnace under the influence of alcohol, and no residue was left after being burned.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but since then, people on the night watch have always heard the cry of men coming from inside. There have even been many times when people obviously haven’t drank, but there is suddenly a strong smell of alcohol in the air.

The old man said that it was the dead drunkard who had returned. No one in the village dared to go in, and the brick kiln factory fell into decline. Especially after the government vigorously combated pollution in recent years, the brick kiln factory was completely abandoned.

Boss Bai just told it as a story, but I didn’t take it to heart. At this moment, in order to avoid the rain, it seemed that I needed to venture out! If there really is a legendary drunkard in there, I'll let him go.

Although the brick kiln was right next to it, the heavy rain still turned me into a drowned rat. I stood on the rain shelter in front of the cave house and wiped water on my face before starting to look at the environment inside.

After all, it used to be a brick-burning factory, so it was very dry inside, but no one had been there for a long time, and there were spider webs everywhere.

I walked in carefully and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was an old-fashioned stove in the house with a small pile of briquettes piled next to it. I found a few dry firewood in the house and lit it to ignite the briquettes. After the fire started burning, I used a long The wooden sticks were propped on it, and the wet clothes were taken off and baked on top.

While I was baking clothes, I quietly walked to the cave entrance to see if anything was going on, but found that the entrance had been sealed with bricks and covered with yellow mud.

It looked like I was really taboo about what was in it. I just didn’t believe it, so I tilted my head and put my ear against the wall and listened carefully!

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