Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1240 Stalker

But I didn't hear the so-called crying for nearly ten minutes. After a while, when the clothes were almost dry, I put out the fire, got dressed and lay down on the straw mat on the ground, pretending to sleep.

Although my eyes were closed, I was very focused. I was afraid that the drunkard would suddenly appear, and I was even more afraid that Uncle Hai would touch this place and deal with me. But after a long time, there was no movement. I turned sideways to check the time. If it was dawn, I would not waste time here. Unexpectedly, at that moment, there was a sudden chill in the air, and there was a huffing sound above the cave dwelling.

I looked over carefully and found that the top of my head was covered with strips of cloth. I guess the workers had stuffed many strips of cloth on top because they were afraid of water leakage, and now they are slowly falling off.

It's just that I can't feel the wind in the room, but the cloth strips are whirring, getting more and more violent, much like the soul-calling flags on the tomb!

It seemed that it was really not peaceful here. I quietly put my hand into my pocket and held a magic talisman. I closed my eyes and waited quietly. After a few minutes, a black shadow appeared in front of me. I opened my eyes slightly. He glanced through a slit and realized at a glance that the person coming was actually Uncle Hai!

He must have come here to spy on me, so I stopped paying attention to him and pretended to be asleep while using the invisible needle to determine his location.

Uncle Hai also acted very cautiously. He stood a few meters away from me and observed me motionlessly, as if he was judging whether I was pretending to sleep. After a while, he seemed to relax, looked away from me, glanced at the cave dwelling, and then turned away.

In order not to alert the enemy, I simply fell asleep seriously, because I was sure that he just wanted to drive me away and had no intention of harming me.

When I woke up, it was already bright outside. I stretched my arms, packed my things, and was about to leave. When I turned my head, I inadvertently found that the entrance to the cave inside was loose.

Before going to bed, I lay on the edge to listen for any movement inside, so I clearly knew that there was a layer of yellow mud on the outside of the bricks.

But now the layer of mud is gone, and there are signs of movement of the bricks. I looked at the ground, and there was still some mud underneath, which meant that Uncle Hai came back while I was sleeping. He entered the cave and was afraid that I would find out, so he took care of the scene.

Did he just do this because he didn't want me to find out he was here? Or does the cave dwelling, like the previous cave, hide some secrets?

I couldn't guess it for a while, but I also realized that Uncle Hai's whereabouts were erratic. Even though it was broad daylight, he might be staring at me from a corner. In order to complete the trick, I simply walked all the way to the town. and finally got on the train from Taiyuan to Wuhan.

The moment I checked in, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me from behind. I had an idea and took out my phone to use the selfie camera to look behind me. I found a guy wearing a peaked cap hiding in the crowd, with a successful smile in his eyes.

Those eyes are very familiar to me, they are none other than Uncle Hai!

Although I realized that Uncle Hai might be following me, I really didn't notice him along the way, so I didn't expect that he would actually chase me here. But this was good, at least it could reassure him completely. As the train started moving, I thought the old guy had gone back, so I got off the bus at the next stop, took a taxi and headed straight for Loufan Town.

Since I ran away from the battlefield, I guess word has spread throughout the village by now, and it is not suitable to show my face in broad daylight. After arriving in Loufan Town, we stayed in a hotel and ordered takeout for meals.

It wasn't until the evening that it started to rain, and there were very few people on the street. I put on my hat and carefully went out, and rushed to Sanyuan Village along the grassy path!

After all, Sanyuan Village is a rural area, and the villagers make a living by farming, so there are many uninhabited small houses in the fields, which are used to store transformers or some agricultural tools for irrigation. I temporarily settled down in a place like this. Looking down at the entire village, I found that the lights in the village were sparse. It seemed that the villagers were still enveloped in the panic of the hammer ghost.

Because I have already used the Eternal Spirit Ring, and now that I have no life-saving trump card, I cannot go head-to-head with Yin Ling. I have decided that if I take down Uncle Hai directly when I have to, I would rather let the whole village blame me than let the whole village blame me. Everyone continues to be kept in the dark!

Time passed by, and the lights in the village were all turned off except for the village committee. Apparently the children were still at the village committee. I sighed and walked around the village and rushed directly to the cave.

Yin spirits always move around the village, so the ghost thing they live in must be near the village, and is most likely buried in the cave. There must be something fishy in the place where Uncle Hai is digging around in the cave!

Although I had been to the cave before, it was really hard to find the cave because it was overgrown with weeds, and the mountain road was muddy, so I almost fell down several times. I climbed up the hillside with great effort and finally determined the location of the cave. Just as I was about to walk over, I noticed a figure appearing on the path leading to the village on the other side.

The figure didn't move very quickly. When walking, he raised his hands above his head and put them together. After walking a few steps, he knelt on the ground, with a posture of three steps, one kowtow, five steps, and one bow.

There were no tombs or temples nearby, so I concluded that he was kneeling in the cave, so I hid quietly and waited. Sure enough, as the figure slowly approached, it was clear that he was heading towards the cave!

I initially guessed that the visitor was either Uncle Hai, or a villager who accidentally discovered the secret here, so he came to pray to the Yin Spirit to spare the children in the village, but I never expected that the visitor turned out to be Boss Bai!

I understand Boss Bai, he is a principled person, and his son Bai Xiaoyou has left safely, so there is no need for him to do this.

Is it being controlled?

I resisted the urge in my heart and allowed Boss Bai to walk past me, and then quietly entered the cave. After waiting for three to five minutes to make sure that Uncle Hai was not following, I followed him with confidence.

The cave is very deep, so the sound transmission effect is very good. Even if I deliberately stepped lightly, I still made a lot of noise, and Boss Bai was kowtowing and saluting without making any sound.

It was dark inside, and I originally planned to judge his location based on the sound, but now that there was no movement, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I was afraid that something might happen to him, so I stopped restraining myself and chased him inside based on my feeling. I couldn't keep up with Boss Bai until I reached the spot where Uncle Hai dug things last time, and the depths of the cave were still dark, as if there was no end.

Just when I was hesitating whether to continue chasing, a pair of hands suddenly patted me on the shoulder from behind. I was so scared that I jumped forward reflexively, and then I put a Zhang Hua evil talisman on my body before I dared to turn my head.

But I found out that there wasn’t any dirty thing behind it, but Boss Bai!

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