Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1241 Eagle Mask

I breathed a sigh of relief and asked him why he came here in the middle of the night. Unexpectedly, Boss Bai's eyes were very cold, as if he didn't know me. He said coldly: "Why are you following me? What are your intentions?"

"What kind of intentions can I have? You guys won't be fooled, right?"

I smiled and patted him, but I was thinking about how to wake him up.

Unexpectedly, Boss Bai's eyeballs suddenly turned red. He roared, roughly pushed me forward, and then he rushed over and grabbed my neck crazily.

At this moment, I suddenly felt scared. Boss Bai must have been possessed by a ghost, and I can conclude that the thing on him is not much worse than the hammer ghost. At least it is not something I can deal with, and he is obviously Want my life.

Fortunately, the Yin spirit relied on Boss Bai's body. After all, Boss Bai was just an ordinary person and his body was relatively weak. I gritted my teeth and used an invisible needle to prick his middle finger. I heard Boss Bai let out a scream like a slaughtering pig. And this voice didn't belong to him at all.

As soon as the voice fell, a golden light flew out of his body. He gave me a vicious look and seemed to be about to pounce on me, but then looked around my body and finally left angrily. Boss Bai was as soft as noodles. fell to the ground.

After being stunned for a few seconds, I realized that the air around me was getting colder, and there was a familiar smell in the air: the hammer ghost!

It turns out that the Yin Spirit just felt that the Hammer Yin Spirit was about to come out, so he ran away unwillingly. After thinking about all this, how can I dare to delay? He picked up Boss Bai and rushed out of the cave, then used Wind Step to return to the small house where he stayed before resting.

Boss Bai was possessed by such a powerful Yin spirit, and his body would definitely be overwhelmed. I quickly fed him a pill, then pounded the talisman ash into a paste and applied it to important acupuncture points on his body.

After that, I took out my two swords and stood alert outside the hut. Just now, the Yin Spirit of the Iron Hammer was alarmed, and Uncle Hai must have felt it too. He should be looking for Boss Bai all over the world now.

There is no need to say more when things have reached this stage. If he dares to come, I will kill him!

Maybe there really is a destiny somewhere. I had always wanted to keep things quiet, but Uncle Hai kept following me. Now I want to get angry, but he didn't show up all night.

Based on Uncle Hai's knowledge of the village and his own ethics, it is not difficult to find Boss Bai, so I can't figure out what other conspiracy he has.

Fortunately, the boss woke up just after dawn the next day. He coughed a few times. When he saw me, his face was happy at first, and then he pretended to be indifferent and said, "Didn't you leave? Why are you coming back?"

"Come on, am I the kind of person who doesn't talk about friendship?"

I punched him, and Boss Bai chuckled, and then asked me incomprehensively what happened before.

"Tell me first, what did you do last night?" I asked back.

Boss Bai must have listened to something Uncle Hai said before he was possessed by something dirty. If I don't come back in time, I'm afraid the two ghosts will conflict, in which case Boss Bai will definitely die. Uncle Hai's move really kills people invisible!

What's more, looking at Boss Bai's appearance, he still doesn't know that he has been plotted by Uncle Hai. Even if he is lucky enough to survive, he will not blame Uncle Hai at all because he doesn't remember what happened.

Of course, I haven't told Boss Bai these words yet, and I have to wait for him to say some things first. If I don't rely on his preconceptions to trust Uncle Hai, things may become complicated.

"Last night? Let me think about it..."

Boss Bai looked like he still had a headache. He rubbed his head and thought for a long time before he started talking to me intermittently.

It turned out that Boss Bai was very angry after I left yesterday, so he walked around the hillside alone. After dawn, he felt relieved. After all, I came to Sanyuan Village just to help him save Xiaoyou. Now Xiaoyou has left safely. He had no reason to ask me to stay.

Since he had no rest the night before, he went back to the village committee and fell asleep. At that time, he found that Uncle Hai was not there, but he didn't care too much and slept until dusk. Later, Uncle Hai came to the village committee to find Boss Bai and said that he had found a way to deal with Yin spirits.

Without my help, Boss Bai didn't know what to do. When he heard this, he quickly asked what the method was. Uncle Hai didn't say anything, but took him to his father-in-law's house.

At that time, Boss Bai thought he should go back to discuss with his father-in-law, but Uncle Hai didn't stop at all and took him directly to his father-in-law's old house.

"Uncle Hai, what are you..."

Although Boss Bai rarely goes back to his wife's hometown, he still knows about the existence of this old house. Now that his father-in-law is not present, Uncle Hai, an outsider, suddenly takes him back to the old house, which makes him somewhat confused.

Uncle Hai still said nothing. He walked forward and smashed the rusty lock with a brick. He led Boss Bai in. He reached the basement door from under the bed in the back room with ease and found an ancient iron door inside. box.

Boss Bai concluded that even his wife didn't know the existence of this darkroom. How did Uncle Hai know about it and still look familiar with it? For a moment, Boss Bai felt that Uncle Hai was not simple, and there were many questions in his heart. But before he could ask, Uncle Hai said without any doubt: "Open the box, and the contents inside will tell you what to do!"

Boss Bai was stunned for a moment, then opened the box with difficulty, and found that there was a mask inside, and the mask was only half. It was not that it was damaged, but it was only half.

The mask was in the shape of an eagle and looked delicate and domineering. As a person in the yinwu circle, he saw the value of this thing at a glance, and immediately took it in his hand and put it on his face.

At this point, Boss Bai stopped. I asked him what happened next. He spread his hands helplessly and said, "After that, my vision went black, and when I woke up, I was here."

"Oh shit!"

After listening to this, I suddenly understood why Uncle Hai didn't show up yesterday. He must have taken the opportunity to transfer the mask.

Seeing my ugly face, Boss Bai asked me what was wrong. I stopped hiding and told everything that had happened from when I suspected Uncle Hai to now. Boss Bai was silent for a long time after hearing this, and finally breathed out weakly. He looked at me and said with a very serious expression: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, I believe you, but I also believe Uncle Hai. He must have some reasons for doing this. Do you believe me? "

"Of course I believe you!"

I replied, and recalling Uncle Hai's appearance, I still felt that he had bad intentions.

After a while, Boss Bai took the lead to break the silence. He asked me what should I do next?

It can be seen that his mood has become very bad. He probably doesn't want to believe that there is something wrong with Uncle Hai!

If my guess is correct, the mask in Boss Bai's father-in-law's house is the ghost that possessed Boss Bai last night, and it has an inseparable relationship with the hammer ghost.

So the top priority is to find that mask first. Uncle Hai must have moved the mask after one night, so I suggested going directly to Uncle Hai’s house to search for it, but Boss Bai refused to give up and asked me to go back to his old house to take a look first!

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