Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,245 Zhang Xiaoai

These days, Yin Xinyue has taken on a historical idol drama and is traveling around the country.

She is like a gourmet shopping guide. Everywhere she goes, she will mail back large and small packages of local specialties. The house is piled up like a big warehouse. I know she is afraid that I will miss her and want me to know where she has been? Have you eaten anything good? Have you seen any good scenery? Want me to try it too.

But this little fool... doesn't he know that it's more important to think about people when you see things?

I took a quick shower and lay on the bed, but I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but just as I felt a little sleepy, suddenly a rapid ringing of the phone started.

"Who is it?" I pressed the answer button and asked in a daze.

"It's me, Zhang Xiaoai. Are you surprised or surprised?" A pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.

I was slightly stunned, and after a quick calculation, I realized that Zhang Xiaoai and I had not been in contact for several years.

Zhang Xiaoai is one of the descendants of several major branches of the Zhang family in Jiangbei. However, in her generation, she no longer engages in the fetish business, but becomes a policewoman. Last time, the Zhang family entrusted me to make a special trip to protect him and prevent Longquan Villa from murdering him.

I vaguely remember that we jointly solved the case of the Wordless Heavenly Book and shattered the Longquan Villa conspiracy. As a result, this little girl was promoted to the captain of the criminal police of Qingjiang City. Now she suddenly came to me. Could it be that she encountered some difficulties?

I hummed lazily and said, "Surprise, surprise, but if you need anything, call me this afternoon! I'm sleepy as hell right now."

"Don't worry, let's sleep in the car later!" Zhang Xiaoai said.

"What, a car?"

When I was confused, an extremely harsh siren suddenly came from the other end of the phone, which suddenly shattered all the sleep I had finally accumulated. I was so shocked that I sat up from the bed in an instant.

"Zhang Xiaoai! Is this how you treat your savior?" I yelled at the phone.

"Let's repay the favor together." Zhang Xiaoai said briefly: "Girl, I encountered a very difficult case this time. I suspect it was not done by humans, but by ghosts! So I want to ask you to come out."

"No!" I said bitterly, "I'm not your subordinate, so why should I be here whenever you call me?"

"I happen to have a few colleagues who went to Wuhan for business. I told them the address of your store. If nothing else, they will be here soon. You still have five minutes to prepare. Let's go into details when you arrive in Qingjiang City." After that, she hung up the phone.

"Damn! I didn't get my job as captain of the criminal police for nothing. He even knows the address of my store." I turned off my phone directly and said angrily, "Who cares about your nonsense? Brother, I have to continue sleeping."

Boom, boom, boom.

As a result, as soon as he closed his eyes and felt a little sleepy, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"It came so fast!" I still didn't want to get up.

But then, something was wrong with the voice.

Click, click, click!

It sounds like the door lock is being turned?

"Could it be that Yin Xinyue is back?" I immediately got up from the bed, put on my clothes and came to the door. As soon as I arrived at the store door, I was pulled away.

Two policemen stood outside.

One male and one female.

The man was like a black tower, about 1.9 meters tall, with a square, dark face, as sharp as a knife.

The woman is like an elf, with a great figure, pointed ears, and is wearing a sky blue police uniform.

"Hello, Boss Zhang! We are the criminal police officers of the Qingjiang City Public Security Bureau. My name is Luo Yang, and this is my sister Luo Li. Our captain said, please go back and cooperate with us to handle the case." Luo Yang saluted me and sounded like Like a copper bell, it buzzed with echoes.

"As expected of the soldiers brought out by Zhang Xiaoai, isn't this way of recruiting people too overbearing?" I was very angry.

Luo Li hung the unlocking tool on her belt and said calmly: "Special cases will be treated with special treatment. Our captain said that only you can solve this case! No matter what method is used, as long as we can tie you to Qingjiang City, it will be enough." A great achievement."

"Boss Zhang, let's set off now! The captain said that no matter what, we will send you to the meeting place before three o'clock in the afternoon." Luo Yang stood still and said.

"Haha, she is so confident. Why do you think I will follow you?" I sneered.

Luo Li took out a briefcase and handed it to me: "The captain said that as long as you see this, you will leave."

"Humph, do you want to bribe me? I'm not short of money." Halfway through my words, I stopped immediately when I saw the contents of the document bag.

Stuffed in the folder were two photos and a piece of paper.

The two photos show the same person, but one is a photo of life and the other is a beheaded corpse.

This is a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, with hair that is dyed in a mixture of red, yellow and blue, and the roots are turned upward. He looks like a non-mainstream person on the Internet. There is also a tattoo of a beautiful girl with a hot figure on his neck. The girl's head is tattooed on his face, and she is pouting hard, as if she wants to kiss him.

It can be seen at a glance that this is a gangster in society.

But in another photo, he turned into a corpse, with his neck neatly cut.

The edge of the knife should be very fast, and there should be no residue or burrs on all the bones and muscles. What's even more weird is that this cut was just right, just avoiding the beautiful girl pattern carved on his neck, as if trying to keep the beautiful girl pattern intact.

The method of committing the crime was extremely bloody and cruel, and also a bit strange.

But what surprised me even more was that piece of paper!

It was an extremely ordinary piece of A4 paper, and it could be seen that it was a police copy.

There was only one big calligraphy written on the paper: Xiao.

There is also a line of explanation below: Eyewitnesses have testified that the deceased received an anonymous envelope on the night of the murder (that is, seven days ago). There was nothing written in the envelope, only this: the word Xiao.

The deceased didn't care at that time and threw it directly into the trash can. As a result, the deceased was killed on the dance floor of the disco at 12 o'clock that night. The whole place was dark for only ten seconds. When the lights came back on, he had already lost his head. move place.

Similar murder cases have occurred three times in succession in Qingjiang City this month. The victims were all minors, and it is suspected that they were committed by the same murderer.

No wonder Zhang Xiaoai was so anxious that she asked me for help.

Judging from various signs, it is difficult to determine what method was used in this case? What was the motive for the murder? It doesn't even look like it can be accomplished by humans, and it's most likely caused by evil spirits.

I have nothing to do with ordinary murder cases, but if it's an evil thing that harms someone, and it's still done in such a cruel way, then I can't just sit back and watch!

"Okay! I'll go with you. Just wait for me." I put the photos and copy paper back into the document bag with a solemn expression, then turned around and went back to the house. I hurriedly packed a few changes of clothes and brought some things that I might need. Then he went out with Luo Yang and his sister.

I was very sleepy at first, but now I have no sleep at all.

In the car, I took out the photo again and carefully considered it, but I still couldn't figure out why.

The Qingjiang police must have studied this murder case countless times. It would be impossible to speculate through conventional means. But what kind of evil thing is it that specializes in killing minors, and will it issue a warning with the word "Xiao" before killing?

The police car was speeding along, and my brain was spinning rapidly.

"Don't take me to see Zhang Xiaoai first, go directly to the funeral parlor where the body is stored!" Suddenly I thought of something and shouted loudly.

"The place where our captain asked you to meet is the funeral parlor." Luo Yang replied without turning his head.

hehe! It seems that Zhang Xiaoai has made great progress, and he actually thought of me, and I smiled.

"Mr. Zhang, we're here."

Not long after, the police car stopped in front of the funeral home.

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