Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,246 Visiting the Funeral Home at Night (Additional Update)

As soon as I got out of the car, I was enveloped by a cool, soothing air.

At this time, it was midsummer and the temperature was still very sultry, but it seemed to be late autumn here and it was extremely cold.

The sky was also gray, and a group of dark clouds rolled in the distance, as if planning a heavy rainstorm.

There was an extremely strange atmosphere in the air, as if there were densely packed people standing in the air on all sides, staring at us closely.

If an ordinary person stood here, he would definitely feel uneasy and extremely uncomfortable.

But I have long been accustomed to it, and naturally I know that this is all because the Yin Qi in the funeral home is too strong.

Luo Li didn't want to go in, so she stayed in the car, while Luo Yang accompanied me and walked in through the side door.

In the cold morgue, there was an iron bed alone, and a tall female police officer stood in front of the bed.

She heard the footsteps and turned towards us.

After many years of not seeing each other, Zhang Xiaoai's lovely face has matured a lot, but her big eyes are even brighter, but they are covered with a layer of dark circles, and her face is extremely haggard. It seems that she has not had a normal rest for a long time.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'll treat you to dinner tonight to make up for it." She smiled and stuck out her tongue at me.

She said she was embarrassed, but I didn't hear the slightest hint of embarrassment, this naughty little girl.

Before I could say anything, she pointed to the body on the iron bed and said, "This is the victim in the photo." Then she lifted the white cloth covering it.

I nodded and observed carefully.

The body has been processed, and there is a long suture on the neck. Judging from the marks, it should be left by the forensic doctor.

The blood of the deceased had been drained and he had been placed in the freezer for a long time. His skin was all white and looked a bit scary.

His body was neatly divided into two halves starting from the neck. His head was dripping with blood, but the beautiful girl pattern on his neck was intact.

I lowered my head and looked at the incision carefully.

One knife, only one knife was used! Just cut off the head of a big living person.

There are no burrs or bruises on the exposed bones and flesh, and the cut surface is very complete.

The murder weapon must have been long and terrifyingly sharp.

Even with my double swords for killing ghosts and gods, it is extremely difficult to do it. After all, there will never be a big living person left motionless for you to cut, and you want to cut it.

With the pattern cut so completely, that's simply impossible!

Absolutely no one can do it.

"The deceased's name is Wang Meng. He was just fifteen years old this year. After his parents divorced, he had been working as a gangster on the streets. He had many fights and thefts." Zhang Xiaoai stood aside and explained quickly.

"On the day he was killed, he had just participated in a duel between a group of bad boys, and then they went to the ballroom to celebrate together. There was a small program in the ballroom, which was to turn off the lights for ten seconds at twelve o'clock in the evening and count down the entire venue."

"According to the person involved, Wang Meng was also on the dance floor, but there were many people at the time and they didn't stand together."

"Ten seconds later, the lights came on, and the crowd suddenly screamed. Wang Meng fell into a pool of blood, his head rolled far away, and blood flowed all over the floor."

"The ballroom manager was relatively experienced. He ordered the waiters and security guards to block all exits on the spot and sealed off the first scene."

"When the police arrived, all the drinkers were there. Although the scene had been trampled on, it was still intact. But except for the half piece of white paper with the word Xiao written on it in his mouth, we found nothing. "Zhang Xiaoai said.

"Did you find any suspicious people at the scene?" I turned around and asked.

"No." Zhang Xiaoai shook his head and continued: "We searched the scene carefully several times, and carefully interrogated everyone at the scene, including the staff in the dance hall, and we did not find any suspicious persons."

"Subsequently, we called out the cameras installed everywhere, and found nothing."

"The strangest thing is..." Zhang Xiaoai paused for a moment: "We took ultraviolet lights and took photos of the place where Wang Meng was killed for a long time, but we couldn't find any footprints or fingerprints left by the murderer."

"Who are the people around him?" I continued to ask.

"Wang Meng was a little prodigal, and of course he wanted to pick up girls when he entered the dance floor. There were a few little girls celebrating their birthdays that day, and Wang Meng was crowded around them. When he suddenly fell to the ground, the little girls were the first to notice. "

"We have repeatedly investigated these little girls. We didn't know Wang Meng at all before. It was even the first time for them to come to the dance hall. They don't look like murderers at all. Moreover, one of the girls was too frightened and is still there. Hospital for psychological treatment.”

I nodded and said: "The method of killing is extremely clean and neat. Let alone a little girl, even a professional killer may not have this ability! Besides, to cut off the head of a living person, the murder weapon must not be small, but you are a little bit No clues were found. It seems that it really doesn’t look like it was done by humans..."

"Well, I have to make sure first, and you can prepare some things for me." I ordered.

"Okay, you say it." Zhang Xiaoai took out his cell phone to record.

"A little piglet, a basket of white radishes, a bundle of straw, go to the paper man shop to buy a paper man and ask for a boy." As I said this, Zhang Xiaoai typed quickly and then sent it out. .

"This is the third similar case." Zhang Xiaoai put away her phone with a solemn look on her face.

"Is it like this every time?"

"Yes, they were all beheaded directly! The forensic doctor judged that it should have been done with the same murder weapon, and the two corpses were also in the morgue." After saying that, Zhang Xiaoai opened the freezer opposite, clicked twice, and pulled out two large iron bed.

I leaned over and took a look, and saw two teenagers lying on the iron bed.

One has dyed white hair and tattoos all over his chest. The other had several silver rings on his nose and lips.

Both of their heads were separated from their bodies, and the scene was horrific.

"One of the two is nicknamed Thorny Tou. After their parents divorced, their mother remarried and their father served ten years of hard labor in prison for committing a crime. The other is nicknamed Mang Niu, and both of his parents are dead."

"They and Wang Meng have always been in a clique and have done all kinds of bad things. But half a year ago, there was some unpleasantness between the three of them, so they stopped contacting each other..."

"The thorny head was found in a barber shop. The owner opened the door in the morning and found signs that the door lock had been pried and there was blood flowing out. He called the police at that time. When we went in, we found the thorny head in the mouth. Da Zhang fell into a pool of blood." Zhang Xiaoai said.

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