Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,247 The Strange Case of Beheading

"He might have wanted to steal something from the barber shop, but he didn't know what had cut off his head... The rolling shutter door was closed, and the owner didn't open it. The scene was well preserved. But except for his own footprints and fingerprints, No trace was found outside." Zhang Xiaoai sighed.

"Mang Niu died in their rental house. After the rent was due, the landlord came to collect the debt. He heard noises in the room, but no one opened the door. I thought he was hiding from the debt, so he took out the key and opened the door. After entering, he I saw the TV was on and the sound was very loud. Mang Niu was leaning on the sofa opposite, holding a can of beer in his hand, but his head rolled to the balcony."

"There were no witnesses to these two cases, and no clues could be found at the scene. Apart from the forensic doctor's finding that the murder weapons in the three cases were the same, there seemed to be no connection at all," Zhang Xiaoai said.

"Do those two dead bodies also have the word '小小' in their mouths?" I asked suddenly.

"Yes." Zhang Xiaoai nodded.

I wondered for a while, what does this mean? Could it be that the murderer wants to explain something to us?

"It has been many years since there has been such a bad homicide in Qingjiang City, and the method is extremely cruel, and the social impact is extremely bad... We are under a lot of pressure overall! I really don't have any ideas, and I think of the wordless book last time I have no choice but to invite you here." Zhang Xiaoai said tiredly.

"Captain Zhang, I brought the things." At this moment, brother and sister Luo Yang and Luo Li walked in.

Luo Li was holding a piglet tied up with five flowers, while Luo Yang was holding a radish basket in one hand and a small paper man in the other.

"It's up to you now." Zhang Xiaoai looked at me with helpless eyes.

I nodded lightly, took out the cinnabar, and first spread it in a circle around Wang Meng's body. Then I told the Luo Li brothers and sisters to put the things they bought in order.

I pulled a few hairs from Wang Meng's head and put one on each of the piglet, white radish, straw pile, and paper man.

"Okay, let's go out first and lock the door." I turned to Zhang Xiaoai and said: "Tonight, you have to arrange for someone to guard here and don't let anything in! The truth will naturally come to light tomorrow morning."

"This is a morgue, how could there be anything..." Luo Li asked in confusion.

Halfway through my words, I suddenly thought that what I just said might be a ghost, and my expression changed.

"Captain, just let me stay here." Luo Yang was quite courageous and said cheerfully.

Zhang Xiaoai nodded and said to Luo Li: "Xiaoli, then you go back to the police station first. You have to go to work tomorrow morning."

Luo Li nodded vigorously, turned around and left.

"Let's go, take me to the crime scene again." I said to Zhang Xiaoai.

"Which one to go to?" Zhang Xiaoai asked.

"Whoever gets killed first will go there," I replied.

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaoai responded briefly and walked away.

The three of us got into the police car and drove straight to the city.

The funeral parlor is far from the city. By the time Luo Li was sent to the police station, it was already dark. Zhang Xiaoai asked me to wait for her and got out of the car with Luo Li.

When he came out again, he had changed into fresh plain clothes. He no longer drove a police car, but a BYD used for investigation and tracking.

Zhang Xiaoai explained to me while driving: "Since the murder, all the tenants in that building have moved out one after another. When it gets dark, no one dares to go outside! Every time they see us in As they walked in and out of the scene, their eyes showed full of fear and contempt, as if they were asking me, has the case been solved? Alas, I really don't dare to face them!"

After speaking, she sighed.

I can totally understand that as such bizarre and bizarre cases happened one after another, she must be under a lot of pressure as the captain of the criminal police.

After driving for more than 20 minutes, we stopped in front of an old residential building.

"Here we are, right here." Zhang Xiaoai pointed to the dark window on the sixth floor and said, "We have been here many times, so there is no need to bother the landlord. I have the key here."

The building is very dilapidated, with all kinds of junk placed in a mess on both sides of the narrow stairs. It is obvious at a glance that the people living here are not rich people.

The voice-activated lights in the corridor were not fully installed, so Zhang Xiaoai opened the door with a black face.

As soon as the door opened, an extremely strong smell of blood immediately hit my face!

I reached back and turned on the light, and the scene in the room immediately came into view.

Although the police came many times, it could still be seen that the scene was still in its original condition.

This is a one-bedroom and one-living room with only about 30 square meters. The room is very messy. There are many beverage bottles, beer cans, and instant noodle bags scattered on the floor. The floor is also dark and it seems that it has never been wiped.

The furniture is very simple and shabby, including a bed, a double sofa, and an old TV from more than ten years ago placed on the broken wooden table.

I can tell what kind of lifestyle the deceased lived without Zhang Xiaoai's introduction.

"Mang Niu died here at that time." Zhang Xiaoai reminded, pointing to the sofa.

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