Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,248 The mysterious QQ number

I nodded and walked forward.

Under the dim light, a black and red blood stain appeared on the sofa.

The blood stain had been cleaned up by the forensic doctor, and a human figure was outlined with white chalk in the middle. It seemed that the deceased was leaning on the sofa and drinking beer.

This should be a state of extreme relaxation - that is to say, at the moment before his death, he did not notice the danger coming, and was killed without any knowledge.

I lowered my head and looked carefully at the back of the sofa, especially where the deceased's neck was broken.

There is no trace, the sofa is intact, not even a little bit broken, which is a bit strange!

Cutting off the head of a big living person with one knife is both clean and cruel. This knife has at least a thousand pounds of strength, but it can't hurt anything other than the deceased at all, as if it is like the sickle of the god of death.

"The doors and windows are all intact, not damaged at all, and this is the sixth floor, and there are no signs of climbing outside the building." Zhang Xiaoai continued.

"The landlord said that the door was locked at the time and there was a lot of noise inside, so she opened the door to collect the debt."

"What's the sound?" I asked.

"It's TV." Zhang Xiaoai replied.

"TV?" I suddenly remembered something and asked again in confusion.

"Yes! When we came, the TV was still on, it was the Oriental TV channel." Zhang Xiaoai added.

Zhang Xiaoai had just introduced it at the crematorium, but at that time I was busy checking the corpse and didn't think about it in detail, but now I felt something was wrong!

This victim was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and he was a non-mainstream follower of trends. How could little kids like them watch TV with their free time?

I turned around and turned on the TV.

This TV is very old. Although it can still be viewed, the colors are a bit off, and there are a few snowflakes appearing from time to time.

This kind of image effect, let alone non-mainstream, may not be acceptable even to the elderly.

But he was just drinking beer and watching this broken TV with relish? This scene sounds a bit weird no matter how you describe it!

I looked at the TV, then at the sofa and asked, "When was he killed?"

"Twenty-three days ago, the medical examiner concluded that it was between 11 a.m. and 3 a.m."

Twenty-three days ago, at 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, Dragon TV...

"What day of the week is that?" I asked suddenly.

"Sunday." Zhang Xiaoai answered quickly.

"Extreme challenge!" I blurted out.

"What?" Zhang Xiaoai didn't understand.

"During this time, Dragon TV is broadcasting a reality show called Extreme Challenge. Go check and see what scenes in that episode will arouse his interest." I explained.

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaoai nodded excitedly when she saw that I finally found a clue that had been overlooked.

I walked around the house again and found that this guy was very unhygienic and was dirty everywhere. The shower head in the bathroom was covered with dust, the sheets were rolled into a ball, as if they had never been washed, and the wall near the head of the bed was rubbed black. But in this darkness, there are two brand new carvings.

It looked like it was scraped out with fingernails.

The notch is two strings of numbers, the upper string is eleven digits, and the lower string is six digits.

"We have confirmed these two strings of numbers." Zhang Xiaoai saw me staring at the notch and introduced to me: "At first we thought it was a phone number, but later it was confirmed that it was a QQ number."

"The QQ account is newly registered and has no friends on it. Moreover, I have also investigated the original data of this QQ account and have never added any friends."

A newly registered QQ account without any friends.

Then why did he record this number on the wall?

"His mobile phone was not found at the scene. We traced the communication records and found that the last call he made that day was to Thorny Head at 10 o'clock in the middle of the night."

I called him at ten o'clock, but he was killed after eleven o'clock.

Then where did his cell phone go? Was it taken away by the murderer?

Obviously, the person who killed him was not looking for money, so what secrets were hidden in the mobile phone?

Whether the person who killed him was a human or a ghost, I am not sure now whether he has been to this house or not.

If he had been here before, the doors and windows were closed, and he was in an unusually relaxed state before his death, obviously not aware of the approaching danger; if he had never been here, then he couldn't have flown away with his cell phone wings, right?

In the "Extreme Challenge" broadcast on Dragon TV, the new registration never added the QQ account of the friend. Is there any connection between this?

I seemed to be stuck in an endless loop, and I seemed to have caught a ball of wool, but I couldn't find the thread for a while.

The house was very small, so I looked through it in a short while and found nothing else.

"Let's go and check out the next scene." I suggested.

Zhang Xiaoai responded and followed me out the door.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Just as I was about to close the door and prepare to leave, I suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xiaoai asked.

The voice-activated light in the corridor was broken, so I couldn't see clearly what was going on outside. But just when we went out and the lights in the room were still on, I suddenly discovered something weird about the corridor!

I saw a red and green couplet posted outside the door. It said family joy, family reunion and so on.

The deceased had made a mess in his house and was too lazy to clean it up. The couplet was obviously not posted by him.

And the upper and lower four corners of the couplet are all engraved with evil-suppressing runes!

According to ancient Chinese customs, not only couplets are posted during the Spring Festival, but also door gods are hung, one to bring good luck and the other to suppress evil spirits.

But now with the development of the times, there is only one door, and you can only choose one couplet or door god, so many businesses simply do a two-in-one.

This couplet is exactly like this, with words on the front and runes to ward off evil spirits in the corners.

But the strange thing about this couplet is that the writing on it is fine, but the evil-suppressing runes at the corners are all cracked, one after another, densely packed, as if someone had deliberately scratched them with a knife. And they were all black, as if they had been burned by fire!

I turned on my phone, set it to lighting mode, looked closely at it, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Yinfeng kills!"

The cracks everywhere on it were actually burned by the cold wind.

Yang has Yang Qi, and Yin has Yin wind. Strong Yang Qi can drive away evil spirits and suppress ghosts, but sufficient Yin wind can also destroy Yang things!

The ghost-suppressing talisman on the couplet is not complete, and it is printed on it. It has very small magic power. If it encounters a strong evil wind, it will naturally not be able to withstand it, but no matter how weak it is, it will not be damaged like this.

Moreover, Yin Feng also left a Yin Wind Killing Formation on the couplet, causing the ghosts within a three-foot radius to scatter into dust and never be reincarnated forever!

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