Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,250 Rescue

It was still raining heavily outside, and I had nowhere to go, so I immediately took out the money and handed it over.

"Wait a moment, we are about to win!" The network administrator stared at the computer and used both hands to knock on the keyboard.

He is playing a game, League of Legends, which is the favorite among young people nowadays, but I have long passed the age of being obsessed with games and have never played it.

"A bunch of pig teammates!"

After a while, the network administrator slapped the keyboard in annoyance, got up and ran to the bar to turn on the machine for me.

I thought he was a bit noisy, so I sat in the corner at the back and leaned lazily on the back of the chair.

All in all, I haven't slept for two whole days and two nights. I was about to get close to the truth just now, and I was still very excited. But now that I calm down, I feel sleepy immediately.

I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep, when I was suddenly awakened by the sound of a chair being pulled.

I looked up and saw a strong man sitting next to me.

He was about forty years old, very tall, weighing more than two hundred kilograms, with a shaved head and a long scar on his face. He looked extremely fierce.

The gap between the computer and the chair was a bit small, and he was pulling the chair back. As if he noticed that I was looking at him, he immediately said harshly to me: "What are you looking at? You can sleep with me."

As he said that, he sat down.

The chair then made a rattling sound, as if it had reached the upper limit of its load-bearing capacity.

I was too lazy to argue with him, and I was so sleepy that I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

After a while, I was woken up again.

But this time I wasn't woken up by the noise, but by the stench - an extremely stinking smell penetrated my nostrils. It made my insides tumble and I couldn't help but want to vomit.

I sat up suddenly, and then I realized that the strong man had taken off his shoes and socks, and was clasping his feet while staring at the screen.

"This is not your home. Can you please put on your shoes?" I said very dissatisfied.

The strong man wore headphones and played the sound very loudly, so he couldn't hear it at all.

I stood up angrily, ready to pull off his headphones and scold him.

But when I saw his screen, I was stunned!

What was playing on the screen was the murder scene, the camera kept shaking, and the angle of view was very strange, as if it was secretly filmed:

The rusty rolling shutter door was full of bloodstains, extending all the way to the outside of the door. There were many people outside the door, and several police officers were guarding outside the two cordons.

The camera continues to move forward, moving through the gaps in the crowd.

The door was in a mess, all the drawers and cabinets had been opened, and the things inside were scattered all over the floor. Judging from the barber tools, hair conditioners, and hair dyes everywhere, this place must be a barber shop.

Lying in a pool of blood was a young man. I guessed it was a young man based on his body shape, because his head had rolled far away.

The camera shook a few more times and stretched forward with great effort. It was obvious that the photographer wanted to take more detailed photos, but the policeman who stopped him refused to let him go any further. In the end, he could only take so much.

The video is very short, only about two or three minutes.

But the big man just kept watching it over and over again, watching it over and over again.

Barber shop, boy who was split open...

Could it be the second victim Zhang Xiaoai said?

But who is this big man? Why are you so interested in this video?

"Help, murder!" Suddenly, there was a cry from outside the door. The tone was very urgent, like the last cry before death.

I followed the cloth all the way here, and I think the murderer must be nearby.

Did someone discover something?

I didn't have time to think much, let alone the big man, and ran out quickly.

The heavy rain had stopped long ago. Through the light at the door, I saw a young man running towards me from a distance. He was about thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing colorful clothes and running desperately.

Following closely behind him were a dozen gangsters of the same age. Their hands were gleaming, as if they were holding some kind of weapon.

"Brother, help me!" The kid ran to me and shouted for help, but he didn't dare to stop and continued running forward.

Several gangsters behind him also ran past me. At this time, I finally saw clearly that these gangsters were carrying watermelon knives in their hands!

The boy in front was running and tripped over something. Just as he was about to struggle to get up, a few gangsters from behind caught up and kicked him to pieces.

"I told you to fucking run away!" the leading gangster shouted, and then kicked him hard again!

"Boss, I don't dare anymore, and I won't dare anymore..." The young man on the ground held his head and begged for mercy.

"After the fuck?" the leading gangster said fiercely: "Anyone who cheated me will die, and Guitou and the others are examples! You should also join them as companions." After saying that, he raised the watermelon in his hand. knife.

"Stop!" I yelled.

It is very common for children to fight, especially street fights among delinquent teenagers. I originally didn't want to take care of it, but I couldn't just watch it happen and people were killed. Moreover, this kid just mentioned the thorn head.

Is this leading gangster the culprit?

The gangster raised his watermelon knife and was about to chop it down when he suddenly heard me shouting. He turned back to look at me, glared and cursed: "Stop meddling in your fucking business! Believe it or not, I'll stab you too? Get out of here."

His posture was extremely fierce, not unlike the Young and Dangerous ones in the movie.

However, I am not even afraid of Longquan Villa, how can I be scared out of my wits by these little losers?

I strode forward. When the gangster saw that I didn't believe in evil, he immediately stretched out his hand and commanded the other two men: "Destroy him!"

The two men rushed towards me with watermelon knives.

I kicked them all to the ground one by one.

The leading gangster was stunned for a moment, then threw the knife with a clang and ran away.

They were running very fast, and there were small alleys everywhere, and it was dark, so I couldn't catch up, so I helped the young man who was lying on the ground up.

"Brother, thank you!" The young man on the ground said gratefully without wiping off the mud and water all over his body.

(It’s getting ready to explode at the end of the month. If you have monthly passes, you can first donate them to Lao Jiu’s new book "The Detective of the Underworld". The new book needs your support! The monthly passes you buy will be added to the two books together.)

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