Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,251 Bad Boys

"Why did he want to kill you?" I asked briefly.

"Oh, it's just that I had a little fun before." The young man answered vaguely, and then he said with a flattering look on his face: "Brother, your kung fu is really great. Can I hang out with you in the future?"

"Why did he want to kill you? It's best to answer honestly." I repeated it again.

The young man couldn't deal with it at first sight and scratched his head: "He just committed something before and then identified him as the mastermind to the police. He felt very unhappy. Well, my name is Zhang Kai. Big brother... what do you call me?"

"Do you know Thorny Tou?" I continued to ask.

When I mentioned Thorny's name, the boy was obviously startled, paused and said, "I know him."

"What about Mang Niu and Wang Meng?"

When he heard me say these names one after another, he was so frightened that he backed away, his face turned pale, his legs became weak and he said, "Brother...who are you? Don't kill me."

"I asked you if you know him?" I stared at him and asked.

"I know, I know..." This guy nodded repeatedly, looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"Well, come back with me. I have something to ask you."

"You're not a policeman, are you?" As soon as he heard that I asked him to go back, his courage immediately grew. He was obviously no longer afraid, and his tone became a bit calmer: "You have all looked for me. Several times! I really didn’t do this. Don’t say I don’t have any grudge against them. Even if I did, I don’t have the ability.”

This guy is not very courageous, and his body is very thin.

"Don't be afraid, I just want to find out something from you." After I said that, I put a hand on his shoulder. I finally found someone who could ask him something, but don't let him run away.

"Let's go." I kicked the knife on the ground.

It was an extremely ordinary watermelon knife. It was by no means a sharp weapon that could split open a living person, and it was definitely not a sinister object.

Zhang Kai was holding my shoulder and couldn't escape at all, so he had to follow me and walk back obediently.

There is also a very suspicious big man in the Internet cafe. He was suddenly disturbed by these gangsters just now, and he didn't even have time to follow up on this clue.

We walked into the Internet cafe and saw that the network administrator was still concentrating on playing games, cursing and smashing the keyboard while playing, but the bald man was missing.

"Where is that person?" I knocked on the network administrator's desktop and asked.


"Just the bald guy."

"Let's go." The network manager said without raising his head.

gone? Why did he leave when I chased him out? I checked the Internet cafe suspiciously.

Even though the big man was gone, the smell of his feet was still there and it was so disgusting.

His computer has been shut down, and the computer in the Internet cafe comes with a restore wizard. Once it is shut down, traces of use will be automatically eliminated, and I can't find anything.

Originally, I wanted to call Zhang Xiaoai and ask her to send a police car to take Zhang Kai away, and then find out who the big man was, but when I thought about her extremely haggard look, I couldn't bear it.

"You stay here and I will take you back tomorrow morning." I said to Zhang Kai.

Zhang Kai had already determined that I was a policeman, so he was no longer afraid. He laughed loudly and said, "Well, brother, please open a machine for me. It will be boring to sit here all night."

"That one is already on, you can play." I pointed to where I was sitting.

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Kai sat down happily and started the computer.

Clicking on the screen, he opened the game icon very skillfully, then raised his head and said to me: "Here comes another bowl of noodles, I haven't eaten yet."

When he said eat, I was a little hungry too.

Yesterday morning, they were taken into the car by the Luo Yang brothers and sisters. Until now, they had only eaten a few slices of bread, and they were really hungry.

"Network administrator, please bring two bowls of noodles." I shouted towards the front.

"Add four sausages and two bottles of drinks!" Zhang Kai took advantage of the situation.

"Wait a moment! It'll be over soon." The network administrator replied while banging on the keyboard.

I sat down next to Zhang Kai. Although this guy was not old, he looked like a slippery man. He might slip away if he was not careful.

The game interface appeared, and Zhang Kai entered the account number very quickly.

"Huh?" Suddenly, I found this series of numbers very familiar, as if I had seen them somewhere.

"Wait a minute!" I suddenly stopped his hand that was about to click to enter the game.

"What...what's wrong?" He was startled and asked me stammeringly.

"Is this QQ account yours?" I asked.

I suddenly remembered where I had seen this string of numbers.

Reckless cow!

The string of numbers carved on Mang Niu's bedside was confirmed to be the QQ number, exactly the same as the account number Zhang Kai entered just now!

This QQ account was newly registered not long ago and does not have any friends. It turns out that it is not used for chatting, but a game account.

How could we have ignored this!

"Yes!" Zhang Kai said innocently: "I've been playing this number for many days, and now it's Silver Four!"

"Who else knows this account besides you?" I pressed.

"No one knows." He said without thinking.

"Does anyone really know?" I stared at him closely.

"Really not..." He just said two words, but when he saw something was wrong in my eyes, he quickly changed his words: "When I first started leveling, I told Ci Tou and Mang Niu, and then I changed the password when I reached the level. I won’t let them play anymore! Their skills are so poor that they lost several steps for me!”

This guy is really heartless. Two friends died so brutally. The only thing he holds grudge against is such a trivial matter.

Why does the evil thing entangle these delinquents?

There must be something they haven't told honestly, and this kid is a breakthrough.

Originally, I wanted to continue asking, but after all, there is a network administrator in this room, which is not convenient. And some things also need to be verified on the spot. Forget it, take him directly to the murder scene after dawn!

After eating instant noodles, I felt sleepy again, so I put a hand on his shoulder and closed my eyes slightly.

"Brother, brother..." I heard him calling me softly in a daze. Before I could react, he picked up my hand and stood up.

"Where are you going?" I woke up suddenly and grabbed his collar tightly.

Zhang Kai shrank his neck in fright and hesitated: "I...I want to poop."

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